Recent Fire Damage Posts

Garage Fire Hazards: Your #1 Guide to Effective Prevention

6/24/2024 (Permalink)

A garage fire that happened in an Athens home. The professionals at SERVPRO are always ready to help you combat fire damage!

Expert insights and practical steps to safeguard your property from fire-related damage.

Garages often contain numerous flammable materials and equipment, making them particularly vulnerable to fire hazards. Effective prevention and management of garage fire hazards are crucial to minimizing damage and ensuring safety. 

This blog post will explore the common causes of garage fires, offer practical prevention tips, and showcase how SERVPRO® expertise can be invaluable in restoring properties affected by garage fires.

What are the common causes of garage fires?

Understanding the common causes of garage fires can help in preventing and managing fire risks effectively:

  • Electrical Malfunctions: Faulty wiring, overloaded circuits, and improper use of electrical equipment can spark fires.
  • Flammable Liquids: Gasoline, paint thinners, and other flammable liquids stored in the garage can ignite if not handled and stored correctly.
  • Heating Equipment: Space heaters and other heating devices can cause fires if placed too close to flammable materials.
  • Improperly Stored Materials: Rags soaked in oil or paint can spontaneously combust if not stored correctly.
  • Mechanical Work: Sparks from welding, grinding, or power tools can ignite flammable substances.
  • Vehicles: Cars, motorcycles, and lawnmowers with hot engines can cause nearby flammable materials to ignite.

How can garage fires lead to property damage?

The impact of garage fires can be severe and rapid. Common issues include:

  • Structural Damage: Fire can weaken walls, floors, and the roof, compromising the structural integrity of the building.
  • Damage to Vehicles and Equipment: Fires can destroy cars, tools, and other valuable items stored in the garage.
  • Spread to Main Property: Fires starting in the garage can quickly spread to the main house or building, causing extensive damage.
  • Smoke Damage: Smoke can infiltrate the entire property, causing damage and leaving behind difficult-to-remove odors.
  • Water Damage: Efforts to extinguish the fire can result in water damage to the property.

Tips to prevent garage fires

Preventing garage fires is achievable with the proper measures. Here’s a list of practical steps to safeguard your property:

Install Smoke Alarms and Heat Detectors

Ensure that your garage is equipped with smoke alarms and heat detectors. Regularly test these devices to ensure they are functioning correctly.

Store Flammable Liquids Safely

Store gasoline, paint thinners, and other flammable liquids in approved containers and away from ignition sources. Keep them in well-ventilated areas and out of direct sunlight.

Maintain Electrical Systems

Regularly inspect the garage’s electrical systems for faulty wiring, overloaded circuits, and other issues. Hire a licensed electrician to make necessary repairs and upgrades.

Use Heating Equipment Safely

Ensure that space heaters and other heating devices are placed away from flammable materials. Never leave heating equipment unattended while in use.

Dispose of Oily Rags Properly

Store oily rags in a metal container with a tight-fitting lid to prevent spontaneous combustion. Dispose of them according to local regulations.

Practice Safe Mechanical Work

When performing mechanical work, keep flammable materials away from sparks. Use fire-resistant mats and shields to contain sparks and heat.

Keep the Garage Clean and Organized

Maintain a clean and organized garage to reduce fire risks. Remove clutter and ensure that flammable materials are stored safely.

Install Fire Extinguishers

Equip your garage with fire extinguishers rated for class B (flammable liquids) and class C (electrical) fires. Ensure that all household members know how to use them.

Regularly Inspect Vehicles and Equipment

Regularly inspect vehicles and equipment stored in the garage for leaks and other issues. Address any problems promptly to prevent potential fire hazards.

A recent garage fire scenario in Athens, Georgia

Last month, in Athens, Georgia, SERVPRO was called to handle a significant fire damage situation caused by a garage fire. A residential property experienced extensive fire damage when an electrical malfunction ignited flammable liquids in the garage. This scenario highlights the importance of prompt and professional intervention in managing garage fire hazards.

Upon receiving the distress call, our SERVPRO team quickly mobilized to assess the situation. The action plan included:

  1. Immediate Fire Damage Assessment: We conducted a thorough assessment of the damage, focusing on identifying the extent of fire, smoke, and water damage.
  2. Fire and Smoke Cleanup: Our team deployed specialized equipment and techniques to remove soot and smoke residues from the affected areas. This step was crucial in mitigating secondary damage and odors.
  3. Water Extraction and Drying: We quickly addressed the water damage caused by firefighting efforts using advanced water extraction and drying equipment.
  4. Structural Repairs: We performed necessary repairs to restore the garage’s structural integrity, including replacing damaged walls, floors, and the roof.
  5. Restoration of Contents: Our team meticulously cleaned and restored salvageable items, including vehicles, tools, and other personal belongings.

This incident in Athens, Georgia, exemplifies the resilience and efficiency of our SERVPRO team. Faced with a potentially devastating garage fire scenario, our swift action and professional expertise salvaged the property and safeguarded it against future vulnerabilities. This case is a testament to our commitment to providing rapid, reliable, comprehensive fire damage restoration services.

Wrapping up

SERVPRO’s reputation in fire damage restoration is built on swift response, advanced technology, and skilled professionals. We understand the nuances of fire damage restoration, particularly in challenging garage fire scenarios. Our team is trained to handle complex situations, ensuring efficient and effective restoration. With SERVPRO, property owners receive comprehensive restoration services tailored to their specific needs.

Choosing SERVPRO for garage fire restoration offers more than just repair services; it provides partnership in property protection. Our quick response, cutting-edge techniques, and customer-centric approach make us a trusted ally in navigating the challenges of fire damage. As we have seen, garage fires can strike unexpectedly. Still, with preparation and the support of SERVPRO professionals, your property can emerge unscathed from the most challenging fire damage incidents.

By following these tips and relying on professional expertise, you can effectively manage and prevent garage fires, ensuring your property remains safe and secure. Whether dealing with minor fire damage or extensive destruction, SERVPRO is here to help with comprehensive fire damage restoration and prevention services.

Winter Fire Damage Restoration: 5 Expert Advantages

1/29/2024 (Permalink)

Winter fire damage to an Athens property SERVPRO is one call away from helping you combat winter fire damage.

Winter fire damage can leave your property exposed to the elements—call SERVPRO® for help.

Welcome to SERVPRO's platform of property wisdom, where we delve into the complexities of restoration. This comprehensive guide addresses a critical concern that looms over many homeowners during the winter months—fire damage. Join us as we explore the seven compelling reasons why seeking the expertise of SERVPRO's professionals is essential when your property falls victim to the chilling grasp of winter fire damage. Embark on a journey through a real-life scenario in Athens, Georgia, where our SERVPRO team sprang into action to salvage a property ravaged by a winter fire and witness the meticulous restoration that ensued.

Why do fires happen more in winter?

Fires tend to occur more frequently in winter due to various factors. In colder months, people rely on heating sources, candles, and holiday decorations, which can pose fire risks. In Athens, a property recently experienced a devastating winter fire caused by an electrical malfunction due to overloaded circuits.

What is the number one cause of house fires in winter?

The number one cause of house fires in winter is heating equipment, including space heaters and furnaces. These appliances can lead to catastrophic fires if not correctly maintained or used. In Athens, the winter fire was attributed to a faulty furnace.

Swift response to fire emergencies

One of the primary benefits of choosing SERVPRO for winter fire damage restoration is our rapid response. In the Athens scenario, our fire damage restoration team arrived promptly to assess the situation. This swift action prevented the fire damage from spreading further, mitigating potential long-term issues.

Expert assessment and safety measures

Our experts thoroughly assessed the winter fire damage in the Athens property. Safety is paramount, and we implemented appropriate measures to protect our team and the property's occupants from hazards associated with fire damage.

Efficient cleanup and decontamination

Winter fire damage entails addressing visible damage and the lingering effects of smoke and soot. Our SERVPRO team employed specialized equipment and techniques to thoroughly clean and decontaminate the affected area. We left no corner untouched, ensuring the property was safe and habitable again.

Comprehensive restoration

Choosing SERVPRO for winter fire damage means opting for a comprehensive restoration. Beyond cleanup, we handled repairs and reconstruction as needed. In Athens, we eliminated the fire damaged portions. We restored the property to its pre-damage condition, providing peace of mind to the property owner.

Assistance with insurance claims

Navigating insurance claims can be daunting after a winter fire. SERVPRO's experts assisted in documenting the damage, estimating the costs, and working with insurance adjusters to expedite the claims process, easing the burden on the property owner.

Scenario in Athens, Georgia:

Amid the frosty winter air of Athens, Georgia, a homeowner faced a devastating fire that erupted due to an electrical malfunction in the furnace. The fire left a trail of destruction, scorching walls, ceilings, and belongings. The homeowner's immediate response was to reach out to SERVPRO for assistance.

Our team, well-versed in swift response to fire emergencies, arrived promptly. We comprehensively assessed the winter fire damage, prioritizing safety measures to protect our team and the property's occupants from potential hazards. With meticulous attention to detail, we undertook the cleanup and decontamination process, ensuring that no trace of smoke or soot remained.

Beyond the cleanup, we embraced the challenge of comprehensive restoration. Repairs and reconstruction were performed to return the property to its pre-damage condition. In this instance, the homeowner was relieved to see their property transformed from a fire-ravaged space into a safe and welcoming home.

Our commitment to excellence extended to assisting with insurance claims. We collaborated with the homeowner to document the damage, estimate the costs, and work with insurance adjusters to expedite the claims process. The homeowner found solace in knowing they had a trusted partner in the restoration journey.

Call SERVPRO for your winter fire damage

Winter fire damage can be devastating, but SERVPRO is the beacon of hope in such adversity. Our rapid response, expert assessment, safety measures, and efficient cleanup and decontamination make us the ideal choice for restoring your property. We go beyond the cleanup, offering comprehensive restoration services that ensure your property is returned to its pre-damage condition.

By choosing SERVPRO, you're not just addressing the immediate issue—you're also gaining a partner in navigating insurance claims. Don't let winter fire damage extinguish your peace of mind. Trust SERVPRO to handle the challenges while you focus on rebuilding your life. Our track record speaks for itself—SERVPRO stands as the epitome of efficiency and expertise, ready to restore your property and sense of security when it comes to restoring winter fire damage.

Arson Property Damage: 5 Essential Steps For Recovery

8/28/2023 (Permalink)

Arson property damage to a residential property in Athens,GA. SERVPRO helps rebuild beyond the flames!

Our fire restoration professionals are just a call away after arson property damage.

In a world where unexpected disasters can strike at any moment, property owners must be prepared to face the aftermath of unfortunate events such as arson property damage. Arson, the deliberate act of setting fire to property, not only leaves a physical mark but also inflicts emotional and financial distress on those affected. When disaster strikes, seeking the right professionals for fire restoration services becomes paramount. SERVPRO® offers expertise, compassion, and efficiency to help property owners rebuild their lives.

What are common signs of arson property damage?

Arson property damage often leaves distinct patterns that trained professionals can recognize. Some common signs include fire starting points that appear unnatural, such as multiple points of origin, irregular burn patterns, and signs of accelerants like gasoline. Additionally, melted glass or plastics might indicate that the fire burned at extremely high temperatures. When faced with these signs, promptly contacting authorities and fire restoration experts is crucial.

Arson strikes in Athens, Georgia

Earlier this year, a devastating incident unfolded in Athens, Georgia, where a local property fell victim to arson property damage. The fire not only ravaged the structure but also took a toll on the emotions of the property owner. In this time of distress, the property owner turned to SERVPRO for assistance. With a swift response, the SERVPRO team arrived to assess the damage and formulate a comprehensive restoration plan.

The dedicated professionals at SERVPRO worked diligently to remove debris, clean soot and smoke residues, and sanitize the affected area. Our state-of-the-art equipment and years of experience ensured every nook and cranny was meticulously restored. Throughout the process, the property owner was kept informed, giving them a sense of control amid the chaos.

Navigating arson property restoration

After an arson property damage incident, the road to recovery might seem daunting. Still, it's possible to rebuild and reclaim the lost sense of security with the proper steps.

  • Step 1—Securing the site: the first step is to ensure the safety of the property by boarding up windows, sealing entry points, and erecting barriers to prevent further damage and unauthorized access.
  • Step 2—Damage assessment: professionals, like those at SERVPRO, conduct a thorough evaluation of the damage to devise a customized restoration plan, addressing both visible and hidden issues.
  • Step 3—Soot and debris removal: a fire's aftermath often involves layers of soot and debris. Professionals use specialized equipment to clean and remove these residues, preparing the space for the next phase.
  • Step 4—Smoke odor neutralization: lingering smoke odors can be pervasive and distressing. Advanced techniques like thermal fogging and ozone treatment are employed to eliminate these odors effectively.
  • Step 5—Reconstruction and restoration: the final step involves rebuilding the property to its pre-damage condition. From structural repairs to repainting, a comprehensive restoration plan is executed to make the property whole once more.

Your trusted partner in arson property restoration

When choosing a fire restoration service provider after an arson property damage incident, the decision should be informed and considerate. Here is where SERVPRO stands out from the rest:

  • Rapid response: time is of the essence in the aftermath of a fire. SERVPRO's 24/7 emergency response ensures that help arrives promptly, preventing further damage and expediting restoration.
  • Expertise and experience: with decades of experience in fire restoration, SERVPRO professionals possess the expertise to handle even the most challenging cases of arson property damage.
  • Comprehensive solutions: SERVPRO offers a complete range of services from initial assessment to final reconstruction, ensuring a seamless restoration journey for property owners.
  • Cutting-edge technology: SERVPRO employs state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to address all aspects of fire damage, including soot removal, smoke odor elimination, and structural repair.
  • Compassionate support: dealing with fire damage is not just a physical challenge but also an emotional one. The empathetic professionals at SERVPRO provide support and guidance throughout the restoration process, offering a sense of reassurance to property owners.

In the face of adversity, SERVPRO stands as a beacon of hope, dedicated to helping property owners overcome the aftermath of arson property damage. With our commitment to excellence, rapid response, and comprehensive solutions, SERVPRO is the partner property owners can trust to guide them through restoration and recovery.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, the aftermath of arson property damage can be a harrowing experience for property owners. Recognizing the signs of arson, understanding its types, and taking swift action are essential to mitigating further damage. The case of the Athens, Georgia incident serves as a testament to the effectiveness of SERVPRO's fire restoration services in times of crisis. With a customer-centric approach, advanced technology, and a team of dedicated professionals, SERVPRO emerges as the ideal choice for property owners seeking restoration after arson property damage. Remember, when disaster strikes, SERVPRO of Athens rises to the occasion, turning devastation into a story of resilience and renewal.

Candle Fires: 5 Effective Safety Tips to Prevent Fire Damage

3/27/2023 (Permalink)

Three candles in close proximity to each other. Contact the team that is always available after candle fires cause destruction.

The professionals at SERVPRO of Athens have seen firsthand the devastating effects candle fires can have on your home or business.

Throughout the year, the professionals at SERVPRO receive numerous calls regarding property damage due to candle fires. For example, last winter, we received an emergency fire damage call after a candle fire caused extensive smoke damage to a home.

Candle fires often result in severe property damage. In the following blog post, we have included five tips to help prevent candle fires and minimize the risk of property damage.

Before we begin: if a candle fire has recently damaged your property, don't hesitate to contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Athens immediately. We are available 24/7 to help get your home back in pre-damaged condition. Read on for more information about candle fire prevention!

What are the common causes of candle fires?

Although candle fires are common and a variety of factors contribute to them, careless candle use is the most common cause of candle fires. Because of this, candle users need to take proper safety precautions when burning and extinguishing candle flames. 

Some of the more commonly seen causes of candle fires due to careless candle use include:

  • Leaving a candle unattended
  • Burning multiple candles too close together
  • Placing a candle in an area with flammable materials
  • Failing to extinguish a candle flame completely.

SERVPRO's 5 candle fire safety tips

Now that you know the common causes of candle fires, let's look at how to protect your property against candle fire-related damage.

Tip 1: Keep candles away from flammable materials

When burning candles, keep them away from flammable items such as curtains, furniture, and clothing. Additionally, always place candles on a heat-resistant surface.

Tip 2: Trim candle wicks

Always make sure to trim candle wicks before burning. Long candle wicks can cause candle flames to become too large, increasing the risk of candle fire-related property damage.

Tip 3: Extinguish the candle when not in use

When leaving a candle unattended, always make sure to extinguish the candle flame. Never leave candle flames burning overnight or when you are away from your property for an extended period.

Tip 4: Don't burn multiple candles too close together

When burning multiple candles, keep them at least six inches apart. Burning numerous candles too close together can lead to candle fire-related property damage.

Tip 5: Do not use liquid accelerants to start candle fires

Never use flammable liquids, such as gasoline or alcohol, to start candle fires. This practice is hazardous and can result in candle fire-related property damage.

Steps to follow after a candle fire causes destruction

After a candle fire has caused damage to your property, it is essential to take the proper steps for candle fire cleanup and restoration.

Step 1: Contact your insurance company

You must contact your insurance company immediately after a candle fire has damaged your property. Your insurance company will be able to guide you through how to file a claim and what type of candle fire cleanup and restoration is necessary.

Step 2: Contact a fire restoration company

Once you've gotten in touch with your insurance company, contacting a fire restoration company as quickly as possible is essential. The company you hire should be available 24/7 to help get your property back to its pre-damaged condition in no time.

Step 3: Document the damages

Document the damage with photos and videos once the candle fire has been extinguished and cleanup efforts have begun. Documentation is essential not only for insurance claims but also for fire restoration companies which can better assess the extent of damage when provided with visual documentation.

The professionals at SERVPRO of Athens can handle any fire damage

When candle fire-related property damage occurs, the team at SERVPRO of Athens is prepared to help get your property back to its pre-damaged condition. Our technicians have the experience and knowledge necessary to combat candle fire damage.

We understand that candle fires can be a stressful and overwhelming experience for homeowners and business owners alike, so we're committed to providing the highest level of service and restoring your property quickly and efficiently.

No matter the extent of candle fire-related property damage, you can trust SERVPRO of Athens to restore your home or business to its pre-damaged condition. We are available 24/7 to help get your property back on track.

Contact us today to learn more about our fire damage cleanup and restoration services. With our help, you can regain peace of mind knowing that SERVPRO of Athens is here to restore your property.

4 Tips to Avoid a Space Heater Fire in Your Home

10/24/2022 (Permalink)

A space heater in a Athens home. The fire restoration professionals at SERVPRO can help you recover from a space heater fire!

Space heaters are one of the leading causes of house fires during winter.

The professionals at SERVPRO of Athens receive many calls every winter season regarding fire damage to homes and businesses. One of the leading causes of this fire damage in winter is space heaters. That is because space heaters have become popular to stay warm as temperatures drop.

We have put together this blog post today to provide some space heater safety tips that help prevent space heater fires in your home or office. We want to help you avoid fire damage this winter!

What is a space heater?

A space heater is a device used to heat a single space or room, not the entire building. Space heaters are portable and usually powered by electricity, natural gas, propane, or kerosene. The most important thing to remember about space heaters is to use them safely. You can quickly start a space heater fire if you aren't careful.

How do space heater fires start?

Before we get into the safe use of space heaters, let's talk about how space heater fires start. The three primary ways space heater fires start are:

  1. Unattended space heaters
  2. Placing space heaters too close to flammable objects
  3. Faulty space heaters causing electrical fires

Four safety tips to help you avoid space heater fires

Now that we've looked at how space heater fires start let's discuss some safety tips to help prevent space heater fires. Here are four space heater safety tips:

1) Keep space heaters away from flammable objects.

The first safety tip is to keep space heaters away from flammable objects. Everyday flammable objects include furniture, clothing, bedding, curtains, towels, and anything else that can easily catch fire.

2) Never leave space heaters unattended.

The second space heater safety tip is never to leave space heaters unattended. If you have to leave the room for any reason, turn off the space heater and unplug it before you go.

3) Don't use space heaters with extension cords.

The third safety tip is never to use space heaters with extension cords. Space heaters are designed to be plugged directly into an outlet. If you have no choice but to use an extension cord, choose one that is heavy-duty and rated for the space heater's wattage.

4) Inspect space heaters regularly.

The fourth space heater safety tip is to inspect space heaters regularly. Look for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, frayed cords, or loose plugs. If you find any damage, do not use the space heater and dispose of it properly.

What to do if you have a space heater fire?

When a space heater fire breaks out on your property, you must contact the fire department immediately. Once the fire has been put out, you will want a reliable fire restoration company to help with the cleanup and restoration process. The right company will be able to:

  • Remove all smoke and soot residue
  • Clean and deodorize all surfaces
  • Restore any damaged items

SERVPRO of Athens—the go-to company for fire restoration services

If you're looking for a reliable fire restoration company after a space heater fire, then SERVPRO of Athens is a perfect choice. We have years of experience in the fire restoration industry, and we know how to get the job done right. We'll remove all the smoke and soot residues from your property, clean and deodorize all surfaces, and restore damaged items.

All our professionals have undergone training from the IICRC, and we are certified in fire restoration. We're also experienced in water damage restoration, mold remediation, and biohazard cleanup.

SERVPRO of Athens is here to help when you need reliable fire restoration services. Contact us today for an estimate!

3 Primary Causes of Kitchen Fires & Effective Restoration

7/8/2022 (Permalink)

Kitchen fire damage in an Athens Georgia home The professionals at SERVPRO are available 24/7 for fire restoration services!

Kitchen fires can cause a lot of damage, but we’re here to help!

Did you know kitchen fires are one of the leading causes of property damage in the United States? According to the National Fire Protection Association, kitchen fires are the leading cause of home fires and fire-related injuries in the United States.

The good news is that you can prevent most kitchen fires by being vigilant when cooking and staying aware of your surroundings.

In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of kitchen fires and how to prevent them. We will also discuss fire damage restoration services and how they can help you recover from a kitchen fire.

Property damage from kitchen fires

There are often three types of damage that result from kitchen fires:

  • Fire damage: This is the damage caused by the flames of the fire.
  • Smoke damage: This is caused by the smoke and soot that can travel through a home and settle on surfaces.
  • Water damage: This is caused by the water used to extinguish the fire.

3 leading causes of kitchen fires

Kitchen fires can be caused by a variety of things, including:

  1. Unattended cooking
  2. Leaving the oven or stovetop on
  3. Grease buildup
  1. Unattended cooking is the leading cause of kitchen fires. Therefore, it is crucial to stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings when cooking. If you have to leave the kitchen for any reason, turn off the stove or oven.
  2. Leaving the oven or stovetop on is another leading cause of kitchen fires. If you are not using the stove or oven, turn it off.
  3. Grease buildup is a common cause of kitchen fires. When grease builds up on stovetops and ovens, it can become a fire hazard. To prevent grease buildup, clean your stovetop and range regularly.

Preventing kitchen fires

The best way to prevent kitchen fires is to be vigilant when cooking and stay aware of your surroundings. If you have to leave the kitchen for any reason, turn off the stove or oven. Additionally, keep your stovetop and oven clean to prevent grease buildup.

Fire damage restoration services

If you have been the victim of a kitchen fire, it is essential to contact a fire restoration company as soon as possible. Fire restoration companies specialize in repairing fire damage and can help you get your kitchen back to its pre-fire condition.

The experts at SERVPRO can help restore your property from all three types of damage: fire, smoke, and water.

Our process starts with an initial assessment. During this step, we will take pictures of the damage and generate an initial estimate used by insurance companies.

We will then develop a plan of action to repair the damage and restore your kitchen, providing you with a timeline and details about your unique situation.

Trusting a fire damage restoration team like the one at SERVPRO of Athens can help you get your home back to its original condition as soon as possible and get your insurance claim processed promptly.

SERVPRO of Athens: we can help you recover from kitchen fires!

Most people don’t realize that recovering from kitchen fires involves addressing three distinct types of damage:

  • Fire damage
  • Smoke damage
  • Water damage

The key to preventing kitchen fires in the first place is paying attention while you’re cooking. Additionally, keeping your oven clean and turning it off when not in use can help prevent kitchen fires.

SERVPRO of Athens can help property owners deal with the aftermath of kitchen fires. Our expert team of disaster restoration specialists can be onsite within minutes and have the experience to get your home back to “Like it never even happened” while helping you navigate the insurance claims process. So give us a call or reach out via our contact page today!

Electrical Fire: 7 Potential Causes & Expert Recovery

5/13/2022 (Permalink)

A fire caused by a faulty electrical outlet Contact the professionals at SERVPRO if your property suffers from an electrical fire!

Let our experts help with the property damage from an electrical fire!

If you've ever experienced an electrical fire, you know the damage it does to your home and belongings.

Electrical fires are caused by many things, from overloaded circuits to faulty wiring. Because of the potential for damage, it's essential to know how to extinguish an electrical fire and what steps to take after one has occurred. So read on for tips on dealing with an electrical fire and preventing them from happening in the first place!

The dangers of an electrical fire

An electrical fire can cause a lot of damage, and it's important to be aware of the risks involved. Some of the dangers of electrical fires include:

Fire: An electrical fire can quickly get out of control and cause extensive damage to your home and belongings.

- Smoke inhalation: The smoke from an electrical fire can affect belongings and the HVAC system, requiring expert smoke damage restoration.

- Structural: Your electrical system can become compromised, requiring extensive repair for continued functionality.

What causes an electrical fire?

An electrical fire can be caused by many different things, including:

  • Overloaded circuits
  • Faulty wiring
  • Defective electrical equipment
  • Improper use of electrical appliances
  • Lighting fixtures and wiring
  • Faulty extension cords
  • Power strips

If you're ever faced with an electrical fire, it's essential to know how to extinguish it before it causes more damage to your property. Read on for tips on handling an electrical fire and preventing them from happening in the first place!

How to handle an electrical fire

If you're ever faced with an electrical fire, it's essential to know how to handle it to get your life back to "Like it never even happened."

If you have an electrical fire, the first thing you should do is call 911. Once the fire department arrives, they will be able to assess the situation and determine the best course of action.

If the electrical fire is small and contained, you may be able to extinguish it with a fire extinguisher. However, if the fire is large or out of control, you should evacuate the premises and let the professionals handle it.

The importance of fire damage restoration after an electrical fire

If you've ever experienced an electrical fire, you know how devastating it can be to your home and belongings.

When it comes to electrical fires, the damage doesn't stop when the fire is extinguished. The damage can continue to spread long after the fire has been put out.

That's why it's so important to call in a professional fire damage restoration team as soon as possible after an electrical fire. Fire damage restoration experts have the training and experience necessary to properly assess the damage and take steps to prevent further damage from occurring.

They will also be able to help you salvage any belongings that have been affected by the fire and will work with you to get your life back to "Like it never even happened."

Preventing electrical fires

While electrical fires can be caused by many different things, there are some steps you can take to help prevent them from happening in the first place. Some tips for preventing electrical fires include:

  • Check your electrical cords and wiring regularly for signs of wear and tear.
  • Do not overload circuits or extension cords.
  • Use electrical appliances and equipment as directed.
  • Inspect electrical equipment for damage before using it.
  • Do not use electrical equipment in wet areas.

If you're ever unsure about something electrical in your home, it's always better to err on the side of caution.

SERVPRO of Athens: we're here to help you with electrical fire recovery!

Electrical fires are one of the most common types of fires in the home. They can be caused by various things, from overloaded circuits to faulty wiring.

In this article, we've provided tips on dealing with electrical fires and preventing them from happening in the first place!

If you face fire damage to your property, give the fire damage restoration team at SERVPRO of Athens a call today! Our experts can help get your property "Like it never even happened."

Smoke Detectors 101: Find The Best Fit For Your Home!

5/3/2022 (Permalink)

An active smoke detector Contact the professionals at SERVPRO for quality fire restoration services!

Smoke detectors play a vital role in protecting your property from fire damage.

If you're like most people, you probably don't think about smoke detectors until there's a fire. And then it's usually too late.

Smoke detectors are an essential part of any home safety plan, and it's important to know how to use them properly and what to do if they go off. They can help to prevent fires from happening and can also help to minimize the damage caused by a fire if one does occur.

This article will discuss smoke detectors and their importance, where they should be placed in your home, and how often you should test them. We will also provide some tips on fire damage restoration if you ever find yourself in that situation.

The two main types of smoke detectors

There are two main types of smoke detectors on the market, and it's essential to know about both so that you can decide which one is best for your home.

Photoelectric smoke detectors are the most common type of smoke detector. They are designed to detect smoke particles released when a fire starts. Photoelectric smoke detectors are usually more sensitive than ionization smoke detectors, and they can often catch fire sooner.

Ionization smoke detectors are less common, but they are still popular for many homeowners. These smoke detectors work by measuring the ionization of smoke particles using a small current. Ionization smoke detectors are often less sensitive than photoelectric smoke detectors, but they can also be cheaper to purchase and install.

When choosing a smoke detector for your home, it's important to carefully consider both the type and the location of the smoke detector. Some features include a high smoke sensitivity level, an easy installation process, and a reliable battery life.

In short, photoelectric smoke detectors are best when you are likely to see a fire, like a kitchen during a grease fire.

Where should I place smoke detectors?

In general, place smoke detectors on every level of your home, including the basement.

In terms of location, smoke detectors should be placed in areas where fires are most likely to occur, such as near cooking appliances or heaters.

You should install most smoke detectors on the ceiling, but some models work when placed on the wall. Put them in areas where the most smoke would accumulate, such as near the kitchen or in a hallway.

How often should I test my smoke detectors?

Smoke detectors need to be tested regularly to ensure that they are working correctly. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends testing smoke detectors at least once a month.

You can test your smoke detectors by pushing the test button. If the smoke detector doesn't respond, change the batteries and try again. If it still doesn't respond, it needs to be replaced.

In addition to testing smoke detectors regularly, it's also important to replace smoke detector batteries at least once a year. You can purchase smoke detector batteries in bulk and keep them on hand for the next time you need to swap out your smoke detector batteries.

What to do if smoke detectors go off

If a smoke detector does go off unexpectedly, take immediate action; this may include evacuating the home and calling the fire department. Smoke detectors can save lives, so it's important to know how they work and where to put them in your home.

If you ever experience a fire damage emergency, SERVPRO of Athens is here to help. We are a leading provider of fire damage restoration services, and we have the experience and expertise to get your home back to its pre-fire condition.

We understand that a fire can be a traumatic event, and we will work diligently to restore your home as quickly as possible. We will also work with your insurance company to ensure that you get the coverage you need.

SERVPRO of Athens is here for you!

If you're looking for smoke detectors to help minimize fire damage in your home, investigate the two main types of smoke detectors: photoelectric and ionization smoke detectors.

And when choosing a smoke detector for your home, make sure to keep safety, ease of installation, and battery life in mind. Then, with the correct smoke detector in place, you can rest easy, knowing that your home is protected against fire damage.

To learn more about smoke detectors and fire damage restoration services, contact SERVPRO of Athens today.

Steps to Fire Restoration with SERVPRO

3/15/2022 (Permalink)

Every fire damage event is a little different, and requires a unique solution, but the general process stays the same. The steps listed below illustrate our process for the “typical” fire damage emergency.

Step 1: Emergency Contact

The restoration process begins when you call us. Our representative will ask questions regarding the fire damage event that will help us respond immediately with the appropriate equipment and resources. 

Step 2: Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment

We carefully inspect and test adjoining rooms of your property to determine the extent of the fire, smoke, and soot damage. This step is crucial to developing a plan of action. 

Step 3: Immediate Board-Up and Roof-Tarp Service

Fire damage can often compromise windows, walls, and roofs. To maintain security and to protect against further damage, we can board up missing windows and walls and place tarps on damaged roofs. 

Step 4: Water Removal and Drying (if water damage is present)

The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes the majority of the water. We then use dehumidifiers and air movers to remove the remaining water and complete the drying process. 

Step 5: Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces

We use specialized equipment and techniques to remove smoke and soot from ceilings, walls, and other surfaces. 

Step 6: Cleaning and Sanitizing

We clean, sanitize, and disinfect all of the restorable items and structures that were damaged by the fire. We use a variety of cleaning techniques to restore your belongings to pre-fire condition. We’re also trained to remove odors using industrial air scrubbers and fogging equipment.

Step 7: Restoration

Restoration is the final step—getting your home or business to its pre-fire condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, painting, and installing new carpet; or it may entail major repairs such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

Creating an Evacuation Plan

3/15/2022 (Permalink)

Most people know that they should have a home fire escape plan. Few are willing to make the effort to create one. After all, home fires aren’t that common. Fire planning is likely to end up near the bottom of their to-do lists.

There are Three Steps To the Process:

  1. Prepare a plan. Involve everyone in the family. Engaging everyone makes the following steps simpler.

  2. Walkthrough the plan. None of this will become real to your family until they experience it. This will also expose flaws or anything you missed.

  3. Run fire drills. At first, schedule them. If that goes well, try some unscheduled ones. Use the test buttons on your fire detectors.

Following are a few considerations when preparing the plan.

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

You see fire escape plans near exit doors and in hotel rooms. It is a simple picture of the floor plan showing where you are and how to exit the building. This concept works as well in homes as it does in commercial establishments.

A Single Exit Is Not Enough

What happens if a home fire blocks your preferred exit? Make sure your plan allows for alternate exits. There should be exits at opposite ends of the home if possible.

A Meeting Place Is the Key to a Successful Evacuation

When it comes to evacuating a burning home, the most important thing is to get out safely. The second most important thing is to know that everyone else is safe. The only reliable way to do this is to establish a common meeting place. Everyone who gets out must go directly to that place and meet up with the others.

The Helpful Ozone

3/15/2022 (Permalink)

Are you one of the 1.3 million people each year that has had a home fire? How will you ever get rid of that smell?  OZONING!  What is ozoning and how does it work?

Normal oxygen (O2) is converted to O3, which is commonly called ozone.  It reverts back to O2 in about an hour if the O3 is unused.  This leaves the air fresh and clean because the source of the order has been permanently removed.  And there are no artificial odors so the space becomes free of odors, as nature intended.

Outdoors, nature eliminates odors and microorganisms using UV light and O3.  Indoors, most places receive very little UV light or O3 to help eliminate the odors.  An ozone machine creates O3, or ozone, in a process that utilizes an electrical current.  Ozone sanitizes the air by breaking down odors and microorganisms at their source.

Nature creates O3 as a natural cleaning during thunderstorms, and also from the sunlight striking the earth’s atmosphere.  We have all taken a walk after a thunderstorm and experienced that fresh clean, fresh smell in the air.  That’s O3, or ozone, at work.

SERVPRO also offers a service at our facility where we can ozone specific items like clothing, furniture, or anything that has smoke damage and get it smelling better than new.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (706) 549-3366

The Basics of Smoke Odor Remediation

6/21/2021 (Permalink)

House fires often cause a significant amount of residual smoke odor. While smoke cleaning products advertise odor removal, most fires will require the expertise of a remediation company in Athens, GA. Odor remediation typically comprises a four-step process.

  1. Remove damaged items
  2. Clean
  3. Run equipment
  4. Seal materials

4 Steps For Smoke Odor Remediation

1. Remove Damaged Items

To get an actual idea of the level odor in your home, a remediation crew will want to remove any visible smoke damage, including damaged items that may hold odor. The salvageable items removed from your house will undergo cleaning separate from the property. You can find several local cleaners who specialize in smoke-damaged materials.

2. Clean

With all loose items and debris out of your home, the remediation crew will begin the smoke cleaning process. The physical cleaning may involve disinfectants, detergents, and other materials to scrub and remove the remaining soot. However, the company may spend a significant amount of time vacuuming the space to ensure they do not make matters worse.

3. Run Equipment

The mitigation crew may use a variety of equipment to help reduce the odors in the air. For example, air filtration devices, thermal foggers, and ozone machines are standard tools used in odor removal. The team may also need to use shop vacs, water pumps, and dehumidifiers to remove excess water and dry the house from fire hose exposure.

4. Seal Materials

Many remediation companies may suggest sealing porous materials, like wood floors, to trap the odor rather than replacing the material. While replacement is the best way to remove odor, it is not the most cost-effective solution, especially when the structure and appearance of the material remain intact.

Many homeowners try DIY smoke cleaning to save a few bucks, but when dealing with the aftermath of a significant fire, DIY methods are not the most workable solutions. Contact a fire remediation specialist to discuss alternatives and assessments.

What To Know About an Emergency Board Up

6/21/2021 (Permalink)

If your Athens, GA home has suffered fire damage then you may be looking at the option of doing a board up over the damaged area. There are several reasons you may want to consider this process. Here’s what you may want to know.

How Boarding Up Can Protect Your Home

Having an emergency board up done to protect damaged areas of your home can help protect it from a number of things. Boarding over can

  • Prevent inclement weather such as rain or snow from getting inside
  • Reduce the possibility of wind damage
  • Discourage animals from exploring the damaged area
  • Reduce the risk of human trespassers
  • Prevent a liability claim from someone who got into the damaged area
  • Help maintain insurance eligibility

Insurance Benefits of Boarding Over Damaged Areas

In many cases, your insurance company may require you to board up the damaged area before they will accept your claim. Most policies cover only the initial damages and consider a failure to protect the area before repairs can be made an act of neglect. Boarding over the damage can help show them that you take your responsibilities as a homeowner seriously.

Proper Boarding Up Procedures

Boarding over the damage involves using ply-board or tarps in most cases. It’s important to cover all the damage and secure the edges to prevent weather or animals from getting in. A professional restoration service may be able to do the job for you if you have concerns.

Boarding over the damaged area can not only help protect your home from weather and animals but it may be required by your insurance company when filing a claim. Fortunately, many restoration services offer the option to have their team do the board up for you. When it comes to protecting your home from fire damage, boarding over the area can help save both time and further costly repairs down the road.

What Factors Typically Influence Fire and Smoke Removal?

6/1/2021 (Permalink)

Fire incidents lead to different challenging outcomes. After such an incident, restoring property may require several processes, including removal of damaged materials and accumulated fire residues. Although a significant percentage of materials are readily removable, some might prove challenging to address.

An issue such as the fire's intensity or the type of materials in the property can alter the outcome, affecting the ease of fire and smoke removal. Smoldering fires emit minimal heat and produce wet residues, which are difficult to clean off surfaces. Before SERVPRO embarks on restoration of the damaged property, we check for issues like:

  • Type of surfaces since porous top allow deeper penetration of residues
  • Amount of moisture involved
  • Whether there are older materials or contents
  • Signs of residue impingement on flat surfaces`

With a deeper understanding of fire loss situations, our SERVPRO technicians maximize the use of different resources, including better mechanical agitation and chemical product application, to ease the cleanup processes.

With assistance from SERVPRO of Athens, it is easier to complete fire and smoke removal exercises at your property. Call (706) 549-3366 for immediate assistance.

Top 3 Gas Range Cleaners

4/6/2021 (Permalink)

Top Three Gas Stove Cleaning Solutions

When you cook at home, food debris and grease accumulate on a stovetop. Glass-top electric ranges call for specialized cleaning solutions, but several standard household cleaners can be effective for a gas range. 

1. Vinegar
Distilled white vinegar is a common household cleaner. Diluted acetic acid can loosen food stuck onto the surface of a gas range, dissolve cooking grease and banish the smoke smell. For more scrubbing power, sprinkle the stove surface with baking soda.
Most cleaning experts recommend making a one-to-one mixture of 5% distilled vinegar or 6% cleaning vinegar and water to clean a stovetop. Remove the grates before spraying the surface and allow the vinegar to sit for a minute before wiping.

2. Dish Soap
Dish soap contains degreasing agents. If you do not have vinegar on hand or prefer to use soap, you can use this mixture to clean the entire stove or focus on areas with built-up grease.
If you plan to clean the entire range with dish soap, you may want to spray on a diluted mixture. You can also use full-strength soap on grease buildup by applying this cleaner directly to a scrub brush.

3. Degreaser
If it has been a while since your last range cleaning, you may get the best results from the degreaser. These powerful cleaning formulas are formulated to dissolve heavy buildup.

Follow the instructions for any brand of degreaser you buy. These treatments should generally be sprayed on and given several minutes to penetrate before being wiped off.
It is important to regularly wipe down the gas range at a residence in Athens, GA. A dirty stove and combustibles that are kept too close to cooking areas can cause or intensify a kitchen fire. Regular cleaning and good fire safety practices can greatly reduce the risk of a house fire.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (706) 549-3366

Evacuation Plan

4/6/2021 (Permalink)

Most people know that they should have a home fire escape plan. Few are willing to make the effort to create one. After all, home fires aren’t that common. Fire planning is likely to end up near the bottom of their to-do lists.

There are Three Steps To the Process:

  1. Prepare a plan. Involve everyone in the family. Engaging everyone makes the following steps simpler.

  2. Walkthrough the plan. None of this will become real to your family until they experience it. This will also expose flaws or anything you missed.

  3. Run fire drills. At first, schedule them. If that goes well, try some unscheduled ones. Use the test buttons on your fire detectors.

Following are a few considerations when preparing the plan.

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

You see fire escape plans near exit doors and in hotel rooms. It is a simple picture of the floor plan showing where you are and how to exit the building. This concept works as well in homes as it does in commercial establishments.

A Single Exit Is Not Enough

What happens if a home fire blocks your preferred exit? Make sure your plan allows for alternate exits. There should be exits at opposite ends of the home if possible.

A Meeting Place Is the Key to a Successful Evacuation

When it comes to evacuating a burning home, the most important thing is to get out safely. The second most important thing is to know that everyone else is safe. The only reliable way to do this is to establish a common meeting place. Everyone who gets out must go directly to that place and meet up with the others.


4/6/2021 (Permalink)

Portable fire extinguishers can be life and property-saving tools when used correctly. In order to operate an extinguisher, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) suggests remembering the word PASS:

  • Pull the pin. Hold the nozzle pointing away from you and release the locking mechanism.
  • Aim low. Point the extinguisher at the base of the fire.
  • Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly.
  • Sweep the nozzle from side to side.

Read the instructions on the fire extinguisher and become familiar with them before a fire breaks out. Remember, extinguishers do have limitations. It is also important to ensure you have the correct type of extinguisher for your facility. To find more information on choosing the appropriate class of extinguishers, please visit the NFPA website at

*Courtesy of Restoration Newsline Vol 30, Iss 2

5 Essential Burn First Aid Tips

6/29/2020 (Permalink)

When you think offiredamage, charred property and soot buildup requiring professional cleanup and restoration may be the first images that come to mind. Intense heat and flames can, however, also singe clothing and flesh. Employees that work with flammable liquids and other ordinary combustibles may be particularly vulnerable to burns. Regardless of the nature of your Athens, GA business, burn first aid is valuable knowledge that can be extremely useful, especially in emergency situations.

1. Recognize When To Call 911

Burns can range from minor to serious. If the skin appears charred or dry and leathery, call 911 for emergency assistance. You should also seek immediate medical care if the wound is larger than three inches in diameter or affects a major joint, your feet, hands, face, buttocks or groin.

2. Cool the Burn

You can treat smaller burns that present with superficial redness by applying simple first aid techniques. Begin by applying a cold compress or running cool water over the affected area. Because excessively cold fluid can cause further irritation and damage, refrain from using ice packs or cold water.

3. Remove Jewelry

Topicalfire damagemay cause swelling. Because of this, remove rings and other jewelry from the affected site.

4. Apply Ointment

To soothe and protect damaged skin, apply a petroleum-based ointment. Aloe vera may also be effective. Avoid using lotions, oils, creams and butter, which may contain irritating ingredients or cause an infection.

5. Bandage the Wound

To further protect the area, loosely wrap the wound in sterile gauze. Refrain from using cotton dressings that may stick to the skin’s surface.
As you bandage the wound, take caution around any existing blisters. Although they may appear unsightly, blisters can protect the site from infection and should never be intentionally popped.
Burns are a form offire damagethat require prompt attention. First aid can help everyone recognize the severity of the wound and administer the most appropriate care.

Do you have smoke smell in your home?

6/25/2020 (Permalink)

Are you one of the 1.3 million people each year that has had a home fire? How will you ever get rid of that smell?  OZONING!  What is ozoning and how does it work?

Normal oxygen (O2) is converted to O3, which is commonly called ozone.  It reverts back to O2 in about an hour if the O3 is unused.  This leaves the air fresh and clean because the source of the order has been permanently removed.  And there are no artificial odors so the space becomes free of odors, as nature intended.

Outdoors, nature eliminates odors and microorganisms using UV light and O3.  Indoors, most places receive very little UV light or O3 to help eliminate the odors.  An ozone machine creates O3, or ozone, in a process that utilizes an electrical current.  Ozone sanitizes the air by breaking down odors and microorganisms at their source.

Nature creates O3 as a natural cleaning during thunderstorms, and also from the sunlight striking the earth’s atmosphere.  We have all taken a walk after a thunderstorm and experienced that fresh clean, fresh smell in the air.  That’s O3, or ozone, at work.

SERVPRO also offers a service at our facility where we can ozone specific items like clothing, furniture, or anything that has smoke damage and get it smelling better than new.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (706) 549-3366

Campfire and Grill Safety Tips

6/1/2020 (Permalink)

If you want to spend a happy and “injury-free” summer with your family and friends we recommend you follow these safety tips from the U.S Fire Administration.

  • This should be a no-brainer but… never use a grill inside. Keep your grill at least 3 feet from siding, deck rails and eaves.
  • Clean your grill after EACH use. We bet you don’t want the grease from that delicious steak to start a fire.
  • Open your gas grill before lighting.
  • Keep a 3-foot save zone around grills and campfires
  • Place coals from the grill in a metal container with a lid.
  • Never leave a campfire or grill unattended.
  • Watch out for kids and pets and make sure they don’t get too close.

We’re here to help, call SERVPRO of Athens 706-549-3366


Why Immediate Fire Damage Restoration is Important

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

When a fire occurs in a home, the aftermath can seem overwhelming, and if fire restoration is postponed, the destruction from smoke damage can become even worse. The longer you wait to address the damage, the more repairs you'll have to fix - which means you'll most likely have a larger bill for damages when all is said and done. You can avoid costly repairs and long-term issues if you make fire damage restoration a priority and follow the steps you'll need to get your home back to normal as soon as possible.

First, and foremost - and this is the most important step - contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Athens and they can assess the damage, give you an estimate on costs and start the cleanup process. Then contact your home insurance company to make them aware of the fire. It's essential that you enlist the help of a licensed and insured fire damage restoration company to reduce the risk of further damage to your home. They are trained to handle this type of damage and many will perform some of the following steps to help get you through the initial fire cleanup:

  • Smoke and fire damage restoration services will try to save as many of your home and personal belongings (such as appliances, furniture and clothing) as they can.
  • SERVPRO will document everything they remove from your home by taking pictures and/or keeping written records.
  • SERVPRO will return any salvageable furniture and appliances back to your home, after the fire restoration is complete.
  • SERVPRO will work quickly and carefully to get you back in your home as soon as possible, and stay in contact with you to make sure the repairs were done correctly and your home isn't experiencing any other problems.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 706-549-3366

What to do after a fire

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

After experiencing a traumatic event like a fire in your home or business, it is difficult to know what steps to take next. The first thing is to keep your family safe, everything else can be replaced.

If there was extensive damage, limit the movement and how many people enter the home to prevent soot particles to penetrate carpets, rugs and furniture. Wash your hands often, to prevent getting other furniture, walls, belongings dirty. You can brush vacuum drapes, rugs and upholstery. Change your HVAC filters. Place towels on heavy traffic areas of the home. If you have chrome appliances, apply a light coating of oil or petroleum jelly to protect them from soot. Inspect your plants, and wipe both side of the leaves.

You can always call SERVPRO of Athens 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We’re here to help- (706) 549-3366

5 Safe Candle Alternatives

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

Candle Alternatives

While candles are great for setting a mood, they aren't so great at keeping fires out of your home in Athens,GA. This is especially true if you have curious, rowdy pets or young children. It only takes one accident before you'll be making calls to the fire department and a fire damage restoration company. Fortunately, there are many great candle alternatives that make your home smell great or create a relaxing ambiance.

1. Battery-Powered Candles

While electric candles might not look or smell exactly like the real thing, they might be able to fool some unexpecting guests. Plus, you don't need to worry about turning them off when you leave the room or house to prevent a candle fire.

2. Wax Warmers

Spread the sweet aroma of melted wax through your home by using a wax warmer. These candle alternatives use battery power or electricity instead of an open flame to heat up the wax. Plus, they often come in decorative holders that can match your home's decor.

3. Fairy Lights

If your main goal is to add relaxed lighting to your home rather than release a scent into the air, fairy lights a great way to quickly light up a room or outdoor area. Fairy lights may be powered by battery or electricity, making them a much longer-lasting option than a candle.

4. Stick Diffuser

Reed or stick diffusers are flameless and add a unique look to any room you put them in. They simply involve placing sticks into a container with scented oil.

5. Essential Oil Diffuser

Essential oils can help add a scent to the room and might benefit your health too. There are many different diffusers to choose from, so you can easily find one that matches your home.
Consider these candles alternatives to make your home a safer place for everyone in it. There are many options to choose from, so you can find an alternative that best meets your needs.

Preventing a Fire….

7/1/2019 (Permalink)

Here are some of our top tips for preventing a fire.

  • Teach everyone in the house basics of fire safety and how to prepare for a fire.
  • Only smoke outside of your home.
  • Prep your outdoor area before having a fire by spraying everything down. Don’t start a fire outdoors if you live in a relatively dry climate. Spraying down the outside area is important in case sparks land outside of the fire pit.
  • Stay in the kitchen when cooking.
  • Make sure you install fire alarms and smoke detectors.
  • Keep all matches and lighters out of reach of children and in a safe place.
  • Learn about electrical fires as they are entirely different.
  • Keep all flammable items at least 3 feet away from anything that gets hot.

What to do in a fire!

7/1/2019 (Permalink)

To protect yourself, home, and loved ones, follow the fire safety guide below so that you’re prepared!

  1. Plan an escape route. Start by drawing a map of your home including doors, hallways, and windows. Identify any main emergency exits. Come up with your primary escape route and then a few alternate routes in case one is blocked. Test your escape route out by having a fire drill with your family to better prepare yourself and loved ones.
  2. If you can, extinguish the fire. Call the fire department the moment you identify a fire but also assess if you can put it out. Just make sure that if there is too much smoke or heat, get yourself to safety.
  3. Don’t panic.
  4. Test doorknobs. If you feel heat, it is probably not safe to enter.
  5. Humans and pets first – belongings second. Resist the urge to grab your laptop or other valuables and rescue all living as they are not replaceable. Rank the family in order of who needs most help. If you have the time go back and get your important documents such as birth certificate, marriage certificates, and photos.
  6. Stop, drop, and roll. Smoke and heat are often more dangerous than the actual flames. Smoke rises, so the best breathable air is going to be lower to the ground. When you see heavy smoke, drop to the floor and crawl to the nearest exit. Use a piece of clothing or even a towel over your nose to filter the smoke.
  7. Don’t use the elevator.
  8. Get out and don’t go back.

Common Fire Causes:

5/29/2019 (Permalink)

A fire can be a devastating loss to anyone. Here are some common causes of fire within your home or business:

Smoking Indoors
Many people smoke in their homes. A fire can be started from a simple ash falling to someone falling asleep with a light cigarette. Smoking in your home is not only dangerous but also damaging to the homes structure.
Unmaintained Dryer Vents
Lint accumulates quickly! Cleaning your dryer vents regularly is extremely important, preferably after or before every load. It only takes one small spark or too much heat for lint to burn.
Faulty Electrical Equipment
Always make sure the wires on your appliances are not stripped or exposed in any way.
Overloading Outlets
Another electrical hazard is overloading an outlet or extension cord. Never plug multiple power outlets into each other
Candles should always be put out when leaving the home. Always make sure they are on a level surface and away from any fabrics or fire starters.
Space Heaters
Space heaters have the potential to be very dangerous. Nothing should be left to close in front or back of a space heater. The unit itself can get very hot, not to mention the air it disperses.
Always keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen. Many things can go wrong while cooking. Especially with open flame, gas stoves.

If a fire causes damage to your commercial or residential property, please call SERVPRO of Athens at (706)-247-7308

Fire Prevention

5/20/2019 (Permalink)

Fire prevention is crucial for any residence or business.  Fire prevention saves lives, homes, and our precious treasures.  Every parent should take a few minutes to explain to their children what to do in case of a fire. Businesses should hold company training and have evacuation routes mapped for all employees to read.  All homes and businesses should have proper fire extinguishers and smoke detectors placed in the appropriate areas.

Athens-Clarke County offers many valuable resources for fire prevention.  The Fire Prevention Program is an example of one the resources available to the Athens-Clarke County community.  This program helps our homeowners to receive smoke detectors.  When replacing old smoke detectors be sure to follow proper disposal guidelines.  It is always best practice to send them back to the manufacturer

SERVPRO of Athens is available 24/7 for all of your fire restoration or smoke damage services.  Our professionals are ready to assist you and get you back in your home faster!

Fire Damage Athens, GA

5/16/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens is available 24/7 to assist you in the event of a fire damage!  Our professionals hustle to get you back in your home faster!  Our Production Manager, David Chance, is the first to arrive to assess the damage and get you the assistance needed.  Our cleaning crew arrives shortly thereafter to begin cleaning your home and its contents to get you back to everyday living faster.  We know it is burdensome to not be able to live in your home.  We put effort in making sure we clean every surface properly and faster than the rest to get you back into your home.

If you have any questions regarding fire damage, smoke damage, or impossible odors give our office a call.  We are ready by the phone to assist you with getting you the help you need as quickly as possible. 

SERVPRO of Athens is ready to provide you with an appointment for an onsite inspection.  706-549-3366

Smoke and Soot Damage in Athens, GA

5/1/2019 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Athens will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 706-549-366

Fire Safety Tips

7/2/2018 (Permalink)

Fire Safety

At home: 

When cooking outdoors, never leave barbeque grills unattended. Place your grill on concrete or your driveway away from your home or any structures. If using charcoal or wood, make sure that the fire has been extinguished by soaking it with a garden hose before disposing of the coals. Remember that there is currently a burn ban in Athens-Clarke County and surrounding areas and no uncovered flame or open pit is allowed.

During this time, do not burn household trash in barrels. Check lawnmowers and farm equipment for properly working spark arresters.

Mow lawn at least 30-50 feet away from your house and water to create defensible space.

Cut back or remove any dry and dead landscaping plants or bushes around your home. Clear leaves from your roof and gutters; rake them away from the sides of your home.

Move anything that will burn far away from structures, items like firewood, compost piles, brush piles, etc.

Notify the electric company when dead trees or overhanging limbs endanger the electric wires.

Fire Safety for you:

Practice fire safety with your family. If you see suspicious fire or smoke, call 911.

Clearly mark driveway entrances with address and street names.

Plan escape routes away from your home by car and foot. Have a meeting place with your family.

If a fire causes damage to your commercial or residential property, please call SERVPRO of Athens at (706)-549-3366

Smoke and Soot Cleanup

7/2/2018 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Athens will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 706-549-3366

SERVPRO of Athens Hiring Experienced Production Technician

5/24/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens– Fire & Water Cleanup has immediate openings in our Emergency Services & Restoration departments.

40 hours/week on average, flexible to work overtime when required.
Hours vary between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
On-Call rotation for 24-hour emergency service
Some night and weekend work is required
Starting wage is based on relevant experience

We're seeking someone who is comfortable working hard in challenging situations, meeting new people, with excellent communication skills, and who is self-motivated.

Our idea of the ultimate candidate is one who is proactive, trustworthy, truly enjoys providing superior service, and loves taking ownership of their responsibilities.

Some of the Responsibilities include:

Provide excellent customer service.
Perform on-site cleaning and restoration services in structures damaged by water and fire.
Leave jobsite with a clean and orderly appearance.
Develop production expertise: services, cleaning products, and equipment.
Follow the SERVPRO uniform policy.
Complete documentation, as appropriate.
Minimum Requirements

Must have a professional appearance and great attitude.
A valid driver license with a reasonable driving record.
Ability to pass a criminal background check with no felony convictions or misdemeanors involving violence or theft.
Must be able to pass a drug test.
Must be able to lift a minimum of 50 pounds.
Must have a high school diploma or a GED certificate.
Job Type: Full-time

Supervisor 2 years (Required)

High school or equivalent (Required)

License or certification:
Driver's License (Required)

Job Type: Full-time

Call SERVPRO of Athens 706-549-3366
Email Resume to:

Burn Ban Still in Effect

5/24/2018 (Permalink)

According to Athens-Clarke County Unified Government it is unlawful for any person within the county to cause, suffer, allow, or permit “opening burning”.  This includes yard trash and even burn barrels.  In order to burn within the county you must notify the Athens-Clarke County Fire Department prior to burning and provide a copy of any required state burn permit. 

These prohibitions create a safe community not only for those involved with burning of materials but for the community members.  SERVPRO of Athens takes pride in being involved with a county that has regulations such as these to keep community members safe. 

If you are involved in a fire related situation IMMEDIATELY call 911! 

Call SERVPRO of Athens to help restore your property today.  706-549-3366

Burn Ban Effective in Athens-Clarke County

5/16/2018 (Permalink)

Starting May 1st, a burn ban will be in effect in Athens-Clarke county and neighboring counties until September 30th. The Environmental Protection Division in the Georgia Department of Natural Resources is responsible for this ban, and they created it out of safety concerns. The ozone levels in the air can become very unhealthy during the summer in Georgia. The Environmental Protection Division has discovered that open burning is a significant cause of the ozone reaching such dangerous levels and have thus placed restrictions on burning during the summer. 

If you are unsure whether or not it is okay for you to burn something or would like to obtain a burn permit, please contact the Georgia Forest Commission at 1-877-OK2-BURN. 

Please contact SERVPRO of Athens at (706) 549-3366 if you experience any fire damage to your residential or commercial property. 

Fire Damage Restoration

5/3/2018 (Permalink)

Fire damage restoration is yet another SERVPRO of Athens specialty.  Our technicians work diligently to clean your structure and/or contents to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Athens fire damage restoration includes the following services:

  • Mitigation services—these services secure the structure and prevent further damage. Structures that are wet due to fire-fighting procedures will need emergency drying to prevent secondary water damage
  • Structural Cleaning Services—Removal of the smoke residues from the structure and deodorizing odors given off by the residues
  • Contents Cleaning Services—Personal property within a residence, office, or other building must be cleaned of smoke resides.  Contents cleaning can be held within the structure or may require packing and moving to a separate location for cleaning and storage.

Fire damage situations are all different.  SERVPRO of Athens knows that each situation requires a unique solution.  Let our Fire Damage Restoration technicians restore your property to preloss condition meanwhile treating you and your family with empathy and respect that you deserve.

Call SERVPRO of Athens today! 706-549-3366