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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Archived Blog Posts

Arson Property Damage: 5 Essential Steps For Recovery

8/28/2023 (Permalink)

Arson property damage to a residential property in Athens,GA. SERVPRO helps rebuild beyond the flames!

Our fire restoration professionals are just a call away after arson property damage.

In a world where unexpected disasters can strike at any moment, property owners must be prepared to face the aftermath of unfortunate events such as arson property damage. Arson, the deliberate act of setting fire to property, not only leaves a physical mark but also inflicts emotional and financial distress on those affected. When disaster strikes, seeking the right professionals for fire restoration services becomes paramount. SERVPRO® offers expertise, compassion, and efficiency to help property owners rebuild their lives.

What are common signs of arson property damage?

Arson property damage often leaves distinct patterns that trained professionals can recognize. Some common signs include fire starting points that appear unnatural, such as multiple points of origin, irregular burn patterns, and signs of accelerants like gasoline. Additionally, melted glass or plastics might indicate that the fire burned at extremely high temperatures. When faced with these signs, promptly contacting authorities and fire restoration experts is crucial.

Arson strikes in Athens, Georgia

Earlier this year, a devastating incident unfolded in Athens, Georgia, where a local property fell victim to arson property damage. The fire not only ravaged the structure but also took a toll on the emotions of the property owner. In this time of distress, the property owner turned to SERVPRO for assistance. With a swift response, the SERVPRO team arrived to assess the damage and formulate a comprehensive restoration plan.

The dedicated professionals at SERVPRO worked diligently to remove debris, clean soot and smoke residues, and sanitize the affected area. Our state-of-the-art equipment and years of experience ensured every nook and cranny was meticulously restored. Throughout the process, the property owner was kept informed, giving them a sense of control amid the chaos.

Navigating arson property restoration

After an arson property damage incident, the road to recovery might seem daunting. Still, it's possible to rebuild and reclaim the lost sense of security with the proper steps.

  • Step 1—Securing the site: the first step is to ensure the safety of the property by boarding up windows, sealing entry points, and erecting barriers to prevent further damage and unauthorized access.
  • Step 2—Damage assessment: professionals, like those at SERVPRO, conduct a thorough evaluation of the damage to devise a customized restoration plan, addressing both visible and hidden issues.
  • Step 3—Soot and debris removal: a fire's aftermath often involves layers of soot and debris. Professionals use specialized equipment to clean and remove these residues, preparing the space for the next phase.
  • Step 4—Smoke odor neutralization: lingering smoke odors can be pervasive and distressing. Advanced techniques like thermal fogging and ozone treatment are employed to eliminate these odors effectively.
  • Step 5—Reconstruction and restoration: the final step involves rebuilding the property to its pre-damage condition. From structural repairs to repainting, a comprehensive restoration plan is executed to make the property whole once more.

Your trusted partner in arson property restoration

When choosing a fire restoration service provider after an arson property damage incident, the decision should be informed and considerate. Here is where SERVPRO stands out from the rest:

  • Rapid response: time is of the essence in the aftermath of a fire. SERVPRO's 24/7 emergency response ensures that help arrives promptly, preventing further damage and expediting restoration.
  • Expertise and experience: with decades of experience in fire restoration, SERVPRO professionals possess the expertise to handle even the most challenging cases of arson property damage.
  • Comprehensive solutions: SERVPRO offers a complete range of services from initial assessment to final reconstruction, ensuring a seamless restoration journey for property owners.
  • Cutting-edge technology: SERVPRO employs state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to address all aspects of fire damage, including soot removal, smoke odor elimination, and structural repair.
  • Compassionate support: dealing with fire damage is not just a physical challenge but also an emotional one. The empathetic professionals at SERVPRO provide support and guidance throughout the restoration process, offering a sense of reassurance to property owners.

In the face of adversity, SERVPRO stands as a beacon of hope, dedicated to helping property owners overcome the aftermath of arson property damage. With our commitment to excellence, rapid response, and comprehensive solutions, SERVPRO is the partner property owners can trust to guide them through restoration and recovery.

Final thoughts

In conclusion, the aftermath of arson property damage can be a harrowing experience for property owners. Recognizing the signs of arson, understanding its types, and taking swift action are essential to mitigating further damage. The case of the Athens, Georgia incident serves as a testament to the effectiveness of SERVPRO's fire restoration services in times of crisis. With a customer-centric approach, advanced technology, and a team of dedicated professionals, SERVPRO emerges as the ideal choice for property owners seeking restoration after arson property damage. Remember, when disaster strikes, SERVPRO of Athens rises to the occasion, turning devastation into a story of resilience and renewal.

Unveiling the Dangers of Asbestos: Safeguard Your Property with The #1 Best

7/31/2023 (Permalink)

Asbestos around old pipes in an Athens property. The professionals at SERVPRO always prioritize safety when handling asbestos.

It's essential to know how to identify asbestos in your property.

When disaster strikes a property, be it residential or commercial, it can lead to significant damage and distress for homeowners and business owners alike. From water damage to fire incidents, the challenges are numerous. However, amidst these trials, a silent and deadly threat may lie—asbestos. As a homeowner or business owner, understanding the common indications of asbestos presence and why you should choose SERVPRO® for assistance is crucial in protecting your property and its occupants. In this blog post, we'll explore the signs of asbestos, recount a recent scenario where SERVPRO's team discovered asbestos during water damage restoration, the safety precautions taken, and finally, delve into why choosing asbestos removal professionals is a prudent choice for any property restoration damage.

What is asbestos?

Before delving into the common indications of asbestos, it's essential to comprehend this hazardous material. Asbestos refers to a group of naturally occurring fibrous minerals that were widely used in construction materials for decades due to their heat resistance, strength, and insulating properties. However, the actual danger lies in the microscopic fibers that can become airborne when asbestos-containing materials are damaged or disturbed, posing severe risks. Here are the common indications of asbestos:

Vintage building materials

One of the most common indications that your property might harbor asbestos is the presence of vintage building materials. Properties constructed before the 1980s are more likely to contain asbestos in various building components, such as insulation, vinyl tiles, roofing materials, textured ceilings, and more. If your property has yet to undergo renovations or asbestos inspections, the probability of its presence increases significantly.

Textured ceiling

The infamous popcorn or textured ceiling was widely used in homes during the mid-20th century. If your property boasts this textured feature, it could be concealing asbestos fibers within its crevices. While it might be an appealing vintage design to some, it may pose a significant risk.

Pipe insulation

Older properties may have pipe insulation made from asbestos-containing materials. This insulation was commonly utilized due to its fire-resistant properties and ability to insulate hot water pipes. If your property has never undergone a thorough asbestos inspection, pipe insulation may be lurking as a hidden danger.

Vinyl Floor Tiles

Asbestos was also a key ingredient in vinyl floor tiles and adhesives used in flooring applications. If your property features vinyl floor tiles from the mid-20th century, there's a high probability they contain asbestos. Damaged or deteriorating tiles can release asbestos fibers into the air.

Deteriorating Roof Shingles

Roof shingles made with asbestos cement were prevalent in properties constructed before the 1980s. Over time, these shingles can deteriorate due to weather conditions, releasing asbestos fibers into the air and endangering the property's occupants.

Unveiling asbestos during water damage restoration

Recently, a residential property in an Athens historic neighborhood was afflicted by severe water damage. A burst pipe in the attic led to flooding in several rooms, including the basement. The homeowners quickly contacted SERVPRO of Athens for assistance, recognizing the urgency of the situation.

Upon arrival, the SERVPRO team, well-equipped with training and experience, promptly assessed the extent of the water damage and initiated the restoration process. As part of their comprehensive approach, the team conducted a thorough inspection to identify any potential hazards, including asbestos.

During the inspection, the team noticed the presence of vintage building materials, including textured ceilings and vinyl floor tiles. Aware of the risks associated with asbestos, they immediately collected samples and sent them to a certified laboratory for testing. The results confirmed their suspicions— asbestos was indeed present in the textured ceilings and vinyl floor tiles.

SERVPRO safety precautions

The discovery of asbestos prompted SERVPRO of Athens to prioritize safety measures for their team and the property's occupants. Following industry best practices, the asbestos professionals at SERVPRO devised a meticulous plan to remove and handle hazardous materials safely.


The affected areas were isolated using advanced containment measures to prevent the spread of asbestos fibers. Negative air pressure systems were set up to ensure that any released fibers remained confined to the work area.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

The SERVPRO team donned full-body disposable suits, gloves, and respirators equipped with high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters to safeguard themselves from inhaling airborne asbestos fibers.

Wet removal technique

A wet removal technique was employed to minimize the release of asbestos fibers. Wet removal involves using water or a specialized solution to dampen asbestos-containing materials, preventing the fibers from becoming airborne during removal.

Proper disposal

Asbestos-containing materials were carefully collected and sealed in leak-tight containers for proper disposal at approved waste facilities. Adhering to regulations and environmental guidelines was paramount to SERVPRO's commitment to responsible asbestos handling.

Why choose SERVPRO for asbestos removal?

When it comes to property restoration, choosing SERVPRO is a decision that brings numerous benefits, especially when asbestos might be a concern.

Certified professionals

SERVPRO boasts a team of certified professionals who possess extensive training and expertise in handling hazardous materials like asbestos. Their commitment to safety ensures that your property and its occupants are protected throughout the restoration process.

Comprehensive inspection

SERVPRO's team conducts a comprehensive inspection during their restoration assessment, keeping a keen eye out for potential asbestos hazards. If asbestos is detected, they take immediate action, avoiding potential risks and future liabilities.

State-of-the-Art equipment

Equipped with advanced technology and state-of-the-art equipment, SERVPRO ensures that restoration processes are executed efficiently, minimizing downtime and promptly restoring your commercial property to its pre-damage condition.

Licensed and insured

SERVPRO is fully licensed and insured, providing you with peace of mind and assurance that you are working with a reputable and responsible restoration company.

Wrapping up

Water damage, fire incidents, and other disasters can wreak havoc on your property, and asbestos can add an extra layer of danger. Recognizing the common indications of asbestos and partnering with certified professionals like SERVPRO of Athens is vital to protecting property and ensuring a safe restoration process. With its commitment to safety, state-of-the-art equipment, and industry expertise, SERVPRO is the prudent choice for any commercial restoration damage. When you choose SERVPRO, you are not just selecting a restoration company but a team dedicated to safeguarding what matters most—your property and the people within it.

Conquer Warehouse Mold: Guidance From The #1 Recovery Team

6/26/2023 (Permalink)

Mold in an Athens property The professionals at SERVPRO are available 24/7 to help combat mold damage!

SERVPRO is the trusted choice for conquering warehouse mold and restoring a safe and healthy environment.

Mold growth in commercial properties, especially warehouses, can lead to severe risks, property damage, and business interruptions. As a leading commercial cleaning and restoration service provider, SERVPRO is dedicated to helping businesses prevent and address mold issues effectively. 

In this article, we will explore the causes of warehouse mold, provide insights on prevention strategies, and highlight why SERVPRO should be your top choice for professional restoration assistance. Let's embark on this journey toward a mold-free future!

What is Warehouse Mold?

Warehouse mold refers to the growth of mold in commercial warehouse storage spaces, distribution centers, or any large-scale facility used for storing inventory or goods. Mold thrives in areas with excessive moisture, poor ventilation, and organic materials for sustenance. It can manifest in various forms, including black, green, or white, each with unique characteristics and potential hazards.

Understanding the Causes of Warehouse Mold

High humidity levels

Warehouse environments often have high humidity due to poor ventilation, water leaks, or inadequate climate control systems. Elevated moisture creates an ideal breeding ground for mold spores to settle and proliferate.

Water intrusion and leaks

Water intrusion from roof leaks, plumbing failures, or faulty drainage systems can result in hidden moisture buildup within the warehouse. This trapped moisture provides the conditions for mold growth, particularly in concealed areas such as walls, ceilings, or flooring.

Inadequate ventilation

Insufficient airflow and ventilation within a warehouse restrict the proper drying of damp areas, preventing moisture from evaporating and increasing the risk of mold formation.

Organic materials

Warehouses typically store a wide range of organic materials, including paper, cardboard, wood, or fabric. These materials serve as nutrients for mold, encouraging its growth and spread throughout the facility.

Mold prevention tips for warehouse managers

Implement regular inspections

Perform routine warehouse inspections to identify any signs of water leaks, condensation, or moisture buildup. Detecting and addressing these issues promptly can prevent mold growth from taking hold.

Maintain proper ventilation

Ensure adequate airflow and ventilation throughout the warehouse. Utilize fans, dehumidifiers, and proper air conditioning systems to regulate humidity levels and prevent stagnant air pockets.

Control moisture sources

Address any water intrusion or leakage problems immediately. Repair roof leaks, fix plumbing issues, and maintain a functional drainage system to prevent excess moisture from accumulating.

Monitor indoor humidity levels

Invest in humidity monitoring devices to keep track of the warehouse's moisture levels. Maintain humidity between 30% and 60% to discourage mold growth and create an inhospitable environment for spores.

Optimize storage practices

Store inventory and materials off the ground, away from walls, and in well-ventilated areas. Implement proper shelving systems and maintain sufficient spacing between stored items to enhance airflow and discourage mold colonization.

Professional mold inspection for warehouses

SERVPRO has extensive experience handling commercial cleaning and restoration projects, including warehouse environments. Our team of trained professionals understands the unique challenges associated with warehouse mold and possesses the expertise to address them effectively.

Comprehensive services

SERVPRO offers a wide range of services tailored to commercial properties, including mold remediation, water damage restoration, air duct cleaning, and more. Our comprehensive approach ensures that your warehouse's cleanliness and safety are addressed with the utmost attention to detail.

Advanced techniques and technology 

We employ cutting-edge technology and innovative techniques to identify, contain, and eliminate mold infestations. Our team utilizes state-of-the-art equipment for efficient drying, dehumidification, and air purification, ensuring a thorough restoration process.

Fast response and minimal downtime

SERVPRO understands the importance of minimizing business interruptions. With our 24/7 emergency response team, we ensure swift action to mitigate mold issues and restore your warehouse to a safe and operational state, reducing downtime and potential revenue loss.

Commitment to customer satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is at the core of SERVPRO's mission. We strive to exceed your expectations through our prompt, reliable, and transparent services. Our knowledgeable professionals work closely with you to develop customized solutions that meet your needs, ensuring your complete satisfaction throughout the process.

Wrapping up

Warehouse mold is a severe concern for businesses, posing risks, property damage, and potential disruptions to operations. By understanding the causes of warehouse mold and implementing preventive measures, you can safeguard your property and ensure a mold-free environment. 

When mold issues arise, partnering with a trusted professional like SERVPRO is crucial. With our expertise, comprehensive services, advanced technology, and commitment to customer satisfaction, we are the ideal choice for all your commercial cleaning and restoration needs. Contact SERVPRO today to embark on a mold-free future for your warehouse and ensure a healthy and thriving business environment.

Basement Water Damage: Recovery Advice From The #1 Team

5/29/2023 (Permalink)

Basement water damage in a Athens home. Let the professionals at SERVPRO help you combat basement water damage!

The professionals at SERVPRO of Athens are one call away to combat basement water damage. 

Water damage in basements is a common issue that many homeowners face, leading to significant structural and financial consequences. Understanding the most common causes of basement water damage is crucial for prevention and enables prompt action. In this blog post, we will delve into the primary culprits behind basement water damage and explore the effective solutions provided by the professionals at SERVPRO of Athens when such incidents occur. With our expertise and advanced techniques, SERVPRO is a reliable partner in restoring your basement and safeguarding your property.

Unearthing the root causes of basement water damage 

There are many reasons why basement water damage may occur, but the most common causes that the professionals at SERVPRO have seen include the following: 

  1. Poor foundation and cracks
  2. Faulty drainage systems
  3. Burst pipes
  4. Natural disasters

Poor foundation and cracks

Water can infiltrate your basement through various channels, but one of the most prevalent routes is through a poor foundation and cracks. Over time, your home's foundation may develop cracks due to shifting soil, seismic activity, or aging. These cracks direct water to seep into your basement, leading to persistent moisture problems.

In addition to foundation issues, hydrostatic pressure can exert immense force on your basement walls, causing them to crack and allowing water to permeate. This pressure arises when the soil around your foundation becomes saturated with water, exerting outward pressure on your basement walls. The consequences can range from minor seepage to significant flooding, depending on the severity of the cracks and pressure.

When facing basement water damage caused by poor foundation and cracks, SERVPRO's professionals employ advanced techniques to mitigate the issue. We start by thoroughly inspecting your basement and identifying all water entry points. Then, we accurately assess the condition of your foundation and determine the most appropriate repairs.

Faulty drainage systems

A poorly designed or malfunctioning drainage system can cause disaster for your basement. When rainwater or melting snow cannot efficiently drain away from your property, it often collects around the foundation, exerting immense pressure on the basement walls. Over time, this accumulated water finds its way into your basement, leading to water damage and potential mold growth. In addition to external drainage, an internal drainage system malfunction can contribute to basement water damage. For example, if your basement is equipped with a sump pump, its failure can result in a flooded basement, causing significant damage to your belongings and property.

SERVPRO professionals understand the critical role that drainage systems play in safeguarding your basement. We implement effective strategies to mitigate water damage when faced with faulty drainage systems. Our first step is to assess the existing drainage system and identify any flaws or obstructions. If external drainage is inadequate, SERVPRO's experts can recommend solutions such as installing or repairing gutters and downspouts to channel water away from your property efficiently. In cases where an internal drainage system is needed, we have the expertise to install or repair sump pumps, ensuring the effective removal of water from your basement.

Burst pipes

A burst pipe can unleash a deluge of water in your basement, causing swift and severe damage. Pipes can burst due to freezing temperatures, excessive water pressure, corrosion, or aging. Regardless of the cause, the aftermath of a burst pipe can be overwhelming, with water spreading rapidly and saturating your basement.

When confronted with basement water damage from burst pipes, SERVPRO professionals swiftly respond to mitigate the situation. Our priority is to stop the source of water by shutting off the main water supply or repairing the burst pipe. Then, we efficiently assess the extent of the damage and develop a comprehensive water extraction, drying, and restoration plan.

Natural disasters

Natural disasters such as heavy rainstorms, hurricanes, or flash floods can wreak havoc on basements, causing extensive water damage. These unpredictable events can overwhelm existing drainage systems and cause water to penetrate basements, severely damaging your property and belongings.

Understanding the urgency and complexity of basement water damage caused by natural disasters is essential to handle these challenging situations. SERVPRO's rapid response teams are prepared to assist homeowners during emergencies and provide immediate relief. Upon arrival, SERVPRO's professionals prioritize the safety of occupants and quickly assess the situation. We utilize high-capacity pumps and industrial-grade equipment to extract water from the basement efficiently. Additionally, we apply advanced techniques for drying and dehumidifying the affected area, preventing the onset of mold and further damage.

Measures to prevent basement water damage 

While SERVPRO professionals are adept at addressing basement water damage, taking preventive measures is essential to safeguard your basement and mitigate the risk of future incidents. By implementing proactive strategies, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of water damage and its associated consequences.

One effective measure is regularly inspecting your basement for moisture or water intrusion signs. For example, look for cracks in the walls or floor, peeling paint, or musty odors, as these can indicate underlying issues. Promptly addressing these warning signs can prevent water damage from escalating.

Maintaining proper drainage around your property is also crucial. Clear gutters and downspouts regularly to ensure efficient water flow away from your home's foundation. Additionally, consider installing a backup sump pump system to provide an extra layer of protection in case of a primary pump failure.

Why Choose SERVPRO for basement water damage restoration?

Basement water damage is a common and often devastating issue for homeowners. By understanding the most common causes, such as poor foundation, faulty drainage systems, burst pipes, and natural disasters, you can take proactive measures to protect your basement. However, when faced with unexpected water damage, the professionals at SERVPRO are available 24/7 to mitigate the damage and restore your basement to its pre-damage condition. Here are the key reasons why you should choose SERVPRO's professional services:

  1. Expertise and experience: SERVPRO has been a trusted leader in the restoration industry for years, with a team of highly trained professionals who specialize in water damage restoration. We possess the knowledge and experience necessary to assess the extent of the damage, develop a customized plan, and execute it efficiently and effectively.
  2. Advanced equipment and techniques: SERVPRO utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and advanced techniques to tackle basement water damage. From powerful pumps for water extraction to specialized drying equipment like dehumidifiers and air movers, SERVPRO's professionals have access to cutting-edge tools that expedite the restoration process.
  3. Prompt response and 24/7 availability: Basement water damage requires immediate attention to prevent further damage and mitigate risks like mold growth. SERVPRO understands the urgency and offers a rapid response—available 24/7—to ensure your property receives immediate attention. Our quick response time can help minimize the extent of the damage and reduce the overall restoration costs.
  4. Comprehensive restoration services: SERVPRO takes a comprehensive approach to water damage restoration services. We address the visible damage and thoroughly inspect the affected area for underlying issues. Whether repairing structural damage, restoring flooring and walls, or eliminating odors, SERVPRO's professionals are equipped to handle the entire restoration process, ensuring that your basement is restored to its pre-damage condition.
  5. Insurance liaison and hassle-free process: Dealing with insurance claims can be overwhelming, especially after basement water damage. SERVPRO works closely with insurance companies, taking the burden off your shoulders. We assist with the documentation process, provide detailed reports, and ensure that your claim is properly processed, making the entire restoration journey as smooth and hassle-free as possible.

By choosing SERVPRO of Athens, you can have peace of mind knowing that your basement is in the hands of professionals who will restore it with precision and care, helping you get back to normalcy quickly and efficiently. Contact us today for more information.

Siding Damage: 5 Amazing Tips for Storm Damage Protection

4/24/2023 (Permalink)

siding damage to an Athens home. SERVPRO storm damage professionals are readily available to combat siding damage caused by storms.

Siding damage is one of the leading exterior damages left after a major storm passes through Athens. 

It is safe to say that the professionals at SERVPRO of Athens have seen it all regarding siding damage. From extreme temperatures and high winds to hail and debris impacts, many potential causes of siding damage can leave your home looking worse for wear. 

Fortunately, the experienced storm damage team at SERVPRO is here to help you restore your home's exterior so it looks as good as new! In this article, we will discuss some of the most common causes of siding damage, how you can prevent them in the future, and what steps our professionals take to ensure the appropriate restoration of your home's siding. So read on for five tips for protecting your home from siding damage!

What causes siding damage?

Siding damage can be caused by many factors, including severe weather conditions, improper installation or maintenance, impacts from debris, and even animals. Extreme temperatures and high winds can cause the siding to warp, crack, or dislodge. Hail is another common cause of siding damage, leaving dents and holes in the material. 

5 siding damage preventative measures 

Now that you know the common causes of siding damage, here are five tips for protecting your home from siding damage:

  1. Inspect and repair any existing damage to the siding before a storm hits. Patch any cracks or holes and ensure that all nails and screws used to install the siding are securely fastened.
  2. Secure any loose objects in your yard, such as patio furniture and planters, to prevent them from becoming projectiles during a storm.
  3. Trim trees and shrubs to avoid damage to the siding when hit by high winds or hail.
  4. Install impact-resistant siding designed to withstand high winds and other extreme weather conditions.
  5. Consider investing in storm shutters, window guards, or panels for added protection from debris and animals. 

How does SERVPRO restore storm damage?

When repairing siding damage caused by a storm, the experienced property damage professionals at SERVPRO of Athens are here to help! Our professionals will assess the damage and determine the best path for restoring your home's exterior. Storm cleanup is complex, and depending on the severity of the damage, we may opt to repair or replace sections of the siding that have been affected. We also offer various cleaning and sealing services to ensure your home looks as good as new upon completion. 

On top of our repair and restoration services, our team can also take the time to discuss any preventative measures you can take for future storms, such as installing impact-resistant siding or storm shutters. We're here to help ensure your home is ready to withstand any storm. 

Wrapping up

Today we reviewed the common causes of siding damage and what steps SERVPRO's experienced technicians take when restoring your home's exterior. From inspecting and repairing existing damage to installing impact-resistant siding or storm shutters for added protection, our team is here to help you keep your home looking beautiful no matter the weather! 

However, homeowners can also take to prevent siding damage from occurring. Regular siding inspections and prompt repair of areas with wear and tear signs help ensure the material stays solid and resilient. Investing in high-quality siding materials and professional installation can also help protect your home's exterior from damage caused by severe weather conditions and other factors.

When repairing siding damage, it's crucial to work with experienced professionals like SERVPRO of Athens. Our technicians have the skills and tools to repair and restore all types of siding damage, regardless of severity. In addition, we use advanced techniques and materials to ensure your home's siding looks as good as new, and we always work quickly and efficiently to minimize disruption to your daily life. Contact us today for more information on how we can help repair your home's siding.

Candle Fires: 5 Effective Safety Tips to Prevent Fire Damage

3/27/2023 (Permalink)

Three candles in close proximity to each other. Contact the team that is always available after candle fires cause destruction.

The professionals at SERVPRO of Athens have seen firsthand the devastating effects candle fires can have on your home or business.

Throughout the year, the professionals at SERVPRO receive numerous calls regarding property damage due to candle fires. For example, last winter, we received an emergency fire damage call after a candle fire caused extensive smoke damage to a home.

Candle fires often result in severe property damage. In the following blog post, we have included five tips to help prevent candle fires and minimize the risk of property damage.

Before we begin: if a candle fire has recently damaged your property, don't hesitate to contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Athens immediately. We are available 24/7 to help get your home back in pre-damaged condition. Read on for more information about candle fire prevention!

What are the common causes of candle fires?

Although candle fires are common and a variety of factors contribute to them, careless candle use is the most common cause of candle fires. Because of this, candle users need to take proper safety precautions when burning and extinguishing candle flames. 

Some of the more commonly seen causes of candle fires due to careless candle use include:

  • Leaving a candle unattended
  • Burning multiple candles too close together
  • Placing a candle in an area with flammable materials
  • Failing to extinguish a candle flame completely.

SERVPRO's 5 candle fire safety tips

Now that you know the common causes of candle fires, let's look at how to protect your property against candle fire-related damage.

Tip 1: Keep candles away from flammable materials

When burning candles, keep them away from flammable items such as curtains, furniture, and clothing. Additionally, always place candles on a heat-resistant surface.

Tip 2: Trim candle wicks

Always make sure to trim candle wicks before burning. Long candle wicks can cause candle flames to become too large, increasing the risk of candle fire-related property damage.

Tip 3: Extinguish the candle when not in use

When leaving a candle unattended, always make sure to extinguish the candle flame. Never leave candle flames burning overnight or when you are away from your property for an extended period.

Tip 4: Don't burn multiple candles too close together

When burning multiple candles, keep them at least six inches apart. Burning numerous candles too close together can lead to candle fire-related property damage.

Tip 5: Do not use liquid accelerants to start candle fires

Never use flammable liquids, such as gasoline or alcohol, to start candle fires. This practice is hazardous and can result in candle fire-related property damage.

Steps to follow after a candle fire causes destruction

After a candle fire has caused damage to your property, it is essential to take the proper steps for candle fire cleanup and restoration.

Step 1: Contact your insurance company

You must contact your insurance company immediately after a candle fire has damaged your property. Your insurance company will be able to guide you through how to file a claim and what type of candle fire cleanup and restoration is necessary.

Step 2: Contact a fire restoration company

Once you've gotten in touch with your insurance company, contacting a fire restoration company as quickly as possible is essential. The company you hire should be available 24/7 to help get your property back to its pre-damaged condition in no time.

Step 3: Document the damages

Document the damage with photos and videos once the candle fire has been extinguished and cleanup efforts have begun. Documentation is essential not only for insurance claims but also for fire restoration companies which can better assess the extent of damage when provided with visual documentation.

The professionals at SERVPRO of Athens can handle any fire damage

When candle fire-related property damage occurs, the team at SERVPRO of Athens is prepared to help get your property back to its pre-damaged condition. Our technicians have the experience and knowledge necessary to combat candle fire damage.

We understand that candle fires can be a stressful and overwhelming experience for homeowners and business owners alike, so we're committed to providing the highest level of service and restoring your property quickly and efficiently.

No matter the extent of candle fire-related property damage, you can trust SERVPRO of Athens to restore your home or business to its pre-damaged condition. We are available 24/7 to help get your property back on track.

Contact us today to learn more about our fire damage cleanup and restoration services. With our help, you can regain peace of mind knowing that SERVPRO of Athens is here to restore your property.

Dust Containment: 3 Amazing Benefits of Barrier Installation

2/27/2023 (Permalink)

Dust containment assembled by the professionals at SERVPRO of Athens. The professionals at SERPVRO understand the importance of installing quality dust containment systems!

Dust containment is an essential part of any professional cleaning or restoration project. 

During a restoration project, dust particles can quickly spread through the air and contaminate other areas. To prevent this, the technicians at SERVPRO of Athens use dust containment systems to control the spread of airborne particles and maintain air quality. Dust containment systems have numerous advantages that make them valuable for professionals in the cleaning and restoration industry. 

This article will explore how dust containment works, its benefits, and why SERVPRO technicians rely on it. If you are currently undergoing a restoration project, understanding the importance of dust containment is critical to ensuring a successful outcome.

How does dust containment work?

Dust containment systems create a barrier around the area needing cleaning or restoration. This barrier prevents particles from entering other areas and keeps air quality levels high. Dust containment systems often come in plastic sheets attached to walls and hung from the ceiling. They help separate affected areas from other building parts and keep dust particles from spreading throughout.

The benefits of dust containment 

Dust containment systems provide numerous benefits that make them invaluable for professionals in the cleaning and restoration industry. Here are three of the most important advantages: 

  1. Dust containment prevents the spread of airborne particles: Dust particles can readily travel through the air and contaminate other building areas. Dust containment systems create a physical barrier that keeps dust from entering other areas, thus limiting potential contamination. 
  2. Dust containment helps maintain air quality: By keeping dust particles from spreading, dust containment systems help maintain air quality levels inside a building. During restoration projects, dust containment helps ensure that the air quality in affected areas remains healthy and safe for workers and inhabitants. 
  3. Dust containment prevents prolonged project time: Dust containment systems also help ensure the project is completed efficiently and on time. Dust containment systems help limit the spread of dust particles, saving time and money during a restoration project. 

Why SERVPRO technicians rely on dust containment

SERVPRO technicians know that dust containment is essential for multiple restoration projects. Dust containment helps limit potential contamination and keep air quality levels high, which ensures a successful outcome. These systems also provide additional protection for workers and inhabitants, ensuring their safety during the project. 

Our professionals undergo extensive training to ensure they know how to install and utilize dust containment systems effectively. This process is essential for many restoration projects, so you can always trust SERVPRO of Athens technicians to provide the highest quality and safety. 

Different types of dust containment systems 

There are many different brands of dust containment systems on the market, but we always choose the highest-quality products to ensure a successful outcome. The materials we choose for our dust containment systems are durable and long-lasting, providing superior protection during the project. 

SERVPRO of Athens is here for you

Today we discussed why dust containment is essential to any professional cleaning or restoration project. Dust containment systems limit potential contamination, maintain air quality levels inside a building, and provide additional protection for workers and inhabitants.

Understanding the importance of dust containment ensures that your restoration project is completed safely and successfully. Dust containment systems are essential to multiple professional cleaning or restoration projects, and SERVPRO of Athens technicians nearly always use them in their work. 

If you are undergoing an asbestos or mold restoration project, ask your SERVPRO technician about dust containment solutions. Doing so can help ensure the safety of all workers and inhabitants and ensure the successful completion of your project. Contact us today for more information.

Hotel Water Damage: 5 Common Causes & Effective Recovery

1/30/2023 (Permalink)

Hotel water damage in an Athens hotel room You can count on the professionals at SERVPRO for quality commercial water damage services!

Hotel water damage can be very costly for hoteliers.

The professionals at SERVPRO of Athens have received several calls regarding hotel water damage in the past several months, and the causes have varied among locations. However, because of the potential damage, hotel water damage is not something that any hotel owner should take lightly.

With the proper knowledge and tools, hoteliers can work to reduce their risk of experiencing costly repairs due to hotel water damage. Therefore, the following blog post will go over the five most common causes of hotel water damage and how to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Before we get started, we must mention that if you are currently experiencing hotel water damage, it is best to contact a reliable commercial water restoration company like SERVPRO of Athens to help minimize the damages. 

Why is hotel water damage a serious matter?

Water damage in hotels is not only inconvenient for hotel guests and staff but can also lead to significant and expensive problems, such as the growth of mold and bacteria. While it can be a hassle and costly to repair, hotel water damage can lead to more significant problems that are even harder and more costly to fix when left unaddressed. 

Acting quickly when water damage is detected is essential to prevent further damage or ensure the quick processing of your hotel water damage insurance claim.

5 common causes of hotel water damage

  1. Leaky roofs: A hotel’s roof can be a significant source of hotel water damage. Sometimes, hotel owners may not be aware of a roof leak until it’s too late. Inspecting hotel roofs for any signs of water damage regularly and addressing them quickly if any are detected is essential.
  2. Burst pipes: One of the most common causes of hotel water damage is burst pipes. As hotel owners, inspect hotel pipes regularly for signs of a potential burst. In addition, hoteliers should be aware of any sudden changes in water pressure and take the necessary steps to address them as soon as possible because this can signal plumbing issues.
  3. Faulty appliances: Faulty appliances are another leading cause of hotel water damage. Hotel owners should regularly inspect appliances for water damage signs and promptly address any problems they uncover.
  4. Improper drainage: Hotels should also ensure that all drains are properly installed and functioning correctly to prevent water from backing up into the hotel, leading to water damage. 
  5. Sprinkler system malfunction: Hotels should also be aware of potential problems with their sprinkler systems. A malfunctioning sprinkler system can cause a large amount of hotel water damage in a short time, so hoteliers should inspect the system regularly and repair any issues quickly.

In addition to the above causes, hotel owners should inspect hotel walls for any mold or signs of excess moisture. Mold can grow on hotel walls as a result of hotel water damage under certain conditions. 

Prevent hotel water damage

Hoteliers should take proactive measures to prevent hotel water damage from occurring in the first place. First and foremost, hotel owners should inspect the hotel premises regularly for any signs of potential problems with roofs, pipes, drainage systems, and sprinklers. Regular maintenance and repair of hotel appliances are also essential to ensure they are not leaking and causing hotel water damage. 

How SERVPRO of Athens can help

When hoteliers face hotel water damage, it is best to contact a reliable water restoration company like SERVPRO of Athens. Our team has the knowledge and experience necessary to help hotel owners address hotel water damage quickly and efficiently. 

SERVPRO of Athens will work with hotel owners to assess the extent of the water damage, create a mitigation plan and provide the necessary services to repair any hotel water damage. From roof repairs and pipe replacements to mold remediation and dehumidification, SERVPRO of Athens can help hoteliers get their hotels back in order and running smoothly.

Wrapping up

Hotel water damage is a severe issue that hotel owners should not take lightly. However, by following the prevention measures mentioned in this blog post, hoteliers can help ensure that their hotel is safe and free from hotel water damage. 

When hotel water damage does occur, hotel owners should contact a reliable professional like SERVPRO of Athens to help mitigate the problem and repair any hotel water damage. 

Please contact SERVPRO of Athen if you are a hotel owner or manager who has questions about hotel water damage or would like more information.

Crawlspace Water Damage: 5 Surprising Moisture Origins

12/26/2022 (Permalink)

Crawlspace water damage restored by SERVPRO in Athens The professionals at SERVPRO can help you prevent and repair water damage!

The professionals at SERVPRO of Athens know how to handle crawlspace water damage quickly.

Water damage can cause many problems for homeowners, from structural damage to the growth of mold and other hazardous bacteria. In many instances, crawlspace water damage is one of the most severe types of water damage a home can experience.

The following article will discuss the five most common causes of crawlspace water damage and how homeowners can prevent this damage from happening in their homes. We have put this article together to help homeowners because helping people is what SERVPRO does best!

What is crawlspace water damage?

Crawlspace water damage is a type of water damage that can occur in the crawlspace of a home and is caused by multiple factors, which we’ll discuss further in this post. However, crawlspace water damage can be highly destructive as it can lead to costly structural repairs, mold growth, and other hazardous bacteria.

5 origins of crawlspace water damage

Now that you know what crawlspace water damage is and why it is a problem, we can discuss the five most common causes of crawlspace water damage.

Plumbing failures

Plumbing failures are one of the most common causes of crawlspace water damage. These include broken pipes, leaking faucets, overflowing toilets, or a malfunctioning sump pump. If your home has a crawlspace, it is essential to regularly inspect your plumbing system to ensure there are no issues with the pipes or other components.

Improper roof drainage

Improper roof drainage is another common cause of crawlspace water damage. If your home's gutters, downspouts, and flashings are not adequately maintained, rainwater can leak into the crawlspace and cause water damage. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that these components are correctly maintained and debris-free to prevent crawlspace water damage.

Groundwater seepage

Groundwater seepage is another common cause of crawlspace water damage. If the soil around your home has a high water table or excessive rain, water can seep through the crawlspace walls and cause damage. Prevent this situation by ensuring your home's foundation is waterproofed and well-sealed.

Improper grading

Improper grading around a home can also lead to crawlspace water damage. If the soil around your home is not graded away from the foundation, water can pool near the crawlspace and cause damage. Therefore, ensuring that your home's grading is adequately maintained and that all runoff is directed away from the crawlspace walls is essential.

Poor installation of foundation vents

Finally, crawlspace water damage can also be caused by poor installation of foundation vents. If the crawlspace has inadequate ventilation or the foundation vents are not properly sealed, moisture can enter the crawlspace and cause damage. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that your home's crawlspace vents are appropriately installed and well-sealed to prevent crawlspace water damage.

What to do if you experience crawlspace water damage

When experiencing crawlspace water damage, it is essential to act quickly. The first step is to contact a professional water damage company like ours that can inspect the crawlspace and determine the extent of the damage. From there, we can help you put a plan in place to repair any damage that has been done and prevent any future crawlspace water damage from occurring.

Let SERVPRO help with your water damage!

Crawlspace water damage can be a severe problem for homeowners and lead to costly repairs. However, by understanding the five most common origins of crawlspace water damage, homeowners can take steps to protect their homes from this damage. 

Our SERVPRO professionals have the expertise and knowledge to help you assess crawlspace water damage and create a plan to repair and prevent it. Contact us today for any of your water damage restoration needs.

Have Lightning Damage? Take These 4 Effective Recovery Steps

11/28/2022 (Permalink)

A lightning bolt striking a home in Athens. The professionals at SERVPRO are always available when disasters strike!

SERVPRO of Athens will quickly mitigate lightning damage to avoid further destruction to your property.

When most people think of lightning, they think of a bright light followed some time later by a loud rumble. However, lightning is more than a breathtaking display of nature's power—it can also cause extensive damage to a property and its contents.

Every year the professionals at SERVPRO of Athens mitigate and restore lightning damage for multiple homeowners and businesses. We understand the science behind lightning and how it affects different materials. We also have the knowledge and experience to get your property back to pre-damage conditions quickly.

This article will provide some practical steps to follow when your property has been hit by lightning.

What is lightning, and how does it form?

Lightning is a naturally occurring electrical discharge that occurs during thunderstorms. As the storm clouds become charged with electricity, a giant spark of lightning can form and travel from the cloud to the ground in seconds.

How can lightning damage a property?

Lightning can cause severe damage to your property in several ways. The most common type of damage is fires. However, lightning can also cause electrical surges that damage your electronics and appliances. In addition, lightning can cause physical damage to your property, such as holes in the roof.

Four steps to follow after your property has been hit by lightning.

Take the following steps if you suspect that lightning has hit your property:

  1. Prioritize safety: If you have any electronics damaged by lightning, it is important to unplug them and keep them away from water. In addition, if there is any structural damage, you should exit the property and not enter it until it has been inspected by a professional.
  2. Call your insurance company: You will need to file a claim with your insurance company to get reimbursement for the damages.
  3. Contact a professional restoration company: A professional storm damage restoration company can help you assess the damage and begin the mitigation and restoration process. Contact a restoration company that understands storm and fire damage and has the equipment and experience to quickly get your property back to pre-damage conditions.
  4. Document the damage: Taking pictures or videos of the damage for your insurance claim is one of the most critical steps. Documentation will help your insurance company determine the extent of the damage and how much they will reimburse you.

Can you prevent lightning damage?

Lightning is a natural phenomenon, and there is no guaranteed way to prevent it from damaging your property. However, there are some things you can do to minimize the risk of lightning damage, such as:

  • Installing lightning rods: Lightning rods are one of the most effective ways to protect your property from lightning damage. Lightning rods work by dissipating the electrical charge from a lightning strike, which can help prevent fires and electrical surges.
  • Trimming trees: If you have trees on your property, it is essential to trim them regularly. Overhanging branches can conduct electricity and cause debris damage to your property if they are struck by lightning.
  • Upgrading your electrical system: If you live in an area prone to lightning strikes, consider upgrading your electrical system. An upgrade can help protect your electronics and appliances from electrical surges.

These are just a few things you can do to minimize the risk of lightning damage to your property.

How can SERVPRO of Athens help with lightning damage?

Lightning is one of the most influential and destructive forces of nature. When it comes to lightning damage to a property, there is no telling the amount of destruction it can cause. However, if you are dealing with lightning damage, you can contact a professional storm damage restoration company like SERVPRO of Athens for help with the recovery.

We have the experience and equipment to assess the damage and begin the mitigation process quickly. We also understand that lightning damage can be overwhelming. Therefore, we will work with you and your insurance company to make the restoration process as smooth and stress-free as possible.

Contact us today to learn more about our lightning damage restoration services or to schedule an inspection!

4 Tips to Avoid a Space Heater Fire in Your Home

10/24/2022 (Permalink)

A space heater in a Athens home. The fire restoration professionals at SERVPRO can help you recover from a space heater fire!

Space heaters are one of the leading causes of house fires during winter.

The professionals at SERVPRO of Athens receive many calls every winter season regarding fire damage to homes and businesses. One of the leading causes of this fire damage in winter is space heaters. That is because space heaters have become popular to stay warm as temperatures drop.

We have put together this blog post today to provide some space heater safety tips that help prevent space heater fires in your home or office. We want to help you avoid fire damage this winter!

What is a space heater?

A space heater is a device used to heat a single space or room, not the entire building. Space heaters are portable and usually powered by electricity, natural gas, propane, or kerosene. The most important thing to remember about space heaters is to use them safely. You can quickly start a space heater fire if you aren't careful.

How do space heater fires start?

Before we get into the safe use of space heaters, let's talk about how space heater fires start. The three primary ways space heater fires start are:

  1. Unattended space heaters
  2. Placing space heaters too close to flammable objects
  3. Faulty space heaters causing electrical fires

Four safety tips to help you avoid space heater fires

Now that we've looked at how space heater fires start let's discuss some safety tips to help prevent space heater fires. Here are four space heater safety tips:

1) Keep space heaters away from flammable objects.

The first safety tip is to keep space heaters away from flammable objects. Everyday flammable objects include furniture, clothing, bedding, curtains, towels, and anything else that can easily catch fire.

2) Never leave space heaters unattended.

The second space heater safety tip is never to leave space heaters unattended. If you have to leave the room for any reason, turn off the space heater and unplug it before you go.

3) Don't use space heaters with extension cords.

The third safety tip is never to use space heaters with extension cords. Space heaters are designed to be plugged directly into an outlet. If you have no choice but to use an extension cord, choose one that is heavy-duty and rated for the space heater's wattage.

4) Inspect space heaters regularly.

The fourth space heater safety tip is to inspect space heaters regularly. Look for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, frayed cords, or loose plugs. If you find any damage, do not use the space heater and dispose of it properly.

What to do if you have a space heater fire?

When a space heater fire breaks out on your property, you must contact the fire department immediately. Once the fire has been put out, you will want a reliable fire restoration company to help with the cleanup and restoration process. The right company will be able to:

  • Remove all smoke and soot residue
  • Clean and deodorize all surfaces
  • Restore any damaged items

SERVPRO of Athens—the go-to company for fire restoration services

If you're looking for a reliable fire restoration company after a space heater fire, then SERVPRO of Athens is a perfect choice. We have years of experience in the fire restoration industry, and we know how to get the job done right. We'll remove all the smoke and soot residues from your property, clean and deodorize all surfaces, and restore damaged items.

All our professionals have undergone training from the IICRC, and we are certified in fire restoration. We're also experienced in water damage restoration, mold remediation, and biohazard cleanup.

SERVPRO of Athens is here to help when you need reliable fire restoration services. Contact us today for an estimate!

3 Reasons an Effective Restoration Estimate is a Necessity!

9/23/2022 (Permalink)

A SERVPRO of Athens restoration estimate The professionals at SERVPRO are known for creating fantastic restoration estimates!

SERVPRO of Athens starts every disaster recovery project off with a restoration estimate

Disasters can occur in any part of the world at any time. A disaster can be a natural event, such as a hurricane or tornado, or something man-made, such as a fire or chemical spill. No matter the cause, disasters always leave behind a trail of destruction.

It's crucial to have a restoration plan in place before disaster strikes. Having a restoration plan in place lets you know exactly what to do when disaster strikes. You'll also know who to contact for help and how to get your life back on track as quickly as possible.

For example, knowing where the switches turn off the water and electricity can help prevent further damage from occurring. In the event of a fire, you'll want to know how to extinguish the flames properly. And in the event of a flood, you'll need to know how to safely clean up the water and prevent mold from growing. 

This article will focus on getting a restoration estimate after a disaster. Frequently, people need to have their homes or offices restored after a fire, flood, or other natural disasters. Get an estimate for the work that needs to be done to get a sense of the total cost.

What is a restoration estimate, and why do you need one? 

A restoration estimate is a document that outlines the work that needs to be done to restore a property after a disaster has damaged it. The restoration estimate will include a breakdown of each task's cost and the total cost for the entire project.

There are several reasons why you need a restoration estimate. 

  1. First, it will help you understand the scope of the damage and what needs to be done to restore your property. 
  2. Second, it will give you a better idea of how much the restoration project will cost. 
  3. Third, it will help you select the right restoration contractor for the job.

How to get a restoration estimate

There are several ways to get a restoration estimate. You can contact a disaster restoration professional directly, or you can contact your insurance company. Some insurance companies even have their in-house restoration professionals who can provide you with an estimate.

No matter how you get your restoration estimate, be sure to ask the contractor a few questions about the work that needs to be done. You'll also want to get some ideas about what kind of materials you might want to use.

How to choose the right restoration company

When it comes time to choose a restoration company, there are several things you need to consider. First, you should ask the contractor for references. You can also check online reviews to understand what other people have said about the restoration company.

Second, you should ask the contractor for a portfolio of past projects, giving you a better idea of the company's workmanship and expertise.

Third, you should ask the contractor for proof of insurance and licensing, ensuring that you're working with a qualified and reputable company. 

Finally, always get a written estimate before agreeing to any work from the restoration company—this will protect you from any potential scams or overcharges.

SERVPRO of Athens uses advanced technology for our restoration estimates!

Advanced technology can play a vital role in the restoration process after a disaster. By using cutting-edge technology, restoration professionals can create a restoration estimate that is more accurate and reliable.

We use a software called Xactimate for our restoration estimates. This advanced technology can help restoration professionals to:

- Assess the damage and scope of the project

- Create a restoration plan that is specific to your needs

- Identify any potential problems or challenges that may arise during the restoration process

- Coordinate with insurance companies and other contractors

In particular, insurance companies love it when we use Xactimate—it helps get your claim processed faster! If you've experienced any disaster and need our help, call us, and we'll be at your property right away!

Restaurant Water Damage: 5 Tips for Effective Prevention

9/9/2022 (Permalink)

Restaurant water damage in an Athens restaurant The professionals at SERVPRO are available 24/7 for water damage restoration services!

Whenever you face restaurant water damage, give the experts at SERVPRO of Athens a call!

If you're a restaurant owner, then you know that water damage can be a real headache. Not only is it costly to repair, but it can also disrupt your business operations for longer than you'd prefer.

If you experience restaurant water damage, be sure to call a water damage restoration company right away. They'll be able to help clean up the mess and get your restaurant back up and running in no time.

This article will give you an overview of some common causes of restaurant water damage and what to do if you experience it.

How restaurant water damage can occur

There are several ways that restaurant water damage can occur, from a faulty dishwasher to a broken pipe. Some of the most common causes of restaurant water damage include:

  • A dishwasher that leaks or overflows
  • A broken water line or pipe
  • A leaking roof or ceiling
  • Flooding from outside the restaurant

No matter the cause, restaurant water damage can be a real pain to deal with. Not only is it costly and time-consuming to repair, but it can also lead to lost operating time if not dealt with properly.

What to do if you experience restaurant water damage

If you're unlucky enough to experience restaurant water damage, be sure to take the following steps: 

  1. Call a water damage restoration company right away. They'll be able to help clean up the mess and get your restaurant back up and running in no time. 
  2. Assess the damage and try to limit the spread of water. If possible, turn off the water supply and unplug electronics that may have been wet. 
  3. Dry out the restaurant using fans, dehumidifiers, and air conditioners as quickly as possible. 
  4. Repair any damage caused by the water. This could include repairing or replacing walls, floors, ceilings, and appliances. 

By following these steps, you can minimize the damage caused by restaurant water damage and get your business back up and running as soon as possible.

Preventing restaurant water damage

By following the above steps, you can minimize the damage caused by restaurant water damage and get your business back up and running as soon as possible. However, one of the best ways to prevent restaurant water damage is to be proactive. Here are some tips for preventing water damage in your restaurant:

  1. Have regular maintenance checks done on all appliances and plumbing systems. This measure will help ensure that potential problems are caught before they become disasters.
  2. Install a flood alarm system in your restaurant. This will alert you if any excess water is present on your restaurant premises.
  3. Keep an eye on your ceilings and roof for any signs of leaks or water stains. If you spot any problems, address them immediately before they have a chance to cause further damage.
  4. Regularly empty all drains and sinks to prevent them from clogging up and causing backups.
  5. Make sure all staff know how to deal with spills and leaks, so they can address them quickly if they happen.

By following these tips, you can help reduce the risk of restaurant water damage happening in your establishment in the first place!

Give SERVPRO of Athens a call if you experience water damage!

Restaurant water damage can occur in many ways, from a faulty dishwasher to a broken pipe. Flood damage, whether accidentally or intentionally, is a genuine headache and has a good chance of being costly to repair.

If you're unlucky enough to experience restaurant water damage, be sure to call a water damage restoration company like SERVPRO of Athens immediately. We'll be able to help clean up the mess and get your restaurant back up and running in no time!

Floor Water Damage 101: Effective Recovery For Your Property

8/26/2022 (Permalink)

A restored floor after water damage occurred The professionals at SERVPRO can save your floor after water damage!

Don’t let floor water damage linger in your property.

Floor water damage can have a devastating effect on your home. If not addressed quickly, it can lead to mold growth and cause wood flooring to buckle, vinyl flooring to peel, and tiles to crack. Not only is it unsightly, but it can also lead to the growth of mold and mildew.

This blog post will discuss what you should do if you discover floor water damage in your home or business. We will also provide information on water damage restoration services that can help get your property back to its original condition.

Common causes of floor water damage

One of the most common causes of floor water damage is a flood. A flood can occur due to a natural disaster such as a hurricane or tornado, or it can be caused by a plumbing or roofing leak. Other causes of floor water damage include snowmelt, ice dams, and malfunctioning appliances.

If you discover floor water damage in your home, it is crucial to address the issue quickly. The longer the water sits, the more damage it can cause. In addition, some steps can prevent further damage, including placing towels or buckets under any leaks to catch the water, turning off the water supply if there is a plumbing leak, and removing any furniture or belongings that are in contact with the water.

A professional water damage restoration company can help you recover from floor water damage. These companies specialize in restoring properties that have been damaged by water. They will be able to assess the damage and recommend the best course of action for restoring your property.

How to identify floor water damage

Floor water damage can be challenging to identify if the water is not visible. However, there are a few signs that you can look for to determine if you have floor water damage. One of the most obvious signs is buckling or warping flooring. Another sign is peeling vinyl flooring. If the flooring is made from tiles, you may see cracks in the tiles. You may also smell a musty odor often associated with mold and mildew.

Of course, if there's any pooling water on your warped floor, identifying floor water damage is straightforward. Either way, call a water damage professional right away!

What to do if you discover floor water damage

If you've discovered water damage on your floor, taking action quickly is vital to minimize the damage. Water damage can cause wood flooring to buckle, vinyl flooring to peel, and tiles to crack. If water damage is not addressed quickly, it can also lead to the growth of mold and mildew.

The first step in addressing floor water damage is to determine the source of the water. This may involve identifying a leaky pipe or window or checking for standing water after a storm. Once the origin has been identified, take steps to stop the water flow.

The next step is to call a restoration company. They will be able to assess the damage and begin the process of drying out your floor and restoring it to its original condition.

In the meantime, you can do a few things to minimize the damage:

  1. Remove any area rugs or floor mats that may be affected.
  2. Use fans to circulate air and help dry out the floor.
  3. Place a dehumidifier in the room to help absorb moisture from the air.

Taking quick action to address floor water damage can help prevent further damage and costly repairs. If you have any questions, be sure to consult with a professional before taking any other action.

Call SERVPRO of Athens whenever you discover floor water damage!

Take immediate action to minimize the damage if you've discovered floor water damage in your house or company. Wood, vinyl, and ceramic tiles can all be damaged by water. For example, wood flooring may buckle when water damage is left untreated, while vinyl flooring can peel and tiles crack. In addition, if not addressed promptly, floor water damage might lead to mold and mildew growth.

A professional water damage restoration company like SERVPRO of Athens can help you recover from floor water damage. We will be able to assess the damage and recommend the best course of action for restoring your property after the damage. Give us a call or reach out via our contact page, and we'll make it "Like it never even happened."

Winter Storm Damage: 5 Effective Tips For Your Property

8/12/2022 (Permalink)

A winter storm in Athens Ga The professionals at SERVPRO are available 24/7 when your property suffers from winter storm damage!

Look out for moisture in your home due to winter storm damage.

Winter storms can cause a lot of damage to your home, from roof damage to water damage. If you experience winter storm damage, it's essential to take steps to restore your home as soon as possible. You may need the help of a professional storm damage restoration company to get the job done right.

Winter storm damage can be very costly. In addition to the cost of repairs, you may also have to pay for temporary housing and other unexpected expenses while your home is being repaired. That's why it's so important to work with a storm damage restoration company that can help with the insurance claims process.

Storm damage restoration can be a complex and expensive process. There are many different factors to consider, from the type of damage to the severity of the damage. This article will give you an overview of winter storm damage and tell you what you can expect from storm damage restoration.

What is winter storm damage?

One of the most common types of winter storm damage is roof damage. The winter weather can cause shingles to come loose or even break, and it can also cause ice dams to form in your gutters. Ice dams can lead to water damage, as they prevent melting snow and ice from draining correctly and increase the likelihood that the water infiltrates your home. 

 Water damage is another common problem caused by winter weather. Melting snow and ice can leak into your home through cracks in the foundation or openings around doors and windows. Once inside, this water can cause damage to your walls, floors, and furniture. 

What to do if you experience winter storm damage

If you experience winter storm damage, it's important to take steps to minimize the damage and to get the repairs started as soon as possible. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. If you have roof damage, have a professional cover the damaged area with a tarp or other temporary covering. Going onto the roof during the winter isn't advised because of the risk of encountering slippery ice.
  2. If you have water damage, try to remove the water with a wet/dry vacuum, containing it in a bucket, or mopping it up. Move any furniture or belongings from the wet area and dry them out.
  3. If you have mold growth, contact a local mold remediation team like SERVPRO of Athens.
  4. Contact your insurance company to file a claim. SERVPRO's professional estimates are helpful when filing an insurance claim
  5. Contact a professional storm damage restoration company to get started on repairs. Starting the repair process as soon as possible lessens the chance of increased damage from the lingering moisture.

The importance of storm damage restoration after a winter storm

One of the most critical steps in storm damage restoration is drying out your home; you'll need to dry out any wet areas as soon as possible to prevent mold growth. Our storm damage restoration professionals use fans and dehumidifiers to help with this process.

It's also essential to inspect your home for any structural damage.

  • If you have any damaged or loose shingles on your roof, they'll need to be repaired or replaced.
  • If your gutters are damaged from an ice dam, they'll also need to be fixed.
  • If your home has any water damage, you'll need to have it repaired by a professional.

 If you're not sure how to handle storm damage restoration on your own, it's best to contact a professional storm damage restoration company. They'll be able to assess the damage to your home and provide you with the services you need to restore it to its pre-storm condition, plus help you navigate the insurance claims process.

SERVPRO of Athens can help you recover from winter storm damage!

It's important to take steps to restore your home after a winter storm and to contact a professional storm damage restoration company if you need help. Any ice dams in your gutters can further damage your roof, giving the water a way into your home.

Remember: wherever there's water or increased moisture levels, there's a chance for mold growth.

Luckily, our team at SERVPRO of Athens is ready and waiting to help you get your home back to its pre-storm condition. We're available 24/7, so don't hesitate to call or reach out via our contact page when winter storm damage strikes!

Tropical Storm Damage: Effective Recovery in 4 Simple Steps

7/29/2022 (Permalink)

A flooded storm drain caused by a tropical storm The professionals at SERVPRO are available 24/7 for storm restoration services!

Trust SERVPRO of Athens to take care of any tropical storm damage on your property!

A tropical storm can cause extensive damage to both homes and businesses, often requiring months of restoration work. If your property suffers tropical storm damage, it is important to hire a professional restoration company as soon as possible. Doing so can ensure that your property is returned to its original condition in a timely and efficient manner.

When you work with SERVPRO of Athens when your property suffers from tropical storm damage, we'll make it "Like it never even happened."

This article outlines what happens when tropical storm damage affects your property and provides some tips to keep in mind as you begin the restoration process.

What are signs of tropical storm damage on a property?

When a tropical storm hits, it can cause extensive damage to your home or business. Some of the most common signs of tropical storm damage include:

  • water damage
  • roof damage
  • damage to windows and doors
  • damage to exterior walls
  • damage to landscaping

If you notice any signs of tropical storm damage on your property, it is important to call a professional restoration company as soon as possible.

What to do if your home suffers tropical storm damage

If your home suffers tropical storm damage, it is crucial to take the following steps:

  1. Contact a professional restoration company
  2. Document the damage
  3. Safely remove any debris from the property, if possible
  4. File a claim with your insurance company

By taking these steps, you can ensure that your property is restored as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The importance of professional restoration after a tropical storm

Hiring a professional restoration company ensures that your property is returned to its original condition as quickly as possible. Restoration companies have the experience and equipment to handle all types of storm damage, from water damage to wind damage.

Whenever water damage is a potential issue, mold is also a concern. Any delays in dealing with the moisture can lead to mold growth, which requires a more intensive restoration process.

They will also work with your insurance company to ensure that your claim is filed correctly and that you receive the total amount of coverage to which you are entitled.

How SERVPRO of Athens can help you restore your property

If your home suffers tropical storm damage, it's vital to take swift action to restore it to its original condition. This often involves hiring a professional restoration company. Here are the steps you can expect the restoration process to follow:

1) Assessment

The first step in the restoration process is to assess the damage and determine what needs to be repaired or replaced. This will involve a thorough inspection of your property inside and out.

2) Cleanup

Once the assessment is complete, the next step is to begin the cleanup process. This often includes removing debris, cleaning up any water damage, and making repairs to any damaged structures.

3) Reconstruction

After the cleanup is complete, the next step is to begin reconstruction. This may involve repairing or replacing damaged walls, floors, and ceilings. Sometimes, it may include adding new features to your property, such as a new roof or siding.

4) Finishing touches

Once the reconstruction is complete, the final step is to add any finishing touches. This may involve painting, staining, or adding new fixtures.

SERVPRO of Athens: Let us help you recover from tropical storm damage!

SERVPRO of Athens has the experience and equipment to handle all types of storm damage, from water damage to wind damage. We will work with your insurance company to ensure that your claim is filed correctly and that you understand every step along the way.

We understand the importance of restoring your property quickly and efficiently, and we will do everything we can to help you recover from tropical storm damage. So give us a call or reach out via our contact page and let us make your property "Like it never even happened."

6 Water Damaged Ceiling Causes and Expert Restoration

7/14/2022 (Permalink)

A water damaged ceiling in an Athens, Ga home. SERVPRO is available 24/7 to tackle any size water damage job!

Have you discovered a water damaged ceiling? Let us help!

Water damage can be a serious issue and should be repaired as soon as possible to avoid further damage. If you find a water damaged ceiling, you should contact a professional to get the job done right.

In this article, we'll discuss what to do when your ceiling has been damaged by water and the risks of waiting for professional water damage restoration.

Signs of a water damaged ceiling

If you suspect your ceiling may be water damaged, there are a few signs you can look for in your home. Some of the most common signs of water damage include:

  • Stains on the ceiling
  • Mold or mildew growth
  • Peeling paint
  • Damaged drywall or plaster
  • Sagging or warped ceilings

If you notice any of these signs, it's crucial to contact a water damage restoration professional as soon as possible. Waiting to repair water damage can lead to further damage.

What causes a water damaged ceiling?

Water damage can be caused by a variety of things, including:

  • Leaking roofs. If your roof is leaking, water can seep through the holes and cracks and cause damage to your ceiling.
  • Condensation. High humidity in your home can cause water to condense on your ceilings and cause damage.
  • Flooding. If your home is flooded, water can seep through the walls and ceiling and cause damage.
  • Broken pipes. When a pipe bursts on an upper level, water can pour through the ceiling and cause damage.
  • Storm damage. Storm damage can give water a path to enter through the roof or walls and cause damage.
  • Water damage from appliances, such as dishwashers and washing machines.

If you suspect that your ceiling may be water damaged, it's important to find the source of the leak and have it repaired as soon as possible.

What to do when you discover a water damaged ceiling

If you discover a water damaged ceiling, there are a few things you should do right away.

  • Make sure the area is safe to enter and avoid any potential hazards, such as electrical cords or furniture that may have been wet.
  • If possible, try to determine the source of the water and repair it or stop the flow of water to prevent further damage.
  • Contact a professional to assess the damage and begin the repair process.

Water damage restoration

If you have water damage to your ceiling, getting it repaired as soon as possible is essential. Water damage can lead to several problems, including structural damage and mold growth.

The process of repairing a water damaged ceiling generally involves:

  • Removing the damaged drywall
  • Cleaning up any water or mold
  • Repairing any structural damage
  • Applying a new layer of drywall

If you're not comfortable repairing yourself, it's best to contact a professional. They will have the experience and knowledge needed to do the job correctly.

Waiting to repair water damage can be risky

It's important to remember that water damage can lead to severe consequences if it's not repaired quickly. Mold can grow, lengthening the repair process. Additionally, water damage can cause structural damage to your home or business, which can be expensive to repair.

If you have a water damaged ceiling, don't wait to contact a professional for help. The sooner you begin the repair process, the less damage your home or business will sustain.

Water damage restoration with SERVPRO of Athens

If you have a water damaged ceiling, it's important to take action as soon as possible. Not only can water damage lead to cosmetic issues and mold growth, but it can also cause structural damage.

In this article, we've outlined what to do when you discover a water damaged ceiling and the risks of waiting for professional water damage restoration.

SERVPRO of Athens is here for all of your water damage restoration needs. Our expert team is ready for your call and can be onsite as soon as possible to ensure the water damage doesn't cause more damage to your home. So trust us to make your home "Like it never even happened."

3 Primary Causes of Kitchen Fires & Effective Restoration

7/8/2022 (Permalink)

Kitchen fire damage in an Athens Georgia home The professionals at SERVPRO are available 24/7 for fire restoration services!

Kitchen fires can cause a lot of damage, but we’re here to help!

Did you know kitchen fires are one of the leading causes of property damage in the United States? According to the National Fire Protection Association, kitchen fires are the leading cause of home fires and fire-related injuries in the United States.

The good news is that you can prevent most kitchen fires by being vigilant when cooking and staying aware of your surroundings.

In this blog post, we will discuss the causes of kitchen fires and how to prevent them. We will also discuss fire damage restoration services and how they can help you recover from a kitchen fire.

Property damage from kitchen fires

There are often three types of damage that result from kitchen fires:

  • Fire damage: This is the damage caused by the flames of the fire.
  • Smoke damage: This is caused by the smoke and soot that can travel through a home and settle on surfaces.
  • Water damage: This is caused by the water used to extinguish the fire.

3 leading causes of kitchen fires

Kitchen fires can be caused by a variety of things, including:

  1. Unattended cooking
  2. Leaving the oven or stovetop on
  3. Grease buildup
  1. Unattended cooking is the leading cause of kitchen fires. Therefore, it is crucial to stay vigilant and be aware of your surroundings when cooking. If you have to leave the kitchen for any reason, turn off the stove or oven.
  2. Leaving the oven or stovetop on is another leading cause of kitchen fires. If you are not using the stove or oven, turn it off.
  3. Grease buildup is a common cause of kitchen fires. When grease builds up on stovetops and ovens, it can become a fire hazard. To prevent grease buildup, clean your stovetop and range regularly.

Preventing kitchen fires

The best way to prevent kitchen fires is to be vigilant when cooking and stay aware of your surroundings. If you have to leave the kitchen for any reason, turn off the stove or oven. Additionally, keep your stovetop and oven clean to prevent grease buildup.

Fire damage restoration services

If you have been the victim of a kitchen fire, it is essential to contact a fire restoration company as soon as possible. Fire restoration companies specialize in repairing fire damage and can help you get your kitchen back to its pre-fire condition.

The experts at SERVPRO can help restore your property from all three types of damage: fire, smoke, and water.

Our process starts with an initial assessment. During this step, we will take pictures of the damage and generate an initial estimate used by insurance companies.

We will then develop a plan of action to repair the damage and restore your kitchen, providing you with a timeline and details about your unique situation.

Trusting a fire damage restoration team like the one at SERVPRO of Athens can help you get your home back to its original condition as soon as possible and get your insurance claim processed promptly.

SERVPRO of Athens: we can help you recover from kitchen fires!

Most people don’t realize that recovering from kitchen fires involves addressing three distinct types of damage:

  • Fire damage
  • Smoke damage
  • Water damage

The key to preventing kitchen fires in the first place is paying attention while you’re cooking. Additionally, keeping your oven clean and turning it off when not in use can help prevent kitchen fires.

SERVPRO of Athens can help property owners deal with the aftermath of kitchen fires. Our expert team of disaster restoration specialists can be onsite within minutes and have the experience to get your home back to “Like it never even happened” while helping you navigate the insurance claims process. So give us a call or reach out via our contact page today!

Effective Warehouse Flood Recovery in 6 Simple Steps!

6/30/2022 (Permalink)

Warehouse flood damage to an Athens building. The professionals at SERVPRO are always available to help mitigate commercial water damage.

Don’t let a warehouse flood interrupt your operations longer than necessary!

A warehouse flood can occur for many reasons—from a broken pipe to heavy rains. When it happens, it’s essential to contact a water damage restoration expert to minimize the damage and start the restoration process as quickly as possible.

This article will discuss water damage restoration and how it can help you recover from a warehouse flood.

Warehouse flood causes

Some of the most common causes of a warehouse flood include:

  • A broken pipe
  • Heavy rains
  • Leaking roof
  • Malfunctioning appliances

Each of these causes can result in extensive water damage to your warehouse. As soon as you see any of the above in your warehouse, contact the water damage restoration experts at SERVPRO of Athens!

What does water damage look like?

Some common signs of water damage, outside of standing water, include:

  • Water stains on the walls or ceiling
  • Peeling paint
  • Warped or buckled walls or flooring
  • Cracks in the foundation
  • Mold or mildew growth

If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to call a water damage restoration professional as soon as possible. They can assess the damage and develop a plan to restore your warehouse to its pre-flood condition.

What is water damage restoration?

Water damage restoration is repairing and restoring your property after a flood or water damage incident. It involves cleaning up the water, drying out the area, and repairing any damage caused by the water.

Water damage can be extensive, and it’s important to start the restoration process as quickly as possible. If you wait too long, the water damage can cause mold to form, leading to even more extensive damage.

Our effective water damage restoration process

At SERVPRO of Athens, we have a comprehensive water damage restoration process to help you recover from a warehouse flood. Our process includes:

  1. Assessment: We will assess the extent of the water damage and formulate a plan to restore your warehouse with minimal downtime in your operations.
  2. Water removal: We will remove all of the water from your warehouse using powerful pumps and vacuums.
  3. Drying: We will use industrial-strength fans and dehumidifiers to dry out your warehouse.
  4. Cleaning: We will clean all affected areas, including carpets, floors, and walls.
  5. Repair: We will repair any damage caused by the water, such as holes in walls or ceilings.
  6. Restoration: We will restore your warehouse to its original condition.

What is contents cleaning?

A warehouse flood can cause extensive water damage and can contaminate the contents of your warehouse. Therefore, it’s essential to clean and restore the contents of your warehouse as quickly as possible.

Contents cleaning is the process of cleaning and restoring your belongings after a flood or water damage incident instead of automatically replacing them. This step can save you money and time and help you preserve any salvageable belongings.

Let SERVPRO of Athens help when you discover a warehouse flood!

Water damage restoration can help you recover from a warehouse flood by:

  • Cleaning up the water
  • Drying out the area
  • Repairing any damage caused by the water

Trusting a water damage expert can help you recover from the warehouse flood with as little interruption to your operations as possible. In addition, our contents cleaning can help you save money by minimizing the number of belongings you need to replace.

If you have a warehouse flood, don’t hesitate to reach out to SERVPRO of Athens via our contact page. We’re here to help 24/7 and have the experience and expertise to handle any size disaster. We’ll make it “Like it never even happened.”

4 Flat Roof Leak Signs: Quick Action Prevents Further Damage

6/23/2022 (Permalink)

A commercial building roof with pooling causing a flat roof leak. Contact the professionals at SERVPRO for any size water damage loss!

A flat roof leak can lead to water damage—trust the experts at SERVPRO of Athens to restore your property!

If you've ever experienced a flat roof leak, you know that it can cause a lot of water damage. Unfortunately, flat roof leaks are one of the most common causes of water damage in businesses. And if the problem isn't addressed quickly, it can lead to extensive and costly repairs.

That's why it's so important to know the signs of a flat roof leak and know what to do if you experience one.

Causes of a flat roof leak

Flat roof leaks are most often caused by one of three things: improper installation, poor maintenance, or severe weather. Improper installation can allow water to seep in through cracks and seams. Poor maintenance can cause the roofing material to deteriorate, which creates gaps and cracks that water can exploit. And severe weather, such as high winds and heavy rain, can damage the roofing material, creating openings for water to enter.

How to detect a flat roof leak

Most flat roof leaks are insidious, meaning they don't present themselves until the damage has already been done. However, there are some signs you can look for that may indicate a flat roof leak:

  • Water stains on ceilings or walls
  • Mold or mildew growth
  • Peeling paint or wallpaper
  • Musty odors

If you notice any of these signs, it's important to have a professional inspect your roof as soon as possible.

What to do if you experience a flat roof leak

The first thing you should do is identify the leak's source. It can be tricky, as flat roofs are prone to leaks in multiple places. However, once you've located the source of the leak, it's essential to fix it as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

If the leak is small and you can repair it yourself, thoroughly clean and dry the area before making any repairs. For more significant leaks or those that you cannot fix yourself, it's essential to call a professional roofing contractor.

Flat roof leaks may seem harmless, but they can cause a lot of water damage if not addressed quickly. By being aware of the common causes and signs of flat roof leaks, you can prevent extensive damage to your home or business. And if you do experience a flat roof leak, don't hesitate to call a professional for help.

Water damage restoration

If your home or business experiences a flat roof leak, it's vital to take quick action to prevent further water damage. Water damage can be extensive and costly to repair, so it's important to act fast to minimize the damage.

The first step in water damage restoration is to identify and fix the source of the leak. After repairing the leak, thoroughly clean and dry the affected area. This step may require the use of industrial fans and dehumidifiers.

Any delay in dealing with the water damage can lead to mold growth, further compounding the problem.

Call a professional water damage restoration company if the damage is extensive or if you cannot repair the leak yourself. These companies have the experience and equipment necessary to quickly and effectively repair water damage.

SERVPRO of Athens can help with your flat roof leak!

Don't let flat roof leaks cause extensive water damage to your home or business. Instead, be aware of the common causes and signs of flat roof leaks, and take quick action to repair the leak and dry the affected area. If the damage is extensive, don't hesitate to call a professional water damage restoration company.

SERVPRO of Athens has the experience and equipment to quickly and effectively repair water damage, making your property "Like it never even happened." Our experts are standing by and can get to your property before mold has the chance to grow. Reach out via our contact page, and we'll send someone over right away!

Roof Storm Damage 101: Expert Advice For Your Home!

6/10/2022 (Permalink)

Roof storm damage to an Athens home Contact the professionals at SERVPRO for emergency storm damage repairs!

Roof storm damage is typical after intense storms, so make sure you know what to do if it happens to you!

Roof storm damage can be a severe issue and one that often goes unnoticed until it's too late. If you've been through a storm and notice any damage to your roof, be sure to have it inspected as soon as possible.

In many cases, professionals can repair roof storm damage without replacing the entire roof.

This article will go over the signs that you need storm damage restoration services to get your roof back to tip-top shape.

What is roof storm damage?

Roof storm damage is any damage that is caused by a storm. This can include damage to the roof itself, such as blown off roof tiles, or damage to the roofing material from water infiltration.

Storm damage can also include damage to the home's exterior, such as windows and siding. In some cases, storm damage can even cause structural damage.

Why is it important to get roof storm damage repaired?

It is essential to get roof storm damage repaired as soon as possible because if left unrepaired, it can lead to further damage to the roof and the home.

Whenever the professionals at SERVPRO of Athens encounter holes in a roof, they recommend covering the opening with a tarp. This mitigation measure prevents water and small animals from entering your attic. Additionally, boarding any damaged windows can also help prevent further damage.

What are the signs that you need roof restoration services?

There are a few different signs that you may need roof storm damage repair. If you notice any of the following, be sure to contact a disaster restoration professional as soon as possible:

  • Missing or damaged roof tiles. These are often blown off during particularly intense storms, offering water a chance into your home.
  • Water infiltration. Whenever you find water in your home's upper level, there's a good chance your roof leaks. Getting it fixed quickly minimizes your opportunity for mold growth.
  • Damaged gutters or downspouts. Whenever water flow to the ground is interrupted, your property faces the risk of water getting under your shingles and into your attic. Wet spots on the underside of your roof are a telltale sign of water infiltration.
  • Shingle granules in the gutters. A few granules in the gutter are typical; an excessive amount could mean that your shingles are worn down, indicating an increased risk of roof leaks.
  • Missing or damaged flashings. This type of roof storm damage leads to water spots in the corners of your roof—spotting this from inside your attic can be difficult.
  • Mold growth inside your attic. If you notice mold growth in your attic, it's a good indication that roof storm damage needs to be repaired.
  • Structural damage. In some cases, roof storm damage can cause structural damage to the home. This scenario is typically only seen in severe storms, such as hurricanes.

SERVPRO of Athens: we can help you recover from roof storm damage

If you've experienced roof storm damage, it's essential to have it repaired as soon as possible. Keep the signs that you need roof restoration services from this article in mind to get your roof back in tip-top shape.

In short, make sure you keep an eye on your roof after a storm to discover whether you need roof restoration services as soon as possible. Quick action can mean the difference between a fast repair and lengthy structural damage.

SERVPRO of Athens is here to help with all your roof storm damage repair needs. We have extensive experience in roof storm damage repair and can get your roof back to its pre-storm condition, making your property "Like it never even happened." So give us a call today!

Hail Damage: The 5 Effective Recovery Steps Our Experts Use

6/3/2022 (Permalink)

hail damage on the roof of an Athens home Contact the professionals at SERVPRO when your property suffers from hail damage!

The experts at SERVPRO of Athens can help you with your hail damage!

If you've ever been unfortunate enough to experience hail damage, you know that it can be a real hassle. Hail can range in size from a pea to grapefruit and can cause dents, broken windows, and even holes in roofs.

If you are unfortunate enough to experience hail damage, document it with photos and contact your insurance company as soon as possible.

This article will give you a few tips on what to do if you experience hail damage and how the storm damage restoration experts at SERVPRO of Athens handle the recovery process.

What is hail?

Hail is a form of precipitation produced during thunderstorms. It is made up of ice pellets and can range in size from a pea to a grapefruit. It can strike anywhere, even in warmer climates, but is most common in the Midwest and Plains states.

Hail damage can occur to any property type but is most commonly seen on cars, roofs, and windows.

What is hail damage?

Hail can cause extensive damage to cars, homes, and businesses. Some common examples of hail damage include:

  • Dents in the roof or siding
  • Shattered windows
  • A hole in the roof
  • Damage to the gutters or downspouts
  • Damage to the AC unit or other outdoor equipment

Water infiltration is always a risk whenever your home's exterior is punctured. Moisture can get into your home, causing additional interior damage. If this water isn't correctly handled, mold growth can occur.

Additionally, holes in your roof and window can let bugs and small animals into your home. By contacting a damage restoration team like SERVPRO, you're working with experts who know how to keep your property secure against these threats. For example, a simple tarp or board can frequently keep your property safe until the restoration process begins.

What to do if you experience hail damage

  • First and foremost, remain calm. It can be tempting to freak out when you see hail damage, but it's vital to stay levelheaded.
  • Secondly, assess the damage. Take a look around and see what, if anything, needs to be repaired or replaced.
  • Third, contact your insurance company. Hail damage is usually covered by homeowners' or renters' insurance, so get in touch with your insurer as soon as possible.
  • Fourth, document the damage. Photos are essential for insurance purposes, so take plenty of pictures of the hail damage.
  • Finally, start the repair process. Once you've contacted your insurance company and documented the damage, contact an expert who can begin repairing or replacing whatever was damaged by the hail.

How SERVPRO of Athens handles hail damage restoration

The storm damage restoration experts at SERVPRO of Athens can help if your home or business has been damaged by hail. We have decades of experience restoring properties after hail damage, and we know how to get the job done quickly and efficiently.

When you call us, we'll send a team of specialists to your property to assess the damage and formulate an action plan. We'll then repair or replace whatever was damaged by the hail, and we'll do everything we can to get your property back to its pre-storm condition.

Need help recovering from hail damage?

You don't have to deal with hail damage alone. Whether it's impacted your roof, windows, or dents in your siding, the experts at SERVPRO of Athens are here to help!

Since hail damage can lead to other problems on your property, such as water infiltration, it's essential to address any damage as quickly as possible. In addition, taking photos of any damage can help with your insurance claim.

If you discover hail damage and need the storm damage restoration team at SERVPRO of Athens, call or reach out via our contact page. One of our experts can come to your property and assess the damage, develop an action plan, and get your property back to "Like it never even happened."

3 Simple Tips For Gutter Damage Prevention On Your Property

5/27/2022 (Permalink)

Gutter damage to an Athens home Contact the professionals at SERVPRO when you have gutter damage!

Gutter damage can lead to water infiltration, which requires expert damage restoration!

Most people only think about their gutters when it rains, and they start to overflow. But what many people don’t know is that gutter damage can be a severe problem, and it’s important to take care of them before it’s too late.

Gutter damage can lead to water damage on your property, a big problem. Water damage is one of the most common types of property damage, and it can be costly to repair.

This article will discuss the dangers of gutter damage and what you can do to prevent it, straight from the damage restoration professionals at SERVPRO.

Gutter damage causes

Gutter damage can occur for a variety of reasons. One of the most common reasons is when gutters become clogged with debris, such as leaves or twigs. When this happens, water can overflow and cause damage to the roof, fascia, and eaves. Therefore, gutters should be cleared of all debris at least twice a year to prevent damage.

Another common cause of gutter damage is severe weather. Heavy rains and high winds can cause gutters to come loose from their supports, leading to severe damage. If you live in an area prone to severe weather, it’s essential to have your gutters inspected regularly and repaired if necessary.

If you think a heavy storm has damaged your gutters, it’s vital to have them inspected by a professional as soon as possible. Gutter damage can lead to severe problems if left untreated, so don’t wait until too late.

Consequences of gutter damage

Gutter damage can lead to serious water damage, roof damage, and even foundation damage if left untreated. That’s why it’s so important to take care of your gutters and have them inspected regularly.

Water damage can lead to the growth of mold, the treatment of which requires extensive expertise and protective gear. If you notice any signs of mold growth in your home, it’s crucial to take action right away—gutter damage might be responsible for your property’s water infiltration problem!

Gutter damage can also lead to extensive roof damage. As water overflows from gutters, it can seep under shingles and cause them to deteriorate. This damage can lead to leaks, which can damage the interior of your home.

In extreme cases, gutter damage can even lead to foundation damage. When water saturates the ground around your foundation, it can cause cracks and other problems. If you notice any cracks in your foundation, it’s important to have them repaired as soon as possible.

How to prevent gutter damage

There are a few things you can do to prevent gutter damage:

  1. Have your gutters cleaned at least twice a year
  2. Inspect your gutters regularly for any signs of damage
  3. If you live in an area that is prone to severe weather, have your gutters inspected regularly and repaired if necessary

What to do if you have gutter damage

If you have gutter damage, you should first call a professional for an inspection. They will be able to assess the damage and determine the best course of action.

After the inspection, the next step is to repair the damage. This step may involve repairs to your gutters, roof, or foundation. Again, it’s essential to have the damage repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage.

If you have gutter damage, don’t wait to take action. Instead, call a professional for an inspection and repair the damage as soon as possible.

SERVPRO of Athens: water damage restoration professionals

Gutter damage can be a severe problem, and it’s important to take care of it before it gets worse because of water infiltration. Unfortunately, water damage is one of the most common types of property damage and can be very expensive to repair.

If you have any issues with your gutters from storm damage or are finding water damage inside your home, give the expert at SERVPRO of Athens a call. Our storm damage restoration experts are standing by and ready to take care of your property at a moment’s notice, making your home “Like it never even happened.”

Fallen Tree Damage: 4 Simple Recovery Steps From Experts!

5/20/2022 (Permalink)

Property damage caused by a fallen tree Contact the storm team at SERVPRO for a fast response!

Fallen tree damage can be quite a surprise, but repairing your home from it is straightforward with SERVPRO of Athens!

When a tree falls, it can cause a lot of damage. Not only can it take down power lines or crush cars, but it can also do a lot of damage to your home. If you're unlucky enough to have a fallen tree hit your house, call a storm damage professional to help with the cleanup and repairs.

This article will outline the risks of fallen tree damage and give you action steps for when you find fallen tree damage on your property.

How can fallen tree damage affect my home?

When a tree falls, the damage it can cause is not limited to the initial impact. For example, if a fallen tree hits your house, it can cause structural damage that weakens the integrity of your home. This damage can be expensive to repair. In addition, fallen trees can also damage utility lines and crushed cars.

Fallen tree damage can also cause damage to your roof. If the tree falls on your house, it can crush your roof and give water and small animals a way into your home. 

An excellent temporary protective measure for fallen tree damage that affects the roof is a roof tarp. This covering can keep water out and limit the potential for mold growth. Because roofs suffering from fallen tree damage can be unstable, hire a professional instead of climbing onto the roof yourself.

What to do if you discover fallen tree damage

Here are a few things you need to do if a fallen tree damages your home:

  1. Assess the damage. The first thing you need to do is look at the damage and see how bad it is. If the tree has just fallen and there is only minor damage, you may be able to clean it up yourself. However, if the damage is significant, you'll need to call a professional.
  2. Call your insurance company. Once you've assessed the damage, you'll need to call your insurance company and tell them what happened. They will be able to help you file a claim and get the repairs started.
  3. Get quotes from contractors. If the damage is extensive, you'll need to get quotes from contractors for the repairs. Make sure to get at least three quotes to compare prices and services.
  4. Schedule the repairs. Once you've chosen a contractor, you'll need to schedule the repairs. This step may take some time, depending on the extent of the damage.

Taking care of a fallen tree can be a lot of work, but it's essential to do it properly to prevent further damage. If you have any questions, call the professionals at SERVPRO of Athens for help.

Our process for fallen tree damage repair

The first step in our process for repairing your home from fallen tree damage involves an initial assessment. During this step, we take pictures to help in your insurance claim.

Then, we estimate the repair costs and communicate that information to your insurance company. We have extensive experience working with insurance companies, and they trust estimates that come from a company like SERVPRO.

The third step is making a repair plan. We communicate schedules and timelines, making sure you're aware of each milestone along the way. Our goal is to make your property "Like it never even happened."

Finally, after the repairs are complete, we follow up and ensure you're satisfied with the work. Our goal is customer satisfaction!

Call SERVPRO of Athens whenever you have fallen tree damage!

Fallen tree damage can be a lot of work, but it's essential to do it properly so you can prevent further damage. Fast action can ensure water and critters don't enter your home through any holes in your roof and limit the potential for mold growth.

If you have any questions, call the professionals at SERVPRO of Athens for help. Our process for fallen tree damage repair is extensive and will ensure your home is back to normal in no time!

Electrical Fire: 7 Potential Causes & Expert Recovery

5/13/2022 (Permalink)

A fire caused by a faulty electrical outlet Contact the professionals at SERVPRO if your property suffers from an electrical fire!

Let our experts help with the property damage from an electrical fire!

If you've ever experienced an electrical fire, you know the damage it does to your home and belongings.

Electrical fires are caused by many things, from overloaded circuits to faulty wiring. Because of the potential for damage, it's essential to know how to extinguish an electrical fire and what steps to take after one has occurred. So read on for tips on dealing with an electrical fire and preventing them from happening in the first place!

The dangers of an electrical fire

An electrical fire can cause a lot of damage, and it's important to be aware of the risks involved. Some of the dangers of electrical fires include:

Fire: An electrical fire can quickly get out of control and cause extensive damage to your home and belongings.

- Smoke inhalation: The smoke from an electrical fire can affect belongings and the HVAC system, requiring expert smoke damage restoration.

- Structural: Your electrical system can become compromised, requiring extensive repair for continued functionality.

What causes an electrical fire?

An electrical fire can be caused by many different things, including:

  • Overloaded circuits
  • Faulty wiring
  • Defective electrical equipment
  • Improper use of electrical appliances
  • Lighting fixtures and wiring
  • Faulty extension cords
  • Power strips

If you're ever faced with an electrical fire, it's essential to know how to extinguish it before it causes more damage to your property. Read on for tips on handling an electrical fire and preventing them from happening in the first place!

How to handle an electrical fire

If you're ever faced with an electrical fire, it's essential to know how to handle it to get your life back to "Like it never even happened."

If you have an electrical fire, the first thing you should do is call 911. Once the fire department arrives, they will be able to assess the situation and determine the best course of action.

If the electrical fire is small and contained, you may be able to extinguish it with a fire extinguisher. However, if the fire is large or out of control, you should evacuate the premises and let the professionals handle it.

The importance of fire damage restoration after an electrical fire

If you've ever experienced an electrical fire, you know how devastating it can be to your home and belongings.

When it comes to electrical fires, the damage doesn't stop when the fire is extinguished. The damage can continue to spread long after the fire has been put out.

That's why it's so important to call in a professional fire damage restoration team as soon as possible after an electrical fire. Fire damage restoration experts have the training and experience necessary to properly assess the damage and take steps to prevent further damage from occurring.

They will also be able to help you salvage any belongings that have been affected by the fire and will work with you to get your life back to "Like it never even happened."

Preventing electrical fires

While electrical fires can be caused by many different things, there are some steps you can take to help prevent them from happening in the first place. Some tips for preventing electrical fires include:

  • Check your electrical cords and wiring regularly for signs of wear and tear.
  • Do not overload circuits or extension cords.
  • Use electrical appliances and equipment as directed.
  • Inspect electrical equipment for damage before using it.
  • Do not use electrical equipment in wet areas.

If you're ever unsure about something electrical in your home, it's always better to err on the side of caution.

SERVPRO of Athens: we're here to help you with electrical fire recovery!

Electrical fires are one of the most common types of fires in the home. They can be caused by various things, from overloaded circuits to faulty wiring.

In this article, we've provided tips on dealing with electrical fires and preventing them from happening in the first place!

If you face fire damage to your property, give the fire damage restoration team at SERVPRO of Athens a call today! Our experts can help get your property "Like it never even happened."

Smoke Detectors 101: Find The Best Fit For Your Home!

5/3/2022 (Permalink)

An active smoke detector Contact the professionals at SERVPRO for quality fire restoration services!

Smoke detectors play a vital role in protecting your property from fire damage.

If you're like most people, you probably don't think about smoke detectors until there's a fire. And then it's usually too late.

Smoke detectors are an essential part of any home safety plan, and it's important to know how to use them properly and what to do if they go off. They can help to prevent fires from happening and can also help to minimize the damage caused by a fire if one does occur.

This article will discuss smoke detectors and their importance, where they should be placed in your home, and how often you should test them. We will also provide some tips on fire damage restoration if you ever find yourself in that situation.

The two main types of smoke detectors

There are two main types of smoke detectors on the market, and it's essential to know about both so that you can decide which one is best for your home.

Photoelectric smoke detectors are the most common type of smoke detector. They are designed to detect smoke particles released when a fire starts. Photoelectric smoke detectors are usually more sensitive than ionization smoke detectors, and they can often catch fire sooner.

Ionization smoke detectors are less common, but they are still popular for many homeowners. These smoke detectors work by measuring the ionization of smoke particles using a small current. Ionization smoke detectors are often less sensitive than photoelectric smoke detectors, but they can also be cheaper to purchase and install.

When choosing a smoke detector for your home, it's important to carefully consider both the type and the location of the smoke detector. Some features include a high smoke sensitivity level, an easy installation process, and a reliable battery life.

In short, photoelectric smoke detectors are best when you are likely to see a fire, like a kitchen during a grease fire.

Where should I place smoke detectors?

In general, place smoke detectors on every level of your home, including the basement.

In terms of location, smoke detectors should be placed in areas where fires are most likely to occur, such as near cooking appliances or heaters.

You should install most smoke detectors on the ceiling, but some models work when placed on the wall. Put them in areas where the most smoke would accumulate, such as near the kitchen or in a hallway.

How often should I test my smoke detectors?

Smoke detectors need to be tested regularly to ensure that they are working correctly. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends testing smoke detectors at least once a month.

You can test your smoke detectors by pushing the test button. If the smoke detector doesn't respond, change the batteries and try again. If it still doesn't respond, it needs to be replaced.

In addition to testing smoke detectors regularly, it's also important to replace smoke detector batteries at least once a year. You can purchase smoke detector batteries in bulk and keep them on hand for the next time you need to swap out your smoke detector batteries.

What to do if smoke detectors go off

If a smoke detector does go off unexpectedly, take immediate action; this may include evacuating the home and calling the fire department. Smoke detectors can save lives, so it's important to know how they work and where to put them in your home.

If you ever experience a fire damage emergency, SERVPRO of Athens is here to help. We are a leading provider of fire damage restoration services, and we have the experience and expertise to get your home back to its pre-fire condition.

We understand that a fire can be a traumatic event, and we will work diligently to restore your home as quickly as possible. We will also work with your insurance company to ensure that you get the coverage you need.

SERVPRO of Athens is here for you!

If you're looking for smoke detectors to help minimize fire damage in your home, investigate the two main types of smoke detectors: photoelectric and ionization smoke detectors.

And when choosing a smoke detector for your home, make sure to keep safety, ease of installation, and battery life in mind. Then, with the correct smoke detector in place, you can rest easy, knowing that your home is protected against fire damage.

To learn more about smoke detectors and fire damage restoration services, contact SERVPRO of Athens today.

Steps to Fire Restoration with SERVPRO

3/15/2022 (Permalink)

Every fire damage event is a little different, and requires a unique solution, but the general process stays the same. The steps listed below illustrate our process for the “typical” fire damage emergency.

Step 1: Emergency Contact

The restoration process begins when you call us. Our representative will ask questions regarding the fire damage event that will help us respond immediately with the appropriate equipment and resources. 

Step 2: Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment

We carefully inspect and test adjoining rooms of your property to determine the extent of the fire, smoke, and soot damage. This step is crucial to developing a plan of action. 

Step 3: Immediate Board-Up and Roof-Tarp Service

Fire damage can often compromise windows, walls, and roofs. To maintain security and to protect against further damage, we can board up missing windows and walls and place tarps on damaged roofs. 

Step 4: Water Removal and Drying (if water damage is present)

The water removal process begins almost immediately and removes the majority of the water. We then use dehumidifiers and air movers to remove the remaining water and complete the drying process. 

Step 5: Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces

We use specialized equipment and techniques to remove smoke and soot from ceilings, walls, and other surfaces. 

Step 6: Cleaning and Sanitizing

We clean, sanitize, and disinfect all of the restorable items and structures that were damaged by the fire. We use a variety of cleaning techniques to restore your belongings to pre-fire condition. We’re also trained to remove odors using industrial air scrubbers and fogging equipment.

Step 7: Restoration

Restoration is the final step—getting your home or business to its pre-fire condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall, painting, and installing new carpet; or it may entail major repairs such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

Creating an Evacuation Plan

3/15/2022 (Permalink)

Most people know that they should have a home fire escape plan. Few are willing to make the effort to create one. After all, home fires aren’t that common. Fire planning is likely to end up near the bottom of their to-do lists.

There are Three Steps To the Process:

  1. Prepare a plan. Involve everyone in the family. Engaging everyone makes the following steps simpler.

  2. Walkthrough the plan. None of this will become real to your family until they experience it. This will also expose flaws or anything you missed.

  3. Run fire drills. At first, schedule them. If that goes well, try some unscheduled ones. Use the test buttons on your fire detectors.

Following are a few considerations when preparing the plan.

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

You see fire escape plans near exit doors and in hotel rooms. It is a simple picture of the floor plan showing where you are and how to exit the building. This concept works as well in homes as it does in commercial establishments.

A Single Exit Is Not Enough

What happens if a home fire blocks your preferred exit? Make sure your plan allows for alternate exits. There should be exits at opposite ends of the home if possible.

A Meeting Place Is the Key to a Successful Evacuation

When it comes to evacuating a burning home, the most important thing is to get out safely. The second most important thing is to know that everyone else is safe. The only reliable way to do this is to establish a common meeting place. Everyone who gets out must go directly to that place and meet up with the others.

The Helpful Ozone

3/15/2022 (Permalink)

Are you one of the 1.3 million people each year that has had a home fire? How will you ever get rid of that smell?  OZONING!  What is ozoning and how does it work?

Normal oxygen (O2) is converted to O3, which is commonly called ozone.  It reverts back to O2 in about an hour if the O3 is unused.  This leaves the air fresh and clean because the source of the order has been permanently removed.  And there are no artificial odors so the space becomes free of odors, as nature intended.

Outdoors, nature eliminates odors and microorganisms using UV light and O3.  Indoors, most places receive very little UV light or O3 to help eliminate the odors.  An ozone machine creates O3, or ozone, in a process that utilizes an electrical current.  Ozone sanitizes the air by breaking down odors and microorganisms at their source.

Nature creates O3 as a natural cleaning during thunderstorms, and also from the sunlight striking the earth’s atmosphere.  We have all taken a walk after a thunderstorm and experienced that fresh clean, fresh smell in the air.  That’s O3, or ozone, at work.

SERVPRO also offers a service at our facility where we can ozone specific items like clothing, furniture, or anything that has smoke damage and get it smelling better than new.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (706) 549-3366

Realtors Worst Nightmare

3/15/2022 (Permalink)

We receive numerous calls this time of year from people who are trying to sell their house but need to have mold remediation done before the interested buyer will sign the contract.

Here are some things you need to know when it comes to mold remediation on the house you are trying to sell:

  • Address the Source - If the mold is coming from a leaking hot water heater, no matter how many times we come out to remediate the mold, if the leaking hot water heater does not get fixed, the mold will keep returning.
  • Depending on the severity of the mold that is present, it may be necessary to have an Industrial Hygienist come in to test for the types of mold present as well as how high of a count of mold spores are present. Our general rule of thumb is if you have a span of more than 10 square feet of mold, you probably need to have mold testing done.  Having this information will allow us  to take the necessary steps to get your home back to preloss condition.  The final step is to have the Industrial Hygienist come back out and test again to ensure that we have brought the mold spore count back down to an acceptable level. 
  • We do not test for mold. As a professional mold remediation company, it would present a conflict of interest if we were also the Industrial Hygienist that came in behind ourselves to test the site and claim it as being cleared.  We want to avoid any appearance of false test results to clear our own work.

Taking the points listed above into consideration, please be sure to allow for enough time for each step as well as the Mold Remediation Process.

Learn more about mold and what you can do until help arrives by reviewing these mold damages tips.

Spring Flooding

3/15/2022 (Permalink)

While spring brings the promise of warm weather and longer days, it also brings a variety of conditions that can include heavy rains and severe weather, which can increase your flood risk. During the rainy season, we are at high risk for flash flooding, which can occur rapidly within a few minutes or hours of excessive rainfall.

As one of the most common hazards in the United States, it's important we prepare for the potential disaster that flooding can cause. Even if you are located in a low-risk flood zone remember that anywhere it rains, it can flood. Just because you haven't experienced a flood in the past, doesn't mean you won't in the future.

In order to help prepare you for the possibility of a flood, I offer the following tips:

  • Build an emergency kit and make a family communications plan
  • Elevate the furnace, water heater, and electric panel in your home if you live in an area that has a high flood risk
  • Install check-valves to prevent floodwater from backing up into the drains of your facility
  • Seal basement walls and floors with waterproofing compounds to prevent seepage through cracks
  • Always keep your gutters and downspouts clean to allow water to flow freely
  • Prepare a flood evacuation plan
  • Know how to safely shut off utilities
  • Keep insurance and vital records in a water-proof box
  • Have a portable radio to listen for important current information

The longer you wait to call, the greater the chance of mold growth and unrecoverable property.  

Have Water or Flood Damage?
Call Us Today – (706) 549-3366


3/3/2022 (Permalink)

SERVPRO responds to emergency calls 24-hours a day.  We work with homeowners and insurance adjusters to restore a damaged property to preloss condition. 

Every restoration project is unique, but our process typically involves the following steps. 

Step 1: Emergency Dispatch or Scheduling an Estimate

We dispatch when you call us, 24-hours a day, every day of the week.  Our emergency dispatch service includes water damage, biohazard cleanup, and emergency services to help secure a property like board-up and roof tarping. 

Clients in need of non-emergency services can still call us at any time to schedule an estimate.  Some estimates can be done quickly online, and others will require us to visit a property to perform an inspection.  Damage restoration estimates are free. 

Step 2: Cleanup and Mitigation 

This step involves cleaning up the damage the property has experienced.  

While our technicians are cleaning a property, our office staff is also busy at work.  Each of our clients is assigned a Project Coordinator that will work with each insurance adjuster to help process the insurance claim. 

Step 3: Reconstruction

If a property suffered extensive damage and required demolition, then our reconstruction team repairs everything necessary to make any damage “Like it never even happened.”  This portion of the project begins immediately after the mitigation has been completed and is typically approved as part of the insurance claim. 

Call us anytime.  We’re here to help. 706-549-3366

The P.A.S.S. Technique

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

If an electrical cord sparks and catches fire inside of your business, would your employees know how to use a Fire Extinguisher to effectively extinguish the fire? Do they know the P.A.S.S. technique? Teach them these few steps.

1. Pull
The first step in this technique is to pull the pin on top of the Fire Extinguisher. In process of this action, the tamper seal will also break.

2. Aim
The next step is aiming the nozzle correctly. It is important to aim the nozzle towards the base of the fire, never the flames.

3. Squeeze
The next step is to squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent. Make sure to squeeze the handle slowly as the agent is pressurized.

4. Sweep
The final step is sweeping the nozzle. Sweeping the nozzle back and forth across the base of the fire is crucial in making sure all the flames are fully extinguished from the fire.

Teaching your employees this technique will endure a quicker reaction to extinguishing a fire. Always make sure to call your local Fire Department as soon as possible, just in case another fire were to start. As always, you can call your local SERVPRO to begin Fire Restoration to get your business “Like it never even happened.”

Why Won’t My Toilet Stop Running?

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

It’s a necessity in every residential and commercial building: the toilet.  Proper toilet and plumbing maintenance are essential for helping to protect your property from the risk of water damage, but all too often, people find that their toilet just won’t stop running!  Fortunately, a running toilet is often a simple fix, with one of these three most common causes:

  1. A Broken or Dirty Flapper. The flapper is the rubber piece inside of the tank that stops the water from going down into the bowl.  This flapper is regulated by the flushing handle, attached to a chain.  If the flapper becomes damaged, warped, or soiled, the hole to the bowl will not seal properly, allowing the toilet to run continuously.  By turning off the water to the toilet, draining the tank, and inspecting the flapper, you can determine if cleaning or replacement will be necessary.
  2. Improper Chain Length. The chain between the flushing handle and the flapper must be the proper length to allow the flapper to seal properly after flushing.  If the chain is too short, the flapper will not be able to settle into the proper position to seal the toilet tank from the bowl.  Checking the chain for any damages, and adjusting the length if needed, can help correct any running toilet issues.
  3. Float Out of Position. This float regulates the water level within the toilet tank and is often accompanied by a fill level indication on the tank.  If the float is positioned too high, this will allow too much water into the tank, which will continually cause the toilet to run. 

Not only can fixing your running toilet help reduce the risk of a water damage, but it can also save quite a bit of money on you water bill.  If your toilet, or any other commercial or residential appliance, does happen to cause your home or business a water damage, know that SERVPRO of Athens is equipped and prepared to help.  

Making an ERP

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

Do you have an emergency plan ready for whenever disaster strikes? Would your employees know who to call for an emergency if you were ever out of the office on vacation? Lucky for you our Emergency Ready Profile (ERP) is free and easy to use for every business you may have! Creating an ERP only takes minutes of your time and potentially saves you thousands of dollars.
Your business’ ERP will include any information needed for any disaster possible. A little example of what it may include are as follows:

  • Emergency Numbers
  • Assembly Area
  • Utility Providers and Locations for Shut Off
  • Severe Weather Emergency
  • Multiple Tips for each Emergency

An ERP lets your local SERVPRO franchise become familiar with your business in an instant if you were to ever call for an emergency. You don’t have to wait for a SERPVRO employee to contact you, make your own today! Now available in the App Store is “Ready Plan”. 

If interested in creating an ERP call us today! 

(706) 549-3366

What to Expect When Water Damage Strikes

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

It can be a very stressful situation when water damages occur in either your home or business.  In your home, the water can damage family mementos and possessions,  limit the amount of space available for you and your family, and cause a financial burden to bear.  In your business, these types of damages can limit your productivity, disrupt day-to-day operations, and cause a loss of income for you and your employees.  To reduce the severity of these potentially disastrous occurrences, SERVPRO of Athens offers 24/7/365 emergency response to begin mitigating water damages ASAP.  When water damage strikes, it is important to understand how the damages can progress if not quickly handled:

Within Minutes

  • Water spreads throughout your property, beginning to saturate items within its path
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, belongings, and other porous surfaces
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets
  • Photographs & Paper Goods become damaged

1-2 Hours

  • Drywall Swells
  • Metal Surfaces Tarnish
  • Furniture and Flooring begin to warp/mold
  • Odors begin to form

48 Hours-1 Week

  • Microbial Growth begins to occur
  • Metal begins to rust
  • Doors & Windows begin to swell and warp
  • Biohazard contamination becomes possible

Over 1 Week

  • Structural safety becomes compromised
  • Microbial growth spreads
  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically
  • Biohazard contamination poses a serious risk

If you home or business has suffered a water damage, call SERVPRO of Athens at 706-549-3366. We have the expertise, experience, and equipment to take care of you and your property as quickly as possible, helping to make your damage “Like it never even happened.”

Coffee Stains, No More

2/1/2022 (Permalink)

Before Vs. After a Professional Carpet Cleaning by SERVPRO.

Is your carpet inside of your office stained with coffee and other miscellaneous spills? There’s no way that a product off of your grocery store’s shelf will help. Luckily, your friendly neighborhood SERVPRO offers Professional Carpet Cleaning Services.

We have a range of different types of Carpet Cleaning to help with the stains and heavily impacted soils inside your carpet. They are listed from least aggressive to most aggressive:

• Bonnet Cleaning
• Hot Water Extraction
• Deluxe Precondition and Rinse
• Rotary Jet Extraction
• Showcase

SERVPRO of Athens most commonly uses the Deluxe Precondition and Rinse method, we use a product to loosen heavily impacted dirt and soils inside of your carpet then use Hot Water Extraction to rinse your carpet and bring them back to being squeaky clean.

We recommend you to have your carpets professionally cleaned at least once or twice a year under normal conditions; however special factors such as smoking/pets may require more frequent cleanings.

SERVPRO also cleans rugs inside of your home or in the warehouse, whatever to suit your needs!
Don’t be afraid to schedule an appointment today at (706) 549-3366.

Water Damage in Residential Housing

1/24/2022 (Permalink)

Mason Manor's Property Manager mailed a review of SERVPRO of Athens services to the company.

In January of 2022, one of our teams at SERVPRO of Athens was dispatched to Mason Manor Apartments residential housing that called for Water Mitigation. When first arriving, our Crew Chief inspected all three units to see what caused the Water Damage, what materials have high moisture level readings, and if there is visible standing water. They found that only two out of the three units needed mitigation and the Water Damage had started from a washing machine in one of the units. The crew saw no need for any demolition and started loading equipment to dry the resident’s homes. The equipment placed consisted of seven fans and two dehumidifiers. The property manager of Mason Manor Apartments was very happy with the service and communication with our team she received.

More than Just Water Damage

1/10/2022 (Permalink)

What threats does water damage inside of your home or business pose to you and others? You may not realize it at first, but more threats could be harmful to you than just contaminated water. 

  • Electrical Hazards
    • Mixing water and electricity creates a potential for disaster, and electrical hazards can lurk anywhere on a water-damaged job site.
    • Floods may also cause water to intrude into the wiring system.
  • Structural Hazards
    • Particleboard floors in buildings that have been exposed to floodwaters or other high saturation water conditions may not support the weight of machinery or people.
    • Drywall softens with exposure to water, and ceilings may fall onto workers or occupants.
  • Hazardous and Regulated Materials 
    • Hazardous chemicals, lead-based paint, and asbestos may be present in some water-damaged buildings.
    • When materials are disturbed, it poses a serious health threat to yourself and others. 
  • Confined Space Hazards
    • Confined spaces usually offer limited or restricted means of entrance and exit and may present a dangerous atmosphere or other hazards.
    • Sewage-contaminated crawl spaces could pose serious hazards such as sewer gas, infectious waste, spiders, electrical wiring, or gas lines, and other hazards.
  • Biological Hazards
    • Sewage contains hundreds of viruses that can be transmitted to humans.
    • Bacteria found in sewage are extremely virulent and able to overcome our bodies’ defenses.
    • Sewage may also contain parasites such as the tapeworm that lives in the human intestines. The helminth worm, one of the various parasites in sewage, can cause intestinal disease in humans.
    • Water damages offer opportunities for molds to grow and multiply since moisture and humidity levels increase in a structure that has suffered water intrusion.

Got a Sprinkler Flood?

1/5/2022 (Permalink)

Sprinkler damaging the ceiling of a business.

Fire sprinklers are often your knight in shining armor when it comes to a fire damaging your business. However, what if your sprinkler system accidentally turns on and floods your business? Who would be your knight in shining armor then? SERVPRO! Until our helpful team comes to your rescue, this is what you can do to help:

  1. Turn Off Your Water Supply

Sprinklers use large amounts of water in a short period of time to extinguish a fire. Water damage to floors, walls, and electronics happen easier than you would think. It’s very important to have multiple employees who know how to turn off your water supply in case of such an emergency.

  1. Seek Out a Professional

Your very own SERVPRO team is trained how to deal with water damages exactly like your own.  We are trained on how to correctly dry each surface and reduce mold risk. We are able to easily restore the structure of your building to what it once was, possibly even smelling better from the stagnant sprinkler water.

The quick response of turning off your water supply and calling your friendly neighborhood SERVPRO, will leave your business “Like it never even happened.”

Top 3 Criteria When Choosing a Restoration Company in Athens, GA

12/2/2021 (Permalink)

When it comes to choosing a restoration provider, decisions often quickly gravitate toward price.

Of course, price is an important consideration in any business decision, but normally you get what you pay for. It's important to remember that cost savings can disappear in the face of shoddy work, accidents or other issues. Altogether, when insurance is paying the bill, it is important that you are getting a fair price and your insurance company recognizes the value of the contractor doing the work and agrees to pay the bills. Price aside, what are important factors when evaluating restoration providers? This blog explores three important criteria you should consider and why. You will see why SERVPRO of Athens is the best in the industry. 

1. Safety

In comparison to a construction site, restoration job sites often present unique challenges for business and homeowners and the restoration providers alike. For example, at a restoration job site it may be possible to keep parts of the business operating while other areas or features of a building are being restored. In situations like this, ensuring the safety of customers, passerby, employees and the work crew is critical to limiting potential liabilities. This could include anything from properly securing electrical cords so they don’t cause tripping hazards to figuring out how to protect residents of a high-rise from falling debris. 

2. Customer Service and Experience

Dealing with the recovery and insurance claims process can be confusing and sometimes overwhelming if you have never experience a disaster. Working with an experienced and reputable provider can reduce stress and confusion in a couple of ways. 

First, a good provider can help you understand and prepare for disasters you are likely to face while making sure you get clear answers to questions about the restoration process.

Second, professional insights from your provider can be valuable for making educated decisions that keep the claims process moving along smoothly, so you can restore operations faster. 

Tip: Look for a provider with extensive experience doing insurance restoration-related work rather than just drying and remediation. 

3. Certifications

There are a lot of technical aspects that must be handled correctly when it comes to cleaning and restoration work. That's why you want to make sure your restoration provider's employees have the skills that are required for the types of disasters you are likely to face. The Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) provides standards and certifications for drying, remediation and fire and smoke damage. A good restoration company will have many staff members with one or more IICRC certifications. 

We go the extra mile.

SERVPRO of Athens employs professionals with a wide array of remediation and general contracting skillsets, as well as a vast variety of certifications from IICRC. If you're looking for a trusted, reputable, local restoration provider, call SERVPRO of Athens (706)549-3366. 

How SERVPRO of Athens Handles Mold

12/1/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO offers reliable mold damage remediation solutions

Mold can grow on any organic substance if moisture and oxygen are present. There are different molds that can grow on wood, paper, foods, carpet, and insulation. Molds make spores that usually cannot be seen without magnification. 

In an usual situation, SERVPRO of Athens professionals inspect the structure for any visible signs of mold and remove the excess spores in order to return the area back to normal levels. Some cases require the assistance of an Indoor Air Quality/ Environmental Professional (IEP) with specialized equipment and services needed to repair the structure. IEPs can test and clear a structure for mold by collecting air and surface samples. The results can determine whether the mold has been successfully decontaminated. SERVPRO of Athens handles mold remediation work on a daily basis and knows when prompt action is needed to prevent further mold growth. We are trained to handle microbial problems in structures by promptly drying wet or damp materials according to the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification. SERVPRO of Athens is Certified Mold through IAQA.

What Everyone Needs to Know Before Filing a Claim

12/1/2021 (Permalink)

When disaster strikes your home, sometimes your first reaction is to panic and call your insurance company to file claim. Sometimes that isn't a good idea because your deductible maybe higher than the damage itself. It is best to call a restoration company like SERVPRO of Athens and get an inspection before you file a claim. 

There are some basic rules to follow when filing a claim:

Check with your agent or assigned adjustor to verify you're covered for the claim. Sometimes after heavy rains and hurricanes, homeowners think they have flood insurance when they actually don't. Traditional homeowners' insurance does not cover water damage caused by floods. It is a separate coverage underwritten by the federal government through the National Flood Insurance Program. If you file a claim with your insurance company for something that isn't covered, the claim doesn't go away from your record. 

If you consistently file claims, your rates are going to be high. It's not unusual for a homeowner to file up to two claims in a 10-year period, but more than one or two in a three-year time span will cause the insurance company to think you're a high risk. 

Do not submit claims for what can usually be a home-maintenance project (small incidents). Also, a better maintained home gets better premiums. 

Call SERVPRO of Athens to provide you a free estimate on your damages. We will let you know if the damage is less or more than your deductible. After you receive our estimate, you can decide whether to file a claim. To learn more about SERVPRO's Emergency Ready Profile, you can visit ready.SERVPRO.com or call SERVPRO of Athens at (706)549-3366 to schedule an appointment. 

Got Asbestos?

12/1/2021 (Permalink)

Asbestos was used frequently in homes between the 1940s and 1970s. It is in insulation materials, floor tiles and other applications that require heat and chemical resistance materials. Asbestos is a highly hazardous material and poses great health risk for those exposed to the substance. Although harmful asbestos materials are no longer used, exposures may still exist in older buildings and structures slated for demolition or renovation.

The Environmental Protection Agency has rules governing asbestos-containing material. Adequate training and certification for asbestos workers, including inspectors, are part of these requirements. 

SERVPRO Of Athens offers asbestos inspection and testing services. We have certified professionals that can perform asbestos abatement in accordance with AHERA and NESHAP protocols. 

Don't forget to do your research!

12/1/2021 (Permalink)

Since access to the internet is so easy these days, most people rely on reviews and content to help make the decisions they must make easier. For example, if you need an electrician and don't currently have one, chances are you will use a search engine to find one and lean towards those with 4-5 stars, great reviews and good content. In most cases, you will get what you pay for. At least that's what Grandma used to say.

When it comes to restoration, the situation is no different. No one expects for disasters to happen to them, but it is quite common. A busted supply line, toilet line leaked, frozen pipes, septic tank back up... the list goes on and on. 

Choosing a company to perform the necessary clean up, repairs and reconstruction is very important. These people will be coming into your home/business and you should be able to trust them without questioning it. They should provide efficient communication so you can maintain peace of mind. They should deal directly with the insurance company if a claim is filed. They should have the proper equipment needed to mitigate the disaster. 

When it comes to water, fire, mold, bio and Covid- Choose the ones who are always ready and faster to any disaster. Call SERVPRO Of Athens. (706)549-3366. 

Is Mold Cut Out of Your Homeowner's Insurance Policy?

12/1/2021 (Permalink)

Most homeowner's policies exclude mold more than they do cover this form of secondary damage. Microbial growth occurs when water damage is not cleaned quickly enough or thoroughly enough to avoid leaving time for growth. Property owners can take three measures to determine if coverage for mold is available under the property insurance policy for a residence in Georgia.

1. Confirm the Terms of Your Policy 

The terms of each insurance policy are different. It is the policyholder's responsibility to go through these terms before signing up for coverage and paying premiums. You should check the status of mold under your property insurance sooner than later. A rider on and existing policy or additional coverage may be needed to offset the cost of mold remediation. 

2. Consult with an Insurance Representative

An insurance representative of the company that covers your home can explain the circumstances under which microbial growth could be considered a filing claim. Seeking independent advice may be preferable if you are experiencing a mold problem and do not want the rate to rise. 

3. Supplementary Residential Mold Coverage

Obtaining an endorsement can add some amount of coverage for mold to a primary property policy. Another approach may be to purchase a separate mold insurance policy. Make sure the limit of any policy will cover a large amount of the expense associated with remediating mold, which can range up to thousands of dollars. Microbial growth occurs when mold spores settle down on surfaces where access to moisture and nutrients is available. Property owners may be able to reduce the risk of mold growth by arranging for timely mitigation and cleanup within 24 to 48 hours of water damage. 

Storm Damage Preparedness

9/1/2021 (Permalink)

Our team of experts will be there soon, but your health and safety are our main priorities. While you wait for help to arrive, follow these tips to keep you protected while facilitating a more rapid recovery:


  • Discuss preparedness with your family
  • Identify an out-of-state contact in case you are separated. Long-distance calls may work when local calls do not
  • Teach children how and when to call 911 post emergency contact numbers near phones in your home
  • Teach children how to use a cell phone


  • Determine two escape routes from each room in your home
  • Pick three places to meet - One right outside your home in case of a sudden emergency, pick a location in your neighborhood if your property isn't safe and a regional meeting place if you can't return home



  • Water will keep you alive. If you have enough water, you can live on half of your normal food intake. Make sure to store at least one gallon of water per person per day and store enough water to last two weeks. 
  • People in hot environments, children, people who are ill and nursing mothers should store more.
  • Rotate your water supply every six months
  • Other sources of water in your home: water heater, ice cubes, pipes and toilet tank (not the bowl)


Unlike water, food can be rationed. Store at least a three to five day supply of non-perishable food in a dry place where the temperature is not above 70 degrees. 

Select foods that require little or no preparation, water or refrigeration. Select foods that are high in calories, nutritious, compact and lightweight. Choose foods your family will eat.


Pets are an important member of your family. Plan for them as well. Remember that emergency shelters typically do not allow animals. Only service animals are allowed in shelters.

But you should know safe places to keep your pets if you have to evacuate with them. Where are hotels and motels outside of your area that accept pets? What friends or family members could keep them for you? Which boarding facilities, veterinarians or shelters could be used?


Your water heater can be a critical source of water in an emergency, but only if it’s still standing. Go to your home improvement store of choice and buy the metal straps to secure the water heater to nearby studs.

A falling water heater can break gas lines and water lines or spill your water.


If you have natural gas coming into your home, it’s easy to turn off, but not so much for turning it back on. Only qualified people should turn gas back on.

When you should shut off your gas meter:

  • You smell natural gas
  • You hear gas leaking
  • There is a fire (unless shutting off the gas would jeopardize your safety)
  • If you need to shut off the gas, use a wrench to turn the valve a quarter turn in either direction
  • Take some time to become familiar with which utilities enter your home and where they can be shut off. As you practice emergency plans, locate and map the gas, water and electricity mains. During family drills, go through the movements, but do not practice shutting off gas lines.

If you are facing the aftermath of a storm or natural disaster, call us at (706) 549-3366!

We provide Air Quailty testing

9/1/2021 (Permalink)

Maintaining workplace indoor air quality (IAQ), is important for good health and wellness of your employees and customers. Roughly 90% of our time is spent indoors and a large portion of that time is spent at work. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), regard indoor air pollution as a major problem. Most business owners don't realize the air circulating in the workplace is often filled with toxic compounds that can cause health effects. Poor IDA can negatively affect productivity and increase absences among employees. What causes poor indoor air quality?

Excessive moisture  

When there is a high percentage of moisture, it allows mold, bacteria and fungus to grow. Indoor relative humidity, should be kept between 30 and 50 percent. 


Some common biological pollutants are bacteria, mold, dust mites, animal dander and pollen. Improper maintenance and cleaning of HVAC system can add to this issue.


Chemicals (gases and vapors) can come from many sources. Products such as, office equipment, furniture, wall and floor coverings release chemicals into the air. Products that enter the HVAC system from outdoors, products used during renovations and chemical spills. By-products, such as carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide, are also known sources. 


These are solid or liquid and non-biological, that are released into the air creating respiratory problems. The most common particles is dirt and dust, drywall dust, wood dust and silica. 

What can you do to improve indoor air quality?

  • Keep all air supply vents unblocked
  • Clean spills immediately
  • Store food properly 
  • Dispose of garbage properly
  • Add some indoor plants 
  • Run commercial-grade air purifiers or air scrubbers and dehumidifiers to reduce moisture. 
  • Keep your workplace clean
  • Have your carpets professionally cleaned
  • Use eco-friendly cleaning products
  • Open windows to allow fresh air to circulate
  • Change HVAC filter regularly
  • Commercial HVAC systems should be professionally cleaned every few years or sooner if needed. 
  • Put floor mats outside each entrance way and clean mats regularly 

We are here to help improve the indoor air quality of your business. 

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (706) 549-3366

What's That Smell? It Might Be Water Damage

8/2/2021 (Permalink)

Do you know when to be worried about a funny smell? Most new homeowners are not water damage specialists, but the human nose is an excellent tool for sniffing out trouble. Your nose is not the only way to spot water damage in your new home. Our SERVPRO of Athens technicians are IICRC certified and can help handle any moisture problems you may discover after moving in.

The sooner you notice a problem, the sooner you can call our team to help mitigate ongoing damages. With summer coming in Athens, some water damage will be easier to spot. When you notice a problem, a highly trained SERVPRO professional can assess the extent of your damages. We can use our specialized equipment to remedy the issue fast.

When looking for roof damages, obvious water stains aren't the only problem. Swollen insulation is usually an indication of water retention. Check your flashing (where the roof meets the walls) for cracks and look for missing shingles as well as more obvious signs like holes. Look at door frames and molding. Unusual stains or dark spots on the walls can mean trouble.

Inside, make sure you check your appliances after you move in to be certain they are not leaking where you cannot see easily behind them. Cracked hoses and loose connections can be tricky. Ripples, buckling, and changes in texture can tell you the flooring has a water problem. Remember to trust your nose. If it smells wrong, it probably is.

Outside water damages and mold are often caused by improper drainage. Check your spouts to see that they are clear and make sure you do not have water pooling around the foundation of your new home. At the first sign of damage, you can call SERVPRO.

Have Water or Flood Damage?
Call Us Today – (706) 549-3366

Unexpected Summer Storms

8/2/2021 (Permalink)

It's official, summer is FINALLY here! It's the time of the year that we have all been waiting for. It's a time for us to be outside, enjoy the sunshine, and get ourselves a nice tan. But we always forget that summer also brings us storms, which means rain! Bummer!

You have probably already noticed that our forecast lately has a lot of rain in the future. Does the upcoming rain make you think about your home? Probably not, you're too busy waiting for the rain to go away so you can get back outside again. But you should be thinking about your home especially with the upcoming storms we may have this summer.

Thinking about your home and the rain, you should have SERVPRO in the back of your mind! Our SERVPRO of The North Coast team is here for all of your water damage needs. Our Team follows IICRC Standards when restoring your home after a storm.

Here at SERVPRO we are prepared for any upcoming storm even though you may not be. We have a 24-7 on-call technician available for you, even in the early morning hours. We are ready to address your next residential disaster and send a crew right out to you. We want to get a crew out to you quickly, we don't like to wait around, which causes secondary damages to your home which means more downtime. No fun!

SERVPRO is prepared for the unexpected! That's our business and we love it! SERVPRO of Athens is always here to help. Call us today at 706-549-3366

Technology and Thunderstorms

8/2/2021 (Permalink)

Whether you have the new iPhone 11 Pro or have the iPhone 7 …the number of social media apps available to download and ways to stay connected is endless. Although Zoom and Google Meet keep you connected with your friends, technology can also help keep you safe during a storm!

Technology can be an essential tool in preparing for a storm, keeping you informed, and helping you communicate with others. Being prepared for a storm can offer peace of mind and security. Below are some storm safety tips, apps for your phone, and some cool ways to use already existing technology in a new way.

  • Follow the news and stay informed! You can download free apps onto your phone or tablet such as The Weather Channel to stay up to date with the newest information.
  • Store an extra copy of important information online. Services like Google Drive and Dropbox make it even easier to store important information such as insurance policies, medical records, identification documents, and even information about pets living in the home. This ensures information will be accessible to you should your home or business flood or catch fire. Your phone goes with you everywhere you go!
  • Let your family know you are safe. Whether you call, text, or video chat, it can give family members peace of mind to know you are safe. You can also check in on Facebook.
  • Always keep a backup charger in your car! Severe weather can strike at any time and you may not always be home. You never know when you may need to charge your phone and keeping a backup charger in your car guarantees you will never be left with a dead phone.
  • Create an Emergency Ready Profile (ERP) for your business. The Emergency Ready Profile will be created for you by a SERVPRO worker free of charge. It will provide important facility details such as valve shut-off locations for water, electricity, and gas and priority contact information. It will be available to you on your smartphone or tablet any time, day or night.

Technology is one of the quickest and easiest ways to stay informed about the weather and what is happening in your community.

Should you need emergency services during or after a storm, do not hesitate to contact SERVPRO of Athens (706) 549-3366

Contaminated Air (Duct Cleaning)

8/2/2021 (Permalink)

Air pollutants can get into your business or home in many ways such as bringing in a new mattress, cleaning chemicals, mold, fire retardants, paint, and many other ways. These pollutants among other kinds can cause allergies and provide unnecessary struggle for people with asthma. In order to combat these pollutants, there are many things people can do to minimize the amount. Having proper filters on vacuums, putting floor mats at doors, not smoking, avoiding fragrances by using natural air fresheners, and having indoor plants are common ways to keep the air clean.  Proper ventilation is one of the most important parts of keeping indoor air clean. If your air ducts have gone for some time without inspection they could be circulating dust, pollen, odors, dirt and debris, and other contaminants that are harmful to breathe. SERVPRO of Athens Professionals routinely inspects and clean HVAC and air ducts in your Youngstown area to give you clean air to breathe.  

To have your air ducts inspected or cleaned call the professionals at (706) 549-3366

Signs of Sewer Line Issues

6/30/2021 (Permalink)

While a blocked sewer drain is relatively common in commercial properties, legitimate concerns over sewer line functionality may be few and far between. However, when major sewer line issues occur, it is essential to remedy the problems quickly to avoid potential backups and structural damage. Be aware of these four signs, which may indicate sewer line problems.

1. Odors

While drain or toilet overflow are frequent problems in commercial properties, you should pay attention to odors surrounding these problems. For instance, if after clearing a clog you smell sewer gas, you may want to call a plumber for an inspection, as strong sewer smells can be an indicator of issues further in the line.

2. Clogged Drains

A blocked sewer will not only cause unpleasant odors to occur in your building, but the blocked pipe can also cause frequent clogging of your drains and toilets. This problem may also cause sewer backups into your facility.

3. Indentations in Landscaping

Also, while you may not have any clogging issues, it is still possible that your sewer lines have failed. Pipe breaks may cause indentations in your landscaping, like divots on the lawn. If the break is severe enough, it is possible that sewage is leaking into the grounds of your property. Eventually, this can also lead to a sewage backup in your building.

4. Deformations in Landscaping

In addition to indentations in the lawn, you may notice perpetual puddling in certain areas. You may also see that areas of your parking lot have sunken or cracked along with sidewalks. Depending on how close the break is to your building, you may even notice cracks in the foundation. These issues often require the expertise of a disaster restoration specialist in the area to resolve, which depending on your insurance policy may be covered.

A blocked sewer line can wreak havoc on a business and may even lead to significant business interruption. You should be aware of the warning signs of such a problem so that you can resolve the issue as early as possible.

Have Questions? Call Today – (706) 549-3366

Sprinklers go off but there's no fire?

6/30/2021 (Permalink)

Your commercial building in Athens, GA is equipped with fire sprinklers. This emergency system helps control flames should a fire break out on your property. However, this system might not always work correctly. If the sprinklers go off when there wasn't a fire, you may want to do the following.

5 Steps to Follow When The Sprinklers Go Off

  • Turn off the water. Because the sprinklers started going off without a reason, you may need to turn the water off to stop the water from flooding your building. Quickly turning off the source of the water can help reduce the amount of damage the deluge is able to do.
  • Call your insurance company. Your commercial insurance may help cover the cost of fixing up water damage. Of course, many coverages have limitations on what will be covered. You can talk to your insurance provider to find out if the accidental running of emergency sprinklers qualifies under your policy.
  • Call a restoration company. Whether or not your insurance will help pay for the damages, you need to clean up after the flooding has occurred. A professional restoration team can help you get rid of the standing water, dry out your belongings and repair the damages done to building materials.
  • Schedule an inspection. Most fire sprinklers are designed to only go off when the temperature near a sensor reaches fire-like heights. If your system started spraying for no reason, you may want to have it inspected. This may help you figure out what caused the water to turn on and fix the issue.
  • Set up regular maintenance. Performing regular maintenance on your sprinkler system can help ensure you don't have to deal with this dilemma ever again. You may be able to hire a professional to clean and repair the sprinklers.

When emergency sprinklers go off, you may have to deal with flooding. Quickly cleaning up the water and assessing what caused the sprinklers to go off are important steps in this process.

If your business suffers a major loss, call (706) 549-3366

We Are Here For You When You Need Us

6/28/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens is here to help with any size storm damage. It is important to make sure that certain steps are followed when dealing with any type of loss. Using advanced equipment and scientific drying techniques, we document the drying process to validate your home or business is ready.

1. Have an onsite assessment of what is going on
It is important to make sure that the property is observed by a professional like SERVPRO of North Tempe. This is critical to document and observe where the problem is and what is needed to correct it.

2. Document everything before, during, and after
When experiencing a loss, it is critical to make sure you take plenty of photos. This is important to have documentation when dealing with your insurance company and to have accurate records.

3. Mitigate the damages quickly
It is important to begin mitigating the damages to prevent secondary damages from occurring. If you are dealing with water damage, it is critical to get all of the water extracted as soon as possible.

4. Make sure proper equipment is being used
Once the mitigation is complete, it is important to make sure the proper amount and types of equipment are being used. This will help get the job on track to be completed.

5. Monitor daily to make sure the job is progressing

Monitoring should be taken place daily to make sure the job is progressing. This will provide accurate records to make sure things are moving in the right direction.

Major storms and flooding events can overwhelm many restoration companies. On the other hand, SERVPRO of Athens can access resources from more than 1,700 Franchises across the state and country.

We live and work in this community too; we might even be neighbors.

As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO of Athens (706) 549-3366 is close by and ready to respond to storm and disaster events. 

Mold Prevention

6/28/2021 (Permalink)

There is no practical way to eliminate all of the molds and mold spores in the indoor environment.  But there are ways to help control moisture and mold growth in your home.  Here is a partial list:

Stop the water

  • Fix leaks in pipes, and any damp areas around tubs and sinks.
  • Rebuild, or retrofit with water-resistant building materials.
  • Prevent seepage of water from outside by have the ground around the house slope away and gutters drain away.  
  • Cover dirt crawlspaces with plastic to prevent moisture from coming from the ground.

Keep it clean

  • Clean fabrics often and keep them dry.  Soil promotes mildew growth.  Keep clean fabric items in a well-ventilated area.
  • Have air ducts cleaned if you suspect mold exists on the duct's inside surface, or if duct insulation has been wet.

Keep it dry

  • In hot weather, reduce moisture by using dehumidifiers, fans, air conditioners, and open windows.  Do NOT use fans if mold may already exist.
  • Keep humidity below 40%.
  • Choose carpets of man-made fibers for moisture-prone areas.
  • Reduce condensation on cold surfaces by insulating.

Disinfect it

  • Bathrooms, laundry rooms, and mechanical rooms need to be routinely checked for moldy odors and disinfect often with a 10% solution of bleach or a commercial disinfectant

Water in the crawlspaces

6/28/2021 (Permalink)

Water affects crawlspaces affecting materials in the flooring and supports.  If you have water damage in a business, the quicker you can dry the structure out the quicker less of a chance there is for mold growth and a better chance to keep the doors open.  

According to www.thespruce.com they give you details on how to assess the issues.

Assess If Water Is Coming From Below Grade 

Imagine that you live in a very wet area. Under your house, in the crawl space or unfinished basement, is a permanently wet area. After a hard rain, the wet area's diameter expands from inches to several feet. The ground, instead of merely being muddy and spongy, begins to pool up with water. During the dry months of June to October, the pool of water shrinks, but it never completely goes away.

If this type of moisture problem sounds familiar, the water is coming up from the ground. Though seasons can affect it, it mostly transcends seasons. 

If water Is From Above Grade, It may be a plumbing Issue

The water might be attributed to a leaking water supply or drain pipes. If a water-related action happens within the house and more water develops in the crawl space, that is your likely culprit. Water-related actions might be when someone takes a shower; when the dishwasher runs; when a toilet flushes; or when a bathtub drains.

Water Plus Lack of Light Creates Mold

With excessive water in the crawl space, you have the related problem of mold. Mold loves to grow in places that have moisture and lack light. Both conditions perfectly describe a crawl space.  

Mold will grow on the piers, joists, ducts, and other hard surfaces. But mold also grows on soft materials, such as fiberglass insulation and on the plastic vapor barrier. These surfaces are difficult to repair because the mold cannot be cleaned off. The only solution is to remove the material and replace it.

If you have a fire, water, asbestos, or mold issue give SERVPRO a call today (706) 549-3366

Water Extraction is a Cruicial Step in Water Remediation

6/28/2021 (Permalink)

When water damage strikes a home or business, the first step is to remove it as quickly as possible. This reduces the risk of permanent damage to floors (concrete and wooden), carpets and walls.

 This is the process of using commercial vacuums and other specialized equipment to draw flood water trapped in fibers or in cracks between floorboards and concrete pads that standard pumps cannot reach. SERVPRO of Athens has extensive experience with the process and how to accomplish it quickly and effectively.

One of our specialties is to come in after extraction and use a series of heaters that are designed to dry carpet and wooden floors quickly but without causing burn or heat damage. This also helps to prevent the warping of floorboards caused by excess water or improper drying.

In addition to preventing physical damage, this process also reduces the risk of mold. With no standing water or a damp area to serve as a breeding ground, the odds of having hidden damage behind walls or beneath floors is greatly diminished. Remember that when you first start to smell a musty odor, mold has already begun growing somewhere in your home or business. That first whiff is when you should reconsider this additional process to augment simple removal.

Before that happens, you can also contact us for a free inspection of your facility. We have experts that will be able to help you to prevent water damage before the rain comes or pipes burst.

If you have had to deal with flooding or other water damage in your home or business and are concerned about possible damage, contact us here at SERVPRO of Athens at (706) 549-3366. We have a team of technicians that will be able to help with this and any other type of damage that you may be dealing with.

COVID-19 Cleaning

6/28/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is Here to Help during this time of need:

During this unprecedented time caused by the global pandemic of COVID-19, this is a reminder to our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services, and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards.

Specialized Training

We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff performs on a daily basis.
The CDC encourages the cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets, and tablets. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC’s guidance for commercial spaces include:
• Kitchen/Food Areas
• Bathrooms
• Schools/Classrooms
• Offices
• Retail Spaces
• Water Fountains
• Shelving/Racks
• Sales Counters
• Carpets and Rugs
• Stair Handrails
• Elevator Cars
• Playground Equipment
• Fitness Equipment

Specialized Products

The CDC recommends the usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to COVID-19.
Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. While there is currently no product tested against this particular strain of COVID-19, we are following all guidelines as provided by the CDC and local

Call Today for a Proactive Cleaning: (706) 549-3366. If your home or business needs deep cleaning services, call the experts today –
SERVPRO of Athens

3 Places Mold Might Grow After a Flood

6/28/2021 (Permalink)

Common Places Where Mold Might Grow

When strong storms strike Athens, GA they can cause flooding in your basement, crawlspace, or even the ground floor of your home. Once the water recedes you may think your flood troubles are over, but secondary damage may occur. One of the most common is mold growth, which can grow within 24 hours of a flood. Mold can grow undetected, so there are a few places you may want to check once your home is safe to enter. 

1. Behind Walls 
Mold can thrive without sunlight and prefers moist, dark areas. It is commonly found behind drywall because of the porousness of the material, which retains moisture. Once mold takes hold behind walls, it can affect the insulation and spread to other areas. You may want to have a mold inspection or flood damage service perform a flood cut, which involves cutting into the drywall about 12-18 inches above the floodwater line to check for the presence of mold. 

2. Under Carpeting 
Wet carpeting and its padding may retain moisture if it is not properly dried. This can cause the development of mold and its byproduct, mycotoxin, which can produce the musty smell often associated with fungi. While most types of mold do not contain bacteria, as the two are often created differently, it is wise to leave their removal to a flood technician because each might need specialized removal treatments. 

3. Inside Cabinets 
Kitchen and bathroom cabinets may be prone to mold growth because of their location and vulnerability to standing water. After a flood, these spaces may not dry completely and encourage fungi growth. Flood damage and restoration service can find and remove mold in this area or replace any affected cabinetry and materials as needed. 
Flooding in Athens, GA can encourage mold growth in many different areas of your home. Understanding how fungi develop and where it hides can help you eliminate it.

Routine Maintenance for Commercial Fire Sprinkler Systems

6/25/2021 (Permalink)

The fire sprinkler system has several components, such as a source of water, pipes that carry the water, and several sprinkler heads. When heat or smoke triggers the system, water is automatically discharged over a specific area. Thus, the system acts as both a detector and a suppressor. This only happens, however, when the sprinkler has been maintained properly and is ready to go.
Maintenance Routine for Fire Sprinkler Systems
Inspection and Maintenance Standards
The National Fire Protection Association provides guidelines to guide the maintenance and care of fire sprinkler systems. These are grouped under the heading HFPA 25 and cover the following areas:

  • Inspections
  • Maintenance
  • Testing

Facility management teams should look these standards up and become familiar with them. With knowledge of the maintenance steps, it is possible to avoid damage and malfunctions.
Weekly Visual Inspections
The weekly inspections shouldn't take long, and they don't often require any tools:

Inspect the gauges by reading the water pressure and air indicators. These should be within the normal range as suggested by the NFPA standards and system manufacturer.
Start your visual inspection of control valves by reading the signage and then checking for leaks.
Verify that the valves are locked, sealed, and set in the open position.

Monthly Inspections and Tasks
Monthly inspections for your fire suppression system may vary a bit depending on which types of system is installed in your Bountiful, UT, facility:

The gauges on wet pipe systems must be checked for proper levels of water pressure.
Alarm valves must be inspected for damage.
Review the fire safety plan for the facility and ensure that signs are posted and easily seen.

Quarterly Maintenance and Inspections
On a quarterly basis, in addition to completing weekly and monthly tasks, it's important to complete the following checks:

Make sure alarm devices aren't damaged.
Test alarm devices to be sure they function properly.
Make sure the hydraulic nameplate is secure, and the information is legible.

Damage Prevention
Fire sprinkler systems are effective at detecting fires and putting them out before your Bountiful, UT, buildings suffer expensive damage. When damage does occur, reach out to fire sprinkler cleanup professionals.

The Basics of Smoke Odor Remediation

6/21/2021 (Permalink)

House fires often cause a significant amount of residual smoke odor. While smoke cleaning products advertise odor removal, most fires will require the expertise of a remediation company in Athens, GA. Odor remediation typically comprises a four-step process.

  1. Remove damaged items
  2. Clean
  3. Run equipment
  4. Seal materials

4 Steps For Smoke Odor Remediation

1. Remove Damaged Items

To get an actual idea of the level odor in your home, a remediation crew will want to remove any visible smoke damage, including damaged items that may hold odor. The salvageable items removed from your house will undergo cleaning separate from the property. You can find several local cleaners who specialize in smoke-damaged materials.

2. Clean

With all loose items and debris out of your home, the remediation crew will begin the smoke cleaning process. The physical cleaning may involve disinfectants, detergents, and other materials to scrub and remove the remaining soot. However, the company may spend a significant amount of time vacuuming the space to ensure they do not make matters worse.

3. Run Equipment

The mitigation crew may use a variety of equipment to help reduce the odors in the air. For example, air filtration devices, thermal foggers, and ozone machines are standard tools used in odor removal. The team may also need to use shop vacs, water pumps, and dehumidifiers to remove excess water and dry the house from fire hose exposure.

4. Seal Materials

Many remediation companies may suggest sealing porous materials, like wood floors, to trap the odor rather than replacing the material. While replacement is the best way to remove odor, it is not the most cost-effective solution, especially when the structure and appearance of the material remain intact.

Many homeowners try DIY smoke cleaning to save a few bucks, but when dealing with the aftermath of a significant fire, DIY methods are not the most workable solutions. Contact a fire remediation specialist to discuss alternatives and assessments.

What To Know About an Emergency Board Up

6/21/2021 (Permalink)

If your Athens, GA home has suffered fire damage then you may be looking at the option of doing a board up over the damaged area. There are several reasons you may want to consider this process. Here’s what you may want to know.

How Boarding Up Can Protect Your Home

Having an emergency board up done to protect damaged areas of your home can help protect it from a number of things. Boarding over can

  • Prevent inclement weather such as rain or snow from getting inside
  • Reduce the possibility of wind damage
  • Discourage animals from exploring the damaged area
  • Reduce the risk of human trespassers
  • Prevent a liability claim from someone who got into the damaged area
  • Help maintain insurance eligibility

Insurance Benefits of Boarding Over Damaged Areas

In many cases, your insurance company may require you to board up the damaged area before they will accept your claim. Most policies cover only the initial damages and consider a failure to protect the area before repairs can be made an act of neglect. Boarding over the damage can help show them that you take your responsibilities as a homeowner seriously.

Proper Boarding Up Procedures

Boarding over the damage involves using ply-board or tarps in most cases. It’s important to cover all the damage and secure the edges to prevent weather or animals from getting in. A professional restoration service may be able to do the job for you if you have concerns.

Boarding over the damaged area can not only help protect your home from weather and animals but it may be required by your insurance company when filing a claim. Fortunately, many restoration services offer the option to have their team do the board up for you. When it comes to protecting your home from fire damage, boarding over the area can help save both time and further costly repairs down the road.

Why choose SERVPRO of Athens?

6/6/2021 (Permalink)

Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration™

Fast Response

 We take pride in our fast response time. When our customers need us the most we respond quickly in order to mitigate further damages on their property. Our team is trusted by insurance carriers, property owners, and property management companies as we have a proven track record working with them bringing covered residential and/or commercial properties back to preloss conditions after experiencing a property disaster. 

Trained Technicians

The insurance process can get a bit confusing for those who have not experienced a property loss. During this process, proper documentation is vital to the overall outcome of your claim. Working with an IICRC certified technician will ultimately provide the best claims experience. We understand the standard when it comes to restoring your property. We stand by our customers to ensure they get access to all of the services their policy covers. With proper documentation and standard compliance, we can bring your property back to preloss condition without issue.

National Resources

What makes SERVPRO so great? Well, that's an easy answer. Its access to resources. Did you know SERVPRO has more drying equipment in its network than any other restoration company on the planet? With almost 2000 franchises across the nation, we have access to more tools and equipment for any size project. Imagine someone calling our office to perform a one million square feet water extraction.

When you choose SERVPRO, You’re Choosing a Certified Team of Restoration Experts

6/1/2021 (Permalink)

Let’s be honest. No homeowners like to think about needing the type of services we provide. But when they do, it’s because their homes have been severely damaged by fire, flooding, or accidents.

The type of help homeowners needs when we are called home restoration. And its goal is to get the home back to its original state. While sometimes a mop, bucket, and elbow grease are enough, in other circumstances, you need a team of experts to ensure your home can be restored.

When that happens, it’s important to understand the home restoration process—and why choosing the right team can be vital to you being happy with your results.

Damage Claims Are Common

According to the Insurance Information Institute, about one in 20 homeowners will need to file a home damage insurance claim every year. The statistic includes all causes of damage and doesn’t separate the claims based on whether they need restoration services.

We also have some statistics about individual types of disasters and issues, though. For example, about one out of every 350 American homeowners will deal with a fire damage claim each year, from causes ranging from storm and lightning damage to furnace fires.

When you think about the United States’ entire population, that statistic translates to millions of families. Some of these people will need to get help from a professional team. That’s when choosing a quality restoration company will make all the difference for you.

Our Training Matters

Beyond the training offered by SERVPRO at a national level, our technicians earn valuable certifications through the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification. This non-profit group provides various certifications to ensure restoration and cleaning technicians can use the latest proven techniques when restoring your home.

What To Expect From Professional Mold Remediation

6/1/2021 (Permalink)

Mold outbreaks are a cause for concern but can be well-managed if trained and experienced technicians handle the abatement. Our IICRC trained employees have a solid mastery of the proper protocols for mitigating mold.

Mold damage in Athens, GA does not need to create panic in your household. Understanding what services a reliable mold remediation company delivers is essential to a homeowner trying to be responsible and proactive when faced with active mold growth. A reputable remediator never promises to make a dwelling mold-free or guarantees that the services and treatments provided prevent mold from recurring for a specified period. We instead offer a proven process that deals with a current infestation efficiently and lays out a practical approach that when followed minimizes the risk of future mold growth.
SERVPRO employs the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protocol to remediate mold colonies. Our employees can locate and contain the areas where the mold grows. Containing is a precise concept that has at its heart the prevention of permitting moldy material from migrating throughout the living spaces during remediation. We accomplish this by using physical barriers such as heavy-duty plastic sheeting and by taking advantage of our technologically advanced equipment like air scrubbers. These cutting-edge machines use negative air pressure to confine most mold particles within the working area, filtering the air exhausted to the outdoors.
SERVPRO employees wear personal protective gear while working in the containment spaces. We evaluate whether the mold lives on a non-porous surface that can be scrubbed clean and disinfected, or if the mycelium invades the interior of the object affected. If the fungi are found beneath the surface, the contaminated materials must be removed and bagged with the mold before proper disposal per local hazardous waste rules. After removing the moldy materials, we use vacuums with HEPA filters to eliminate every particle of mold in the containment area and apply professional-grade antimicrobials to inhibit future growth.
After the containment area returns to its former use, SERVPRO concentrates on the only truly effective strategy to help prevent mold from returning. We seek and find the source of moisture that activated the mold spores always in your home. Then we work closely with you to eliminate the water from intruding again. It might be a plumbing job, a regrading of the ground around your home, unclogging gutters, or recalibrating AC or dehumidifiers, among many other possibilities, which stems the flow or condensation of moisture. Control the moisture, and you gain control over the mold.
Mold remediation is a process that begins and ends with minimizing moisture. SERVPRO of Stockton has decades of experience in managing mold behind its current practices. Call (706)549-3366 to schedule an appointment to get you some answers to your mold questions.

Tips to stay safe from the Dangers of Floodwater

6/1/2021 (Permalink)

Knowing what to do if you are affected by a flood can save you from much injury and repair costs. Not only is a flood a costly disaster but diseases, chemical threats, and injuries are a likely consequence of a flooding event no matter how large or small. 

Health Consequence of Exposure to Floodwater

Not only is safety key but so is your health, here are some health-related risk due to flooding if exposed to contaminated water or materials:

  • Wound infections
  • Skin rash
  • Gastrointestinal illness
  • Tetanus
  • Leptospirosis (not common)

Floodwaters and Safety

When a flood event occurs a number of losses can come to play as well. Be careful of the following safety issues if affected by a flood:

  • Downed power lines
  • Waste from humans or animals
  • Hazardous waste such as chemical, biological, and radiological
  • Contaminants that can cause illness
  • Physical objects such as wood, glass, or metals

If entering a home or business that is flooded you can easily injure yourself with objects such as metal fragments left behind, glass with sharp edges that may have broke in the event. This debris can cause injuries or even infection if wounded by such objects. On top of that, it is possible in the event of a flood, electrical hazards are a huge concern. Be very careful if you must enter a home or business in the event of a flood.

Can flood damage be reduced?

6/1/2021 (Permalink)

For many residents, storm-related flooding can be a traumatic event. While there are methods to prepare for flooding like reinforcing your roof or removing expensive furniture, there is little help in an emergency's immediate aftermath. SERVPRO technicians can help you to overcome flooding by performing vital mitigation acts quickly after a storm event.

Flood mitigation in Athens may include actions like removing standing water from the home, drying inner rooms, or temporarily storing possessions at an offsite location. Contacting a qualified restoration service immediately after your insurer can go a long way to reducing the losses caused by a flood after the fact.

What preventative measures are useful for storm areas?
- Taking out a flood insurance policy
- Maintaining water disposal in the home such as basement sump pumps, gutters, and drainage
- Turning off water mains access ahead of time to avoid backups

Do floodwaters permanently damage furnishings?
Furnishings are frequently victims of flood damage for residents. We understand how many items may be difficult to replace in a home, so SERVPRO technicians are expertly trained in contents restoration. Larger items like sofas may benefit from temporary removal to a dry area where they can be thoroughly dehumidified to remove any excess moisture. Our technicians can also apply an extensive range of cleaning products and techniques to return upholstery to its preloss condition. By pre-testing on discrete areas of the fabric, we can avoid lasting damages of color fade or spot.

What restoration is available for furnishings?
- Thorough drying of the affected furniture
- Special services for leather, satin, or other unique upholsteries
- Buffering and mechanical cleaning of furniture fibers

An unexpected storm can lead to extensive damage to both your home and its contents. Contact SERVPRO at (706) 549-3366 for assistance.

What Factors Typically Influence Fire and Smoke Removal?

6/1/2021 (Permalink)

Fire incidents lead to different challenging outcomes. After such an incident, restoring property may require several processes, including removal of damaged materials and accumulated fire residues. Although a significant percentage of materials are readily removable, some might prove challenging to address.

An issue such as the fire's intensity or the type of materials in the property can alter the outcome, affecting the ease of fire and smoke removal. Smoldering fires emit minimal heat and produce wet residues, which are difficult to clean off surfaces. Before SERVPRO embarks on restoration of the damaged property, we check for issues like:

  • Type of surfaces since porous top allow deeper penetration of residues
  • Amount of moisture involved
  • Whether there are older materials or contents
  • Signs of residue impingement on flat surfaces`

With a deeper understanding of fire loss situations, our SERVPRO technicians maximize the use of different resources, including better mechanical agitation and chemical product application, to ease the cleanup processes.

With assistance from SERVPRO of Athens, it is easier to complete fire and smoke removal exercises at your property. Call (706) 549-3366 for immediate assistance.

Are You Prepared for Spring Flooding?

4/7/2021 (Permalink)

While spring brings the promise of warm weather and longer days, it also brings a variety of conditions that can include heavy rains and severe weather, which can increase your flood risk. During the rainy season, we are at high risk for flash flooding, which can occur rapidly within a few minutes or hours of excessive rainfall.

As one of the most common hazards in the United States, it's important we prepare for the potential disaster that flooding can cause. Even if you are located in a low-risk flood zone remember that anywhere it rains, it can flood. Just because you haven't experienced a flood in the past, doesn't mean you won't in the future.

In order to help prepare you for the possibility of a flood, I offer the following tips:

  • Build an emergency kit and make a family communications plan
  • Elevate the furnace, water heater, and electric panel in your home if you live in an area that has a high flood risk
  • Install check-valves to prevent floodwater from backing up into the drains of your facility
  • Seal basement walls and floors with waterproofing compounds to prevent seepage through cracks
  • Always keep your gutters and downspouts clean to allow water to flow freely
  • Prepare a flood evacuation plan
  • Know how to safely shut off utilities
  • Keep insurance and vital records in a water-proof box
  • Have a portable radio to listen for important current information

The longer you wait to call, the greater the chance of mold growth and unrecoverable property.  

Have Water or Flood Damage?
Call Us Today – (706) 549-3366

Selling A Home & Mold Remediation

4/7/2021 (Permalink)

We receive numerous calls this time of year from people who are trying to sell their house but need to have mold remediation done before the interested buyer will sign the contract.

Here are some things you need to know when it comes to mold remediation on the house you are trying to sell:

  • Address the Source - If the mold is coming from a leaking hot water heater, no matter how many times we come out to remediate the mold, if the leaking hot water heater does not get fixed, the mold will keep returning.
  • Depending on the severity of the mold that is present, it may be necessary to have an Industrial Hygienist come in to test for the types of mold present as well as how high of a count of mold spores are present. Our general rule of thumb is if you have a span of more than 10 square feet of mold, you probably need to have mold testing done.  Having this information will allow us  to take the necessary steps to get your home back to preloss condition.  The final step is to have the Industrial Hygienist come back out and test again to ensure that we have brought the mold spore count back down to an acceptable level. 
  • We do not test for mold. As a professional mold remediation company, it would present a conflict of interest if we were also the Industrial Hygienist that came in behind ourselves to test the site and claim it as being cleared.  We want to avoid any appearance of false test results to clear our own work.

Taking the points listed above into consideration, please be sure to allow for enough time for each step as well as the Mold Remediation Process.

Learn more about mold and what you can do until help arrives by reviewing these mold damages tips.

Top 3 Gas Range Cleaners

4/6/2021 (Permalink)

Top Three Gas Stove Cleaning Solutions

When you cook at home, food debris and grease accumulate on a stovetop. Glass-top electric ranges call for specialized cleaning solutions, but several standard household cleaners can be effective for a gas range. 

1. Vinegar
Distilled white vinegar is a common household cleaner. Diluted acetic acid can loosen food stuck onto the surface of a gas range, dissolve cooking grease and banish the smoke smell. For more scrubbing power, sprinkle the stove surface with baking soda.
Most cleaning experts recommend making a one-to-one mixture of 5% distilled vinegar or 6% cleaning vinegar and water to clean a stovetop. Remove the grates before spraying the surface and allow the vinegar to sit for a minute before wiping.

2. Dish Soap
Dish soap contains degreasing agents. If you do not have vinegar on hand or prefer to use soap, you can use this mixture to clean the entire stove or focus on areas with built-up grease.
If you plan to clean the entire range with dish soap, you may want to spray on a diluted mixture. You can also use full-strength soap on grease buildup by applying this cleaner directly to a scrub brush.

3. Degreaser
If it has been a while since your last range cleaning, you may get the best results from the degreaser. These powerful cleaning formulas are formulated to dissolve heavy buildup.

Follow the instructions for any brand of degreaser you buy. These treatments should generally be sprayed on and given several minutes to penetrate before being wiped off.
It is important to regularly wipe down the gas range at a residence in Athens, GA. A dirty stove and combustibles that are kept too close to cooking areas can cause or intensify a kitchen fire. Regular cleaning and good fire safety practices can greatly reduce the risk of a house fire.

Have Questions? Call Us Today – (706) 549-3366

Evacuation Plan

4/6/2021 (Permalink)

Most people know that they should have a home fire escape plan. Few are willing to make the effort to create one. After all, home fires aren’t that common. Fire planning is likely to end up near the bottom of their to-do lists.

There are Three Steps To the Process:

  1. Prepare a plan. Involve everyone in the family. Engaging everyone makes the following steps simpler.

  2. Walkthrough the plan. None of this will become real to your family until they experience it. This will also expose flaws or anything you missed.

  3. Run fire drills. At first, schedule them. If that goes well, try some unscheduled ones. Use the test buttons on your fire detectors.

Following are a few considerations when preparing the plan.

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

You see fire escape plans near exit doors and in hotel rooms. It is a simple picture of the floor plan showing where you are and how to exit the building. This concept works as well in homes as it does in commercial establishments.

A Single Exit Is Not Enough

What happens if a home fire blocks your preferred exit? Make sure your plan allows for alternate exits. There should be exits at opposite ends of the home if possible.

A Meeting Place Is the Key to a Successful Evacuation

When it comes to evacuating a burning home, the most important thing is to get out safely. The second most important thing is to know that everyone else is safe. The only reliable way to do this is to establish a common meeting place. Everyone who gets out must go directly to that place and meet up with the others.


4/6/2021 (Permalink)

Portable fire extinguishers can be life and property-saving tools when used correctly. In order to operate an extinguisher, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) suggests remembering the word PASS:

  • Pull the pin. Hold the nozzle pointing away from you and release the locking mechanism.
  • Aim low. Point the extinguisher at the base of the fire.
  • Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly.
  • Sweep the nozzle from side to side.

Read the instructions on the fire extinguisher and become familiar with them before a fire breaks out. Remember, extinguishers do have limitations. It is also important to ensure you have the correct type of extinguisher for your facility. To find more information on choosing the appropriate class of extinguishers, please visit the NFPA website at nfpa.org.

*Courtesy of Restoration Newsline Vol 30, Iss 2

Join the Fun!

4/6/2021 (Permalink)

Are you following us on social media? If not, allow me to formally invite you to join the fun! This year we're interacting more with the community and our loyal customers by doing promos, giveaways, tips and tricks, and many more. 

We celebrated Easter's Day Weekend by picking out NOT 1 but 2 winners for the giveaway we had.

Prior to that, we celebrated St. Patrick's Day by creating our own "Green goodie Basket". 

So follow us and get in on the fun and be the next winner!!!!!

Keeping An Eye Out for Mold

4/6/2021 (Permalink)

What Is Mold?

Mold is a type of fungus that consists of small organisms found almost everywhere. They can be black, white, orange, green, or purple. Outdoors, molds play an important role in nature, breaking down dead leaves, plants, and trees. Molds thrive on moisture and reproduce by means of tiny, lightweight spores that travel through the air. You’re exposed to mold every day. In small amounts, mold spores are usually harmless, but when they land on a damp spot in your home, they can start to grow. When mold is growing on a surface, spores can be released into the air where they can be easily inhaled. If you're sensitive to mold and inhale a large number of spores, you could experience health effects.

Where Do Molds Grow?

Your walls, floors, appliances, carpet, or furniture – they can all provide the food mold needs to grow. But the thing all molds need most is moisture, so you're most likely to see mold in damp places such as bathrooms, kitchens, laundry rooms, basements, and crawl spaces. And it can affect a wide range of people from the young to the old; here are some of the people it can affect:

  • People with allergies and asthma,
  • Infants and children
  • The elderly
  • People whose immune systems are compromised due to HIV infection, cancer, liver disease, or chemotherapy
  • People with chronic lung disease

Here are few tips from SERVPRO of Hermitage/Donelson to help prevent and control mold:

  • Use dehumidifiers and air conditioners, especially in hot, humid climates, to reduce moisture in the air.
  • Keep indoor humidity below 60% if possible. You can measure relative humidity with a hygrometer, an inexpensive instrument available at many hardware stores.
  • Keep air conditioning drip pans clean. Make sure drain lines are free of obstructions and flow properly.
  • Keep the house warm in cool weather. As the temperature goes down, the air is less able to hold moisture and it condenses on cold surfaces, which can encourage mold growth.
  • Dry wet areas within 24 to 48 hours to prevent mold growth.

How does SERVPRO work?

3/12/2021 (Permalink)

SERVPRO responds to emergency calls 24-hours a day.  We work with homeowners and insurance adjusters to restore a damaged property to preloss condition. 

Every restoration project is unique, but our process typically involves the following steps. 

Step 1: Emergency Dispatch or Scheduling an Estimate

We dispatch when you call us, 24-hours a day, every day of the week.  Our emergency dispatch service includes water damage, biohazard cleanup, and emergency services to help secure a property like board-up and roof tarping. 

Clients in need of non-emergency services can still call us at any time to schedule an estimate.  Some estimates can be done quickly online, and others will require us to visit a property to perform an inspection.  Damage restoration estimates are free. 

Step 2: Cleanup and Mitigation 

This step involves cleaning up the damage the property has experienced.  

Step 2a: Insurance Claim Processing

While our technicians are cleaning a property, our office staff is also busy at work.  Each of our clients is assigned a Project Coordinator that will work with each insurance adjuster to help process the insurance claim. 

Step 3: Reconstruction

If a property suffered extensive damage and required demolition, then our reconstruction team repairs everything necessary to make any damage “Like it never even happened.”  This portion of the project begins immediately after the mitigation has been completed and is typically approved as part of the insurance claim. 

Call us anytime.  We’re here to help. 706-549-3366

The Aftermath of a Commercial Loss

3/2/2021 (Permalink)

The aftermath of a water or fire damage can be a traumatic experience for business owners, specially if they are forced to shut down for an undetermined length of time, depending on the extent of the damage. At SERVPRO of Athens, our number one priority is returning the structure to its pre loss condition as quickly as possible.

Unplanned interruptions can be devastating for businesses, that is why Property Managers and business owners need to hire professionals with years of experience to handle commercial losses. When you call SERVPRO of Athens, you know your call will be answered by highly trained technicians and managers to help you with the recovery process. Our professionals will ensure the safety of your employees and tenants and they will work restlessly to minimize the interruption of the business’ daily operations.

We have more than 30 years of experience doing water mitigation jobs for multi-level commercial buildings, multi-tenant facilities, shopping malls, apartment complexes, hotels, senior centers, daycares, and warehouses.

SERVPRO of Henry & Spalding Counties and SERVPRO of Clayton County are here to guide Property Managers and owners and help every step of the way and make it “Like it never even happened.”

Contact us here or call 678-432-3003

Three Common Places for Toilet Leaks

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

Three Common Places for Toilet Leaks

Toilets are highly reliable household appliances that could last up to 40 years. It is no wonder that toilet parts can become worn and develop leaks. In most instances, a leaking toilet can be fixed by simply replacing a few parts. Where you find the leak will help you determine what parts need replacing. Here are three common places homeowners in Athens, GA find toilet leaks:

Leaking From the Base
If the toilet is leaking from the base, it could signal:

  • A broken wax seal
  • Loose closet bolts
  • Cracks on the toilet bowl

The wax seal keeps water from seeping out of the pipes when you flush. This can be replaced with a few tools. Likewise, loosened closest bolts can be tightened easily with a wrench. If it is small enough, a crack on the toilet bowl can be fixed with a porcelain sealant.

Leaking From the Shut-off Valve
A leaking shut-off valve can cause water to puddle around the base of the toilet if the packing nut has become loosened. To fix this, simply find the packing nut under the handle and tighten it with a wrench. If this does not stop the leaking, the shut-off valve must be replaced.

Running Inside of the Tank
A toilet that continues to run after it has finished filling the toilet bowl indicates a misadjusted float, a tangled chain, or a broken flapper. If you are experiencing this with your toilet, first check that the float is not adjusted too high. If you find that the float is set up properly, check that the chain is untangled and allowing the flapper to close. If water continues to run after readjusting the float and the chain, you should replace the flapper entirely.
Water damage caused by a bathroom or toilet leak is an attraction for mold and can ruin your flooring. If you have water damages in your home due to a bathroom leak, contact a water damage cleaning and restoration service to repair it.

What should I do until help arrives?

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

You never expect it when a water damage wreaks havoc on your home.  The water damage clean up can be a headache so you always want to be prepared.  Here are 5 tips to help you recover quickly when a water damages your property.  1. Find the source of the water damage.  It's easy to find a faucet left running or sewer backup.  However, if water is coming from a hidden pipe in the walls you need to shut off water to the house as quickly as possible.  2. After the panic has settled down, assess the level of damage to your home.  There are some steps you can take to remove the water from your house, but if carpeting, drywall, rugs or other structural damage has occurred, call a professional water restoration company like SERVPRO of Athens immediately.  3. Move Quickly!  You need to start mitigating the damage before more damage piles up.  Bacteria and hazardous mold spores can begin to grow within hours of the catastrophe.  4.  Use a shop-vac to remove as much water as possible until the professionals show up.  The longer the water sits on the floor, the more damage it will create.  Move quickly to remove as much water as possible.  5. Take photos for your insurance claim.  Your insurance company will probably send out someone to investigate the damage, but if you have pictures that show everything as it happened, it could smooth out the claims process.  Of course, the best kind of water damage is the one that never happens, but if you do ever find yourself in need, the professionals at SERVPRO of Athens are here to help you 24/7.

Are Your Employees Ready To Handle a Fire?

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

What Should Your Employees Do When A Fire Strikes?

Do they know how to quickly evacuate the premises? While many people believe that adults should know how to protect themselves, the reality is that during emergency situations it's not always that simple. It's best for business owners in Athens, GA, to develop a contingency plan, understanding the best methods for swift departure and immediate cleanup.

1. Establish Escape Routes

Working with a team, create an effective evacuation plan. You should all walk the grounds, thinking about potential areas where issues might arise. Then, brainstorm how best to get others out. Walk several routes, noting any obstacles or complications. Remember, you should have multiple paths, and each should be handicap accessible. Once your walk is over, write up the map and make sure everyone has it. Then, practice. Fire drills don't stop in elementary school.

2. Have Structured Leadership

No matter what calamity strikes, you should have a contingency plan for who takes control. Have someone level-headed to manage the chaos. Allow this person to have control over when to send out alerts as well as running the dismissal. Another staff member should gather evacuation materials from the office. Essentially, this is your emergency response manager.

3. Delegate Tasks

As people follow the evacuation plan, you'll have some who have responsibilities for the office. Who has personnel contact information? This person coordinates with others to ensure safety. Who is medically trained? This person can attend to workers who necessitate more assistance? Who has the role of working with a fire restoration company? This person discusses repairs and sanitation. Your business leader should access backed up files and begin locating a secondary place for temporary work.
With the right contingency plan, you can give staff the support they need. In addition, you can keep the company up and running from a different place.

Preventing and Thawing Frozen Pipes

2/1/2021 (Permalink)

As the temperature drops, many businesses will experience water damage from ruptured pipes. Keeping the pipes at your Athens, GA , commercial property from freezing is key to protecting your business this winter.

How To Prevent Frozen Pipes

Some pipes are more vulnerable to freezing than others. Any uninsulated pipe in an unheated area is at high risk. Pay close attention to pipes in the following areas:

  • Exterior walls
  • Basements
  • Cabinets

Insulating exposed pipes is a good way to prevent them from freezing. In other cases, you can insulate the room where the pipes are located to help minimize temperature variance.
Sometimes the temperature drops quickly, and business owners find themselves scrambling to prevent water damage from broken pipes. If you haven’t had time to properly insulate exposed pipes, newspaper or towels can act as temporary insulation. Leave cabinet doors open to allow heat to reach those pipes. Don’t lower the thermostat at night, and consider letting warm water run through the pipes overnight.

How To Thaw Frozen Pipes
If you notice that water pressure is low, you may have a frozen pipe. The first thing you will need to do is locate the frozen pipe. Turning on all the faucets in the business and seeing which ones have weak or no water flow can help you narrow down the potentially frozen pipes. Leave the affected faucet(s) on while you work. Check the most vulnerable, i.e., coldest, areas first. Remember that there may be multiple frozen pipes. When you have located the affected pipe, you can thaw it out using a hair dryer. Other heat sources, such as heating pads, will also work. Be sure not to use a heat source with an open flame.
Having a plan to thaw out frozen pipes and prevent freezing in the first place is important for all business owners. Unfortunately, there are times when pipes do burst and cause water damage. In those cases, a certified restoration service can help with the water cleanup.

Dealing With a Sprinkler Flood in Your Business

1/4/2021 (Permalink)

A typical business owner in Athens, GA, doesn’t spend time pondering the effects of catastrophic flooding due to fire sprinklers being activated. However, it’s a problem that can quickly get out of control and cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage. The obvious solution to the problem is prevention, but you first need to know what causes the issues.

Reasons For Accidental Activation

Contrary to popular belief, modern sprinkler systems aren’t activated by fire alarms or smoke from burnt food in an employee breakroom. They instead have to be subjected to extreme heat that will either burst the red liquid bulb or melt the metal sensor. However, there are cases where they will activate accidentally, and the following are common reasons for this to happen:

Sprinkler heads being used as hangers

Improper installation


Factory accidents

Immediate Steps To Mitigate Losses

In an emergency flooding situation, the first critical step is to turn off the water. In an office or factory setting, it’s important to have multiple designated employees who know how to do this. Once the water is shut off, cleanup can begin. Hundreds of gallons of water can be released in a short period of time, so water damage to floors, walls and machinery happens quickly. The most thorough plan is to contact a water restoration company, which will be able to correctly dry each surface and reduce mold risk.

Long Term Approach

Once the initial cleanup is underway, the next step is to contact the insurance company and prevent the problem from ever occurring again. Employees must be trained to never touch or hang anything near a sprinkler head, and ideal placement for them is in a location difficult for a person or machine to accidentally contact.

Flooding in your business can seem overwhelming. However, there are steps you can take to prevent and minimize damage. A good water restoration company will have your facility looking “Like it never even happened.”

SERVPRO Steps Up Home Disinfection

12/3/2020 (Permalink)

As we face any type of crisis, we need to take every precaution to protect ourselves, our families, our businesses, and our community. Locally owned and operated, SERVPRO is here to help you address the cleaning needs in your Athens home or business. 

As individuals in Athens, each of us has a role in helping to prevent the spread of this illness by washing our hands, keeping an appropriate social distance, and keeping the surfaces in our indoor environments clean and germ-free. If you are overwhelmed, SERVPRO has services available to not only clean but also to apply disinfectants to minimize the chances of the spread of germs in Athens.

Our team at SERVPRO understands the urgency of the situation and is working diligently to help our fellow Athens residents. 

  • When we arrive at your property, we make a plan and discuss it with you.
  • We apply EPA-registered solutions designed to help eliminate pathogens on a variety of hard and soft surfaces.
  • We may use specialized equipment to maximize the coverage of antimicrobial products such as foggers and air scrubbers for larger spaces. 
  • We pay close attention to any potential risks and wear the required personal protective equipment (PPE) for the job. 
  • We have extensive experience in assisting individuals and organizations when it feels like things have turned upside down.

Contact SERVPRO of Athens by calling (706) 549-3366. In this time of uncertainty, we are clear on the scope of services we provide, and they translate into additional protection for all of us.

Advice from the medical and scientific community regarding how to deal with the coronavirus is based on present knowledge, which is subject to change as the situation continues to develop. There can be no assurance that disinfectants alone will be adequate to fully eliminate the virus. We are not physicians or infectious disease professionals. Consult your medical professionals for individual medical advice.

Our Mission

12/3/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Industries Vision statement is:

“To be the premier cleaning and restoration company in the world.”  

That statement could not be more true to those of us at SERVPRO of Athens. Our goal and core values are to be the best of the best for our customers. This means requiring our technicians to become certified within the IICRC (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certifications) standards. Whether our team is helping a customer who has had storm or fire damage or if we are cleaning carpet and upholstery, we strive to be the leader in the industry. 

This is why SERVPRO of Athens should be your first and last choice for your cleaning and restoration needs. We are always “here to help.”

Call SERVPRO of Athens today at 706-549-3366 for your Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation.

Why you should have your HVAC system cleaned

12/3/2020 (Permalink)

Ventilation systems are often the biggest culprit in poor indoor air quality.  Did you know that your HVAC system is the lungs of your home?  It takes air in and breathes air out, circulating air and contaminates 5 to 7 times a day, on average. 

Some of these contaminants are:

  • Dust and dander
  • Pollen
  • Odors
  • Dirt and Debris
  • Other contaminants

These contaminants can be harmful to all occupants, but some may be more sensitive than others.  Allergy and asthma sufferers as well as elderly and young children could be more susceptible to the types of poor indoor quality that air duct cleaning can help address. 

Another reason to have your heating and cooling system cleaned is for energy savings.  According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 25 to 40 percent of the energy used for heating or cooling a home is wasted.  Contaminants cause the systems to work harder and shorten the life of your system.  When the HVAC system is clean, it doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain the temperature you desire. 

To schedule your HVAC cleaning call SERVPRO of Athens at (706) 549-3366

Highly Trained Technicians

12/3/2020 (Permalink)

Here at SERVPRO of Athens our technicians are IICRC certified.  They receive training in water mitigation, mold remediation, fire restoration, and general cleaning.  This allows us the perform at the standards that you deserve. 

The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) is a certification and standard-setting non-profit organization for the inspection, cleaning, and restoration industries.

Our Professionals study IICRC standards and best practices in water restoration, fire restoration, mold remediation, carpet and upholstery cleaning, and other cleaning and restoration courses.

Initial Franchise Training

SERVPRO Corporate Training Facility provides new Franchise owners training in Fire Restoration, Water Restoration, Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning, and Mold Mitigation.  This is the foundation of the training program designed by SERVPRO.  The process is a 15-day hands-on course that provides the owners with valuable information

Employee Certification Training

The Employee Certification Training is a series of course materials and examination process that SERVPRO Franchise employees complete to receive certification in the following:

  • Crew Training
  • Fire Restoration
  • Water Restoration
  • Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning


SERVPRO has a plethora of web-based training.  Technicians and office staff have access to learn and tests their knowledge on industry standards and professional quality.  These courses often are video presentations as well as support materials that challenge our technicians to be the best they can be for our customers.


12/3/2020 (Permalink)

When it comes to companies offering clean up and restoration services in the Athens area, consumers have a variety of options to choose from, so why SERVPRO?  As a locally owned and operated organization, with the backing of over 1,700 franchises nationwide, SERVPRO of Athens has the ability to respond to your property damage emergency quickly, no matter the size of the loss:

  • We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
  • Our technicians are highly trained restoration specialists, with multiple certifications from the IICRC.
  • We work with a variety of insurance companies
  • We offer a wide array of clean up and restoration services for both commercial and residential properties, including water, fire, mold, storm, and biohazard related damages.
  • Our technicians utilize industry leading technology and equipment to provide the most efficient solution for your damages.

When disaster strikes, SERVPRO of Athens is Here to Help.  To learn more about the services we offer, please give us a call at 706-549-3366, or visit our home page for more information. 

We are Cleaning Experts

12/3/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO is Here to Help during this time of need

During this unprecedented time caused by the global pandemic of coronavirus, this is a reminder to our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services, and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards.

Specialized Training

We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform on a daily basis.

The CDC encourages cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and tables. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC’s guidance for commercial spaces include:

  • Kitchen/Food Areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Schools/Classrooms
  • Offices
  • Retail Spaces
  • Water Fountains
  • Shelving/Racks
  • Sales Counters
  • Carpets and Rugs
  • Stair Handrails
  • Elevator Cars
  • Playground Equipment
  • Fitness Equipment

Specialized Products

The CDC recommends usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. While there is currently no product tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, we are following all guidelines as provided by the CDC and local authorities.

Call Today for a Proactive Cleaning

If your home or business needs deep cleaning services, call the experts today – SERVPRO of Athens 706-549-3366

Halloween with COVID 2020

10/1/2020 (Permalink)

CELEBRATE A COVID-19 HALLOWEEN CREATIVELY These ideas will help you and others be extra safe while still celebrating Halloween
  • Host a virtual Halloween “watch” party with online video/chat and have best costume or craft project contests; 
  • Have a Halloween movie night with household members either at home or drive-in; 
  • Do reverse trick-or-treat by dropping off small gift bags on your neighbor’s porch; 
  • Put on a trunk-or-treat on your street (Halloween decorated car trunks) with socially distanced parked cars in driveways; 
  • Coordinate a contact-free neighborhood scavenger hunt; 
  • Organize a neighborhood car parade or socially distanced costume parade for best decorations/costume and give treat bags or toss candy (preferably with candy grabbers).


What about Lightning?

9/30/2020 (Permalink)

During a storm, a lot of things have the potential to cause some pretty serious damage.

Besides wind driven rain, a few other things can play a role.

Today, let’s talk lightning!

Some people think lightning never strikes the same place twice. However, lightning often strikes the same place twice, especially if it’s a tall, pointed object. Reportedly, the Empire State Building is struck nearly 25 times a year!

It is also believed that lightning only poses a threat when it is cloudy or raining. The truth is lightning often strikes more than three miles outside of a storm and has been known to travel as far as ten to fifteen miles before it even strikes the ground.

Many people are confused by the term “heat lightning” and think it only occurs as a result of a very hot summer day. The term “heat lightning” is used to describe lightning from a thunderstorm too far away to be heard.

Lightning can be scary and has the ability to do more than just make a loud noise. Keep SERVPRO of Athens in mind the next time a storm comes your way!

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned – a defensive cleaning program

8/12/2020 (Permalink)

Our defensive cleaning program gives your business a way forward by providing your employees and customers ongoing safety and assuredness.

Let us help you get back to business

As our communities re-open, we’re all moving back toward a new kind of normal. The expectations of visitors, customers, and employees who come into our establishments have evolved, and staying safe and well is a top concern. The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed what it means to be clean, and we’ve developed a program to help your business meet the new higher standard of clean that is now expected.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned is a defensive cleaning program we’re offering to businesses and commercial locations to address the current COVID-19 pandemic. This proactive viral pathogen cleaning program goes well beyond janitorial or carpet cleaning. By choosing Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you, your employees, your customers, and your community can rest assured that you’ve selected a higher cleaning standard – you are Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

Extensive training and specialized products

As the #1 choice in cleanup and restoration*, we stand on more than 50 years of experience and expertise to help your business become Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.  Beyond fire & water, SERVPRO professionals are trained and experienced in biohazard decontamination and chemical spills – always adhering to the cleaning and decontamination standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local authorities. 

From formulating and creating our proprietary cleaning products, like SERVPROXIDE, at our headquarters in Gallatin, TN, to taking the utmost care while disinfecting, we will ensure you and your business are set up to inspire consumer confidence as the economy continues to reopen.

3 C’s – Consult, Clean, and Certify

When the stakes are this high, you want a partner who has developed an industry leading, proprietary training program, cleaning solutions, and remediation processes over decades. We’ve cleaned up some of the most challenging biohazards imaginable. Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned reflects our unique experiences and capabilities. The program is grounded with our unique 3 C’s: Consult, Clean, and Certify.

  • Consult – Every business is different, which is why you’ll be assigned a Cleaning Protocol Consultant who understands your business and will create a cleaning program to meet your specific needs. This program will be developed based on your business type, size of space, amount of high frequency touchpoints, foot traffic and congestion points.
  • Clean – Based on your specific business needs, your location will undergo a thorough, deep clean, using exclusive cleaning products, according to protocols set forth by the CDC. Our employees have years of experience, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform. Cleanup procedures generally include cleaning of porous and non-porous surfaces, disinfecting of non-porous surfaces, cleaning and disinfecting of equipment, tools, and/or supplies used for cleanup process, and disposal of hazardous materials.  In the event of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 event, we will be there cleaning within 24 hours to ensure you get back to business as quickly as possible. 
  • Certify - Once your business location has been Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you will gain access to proprietary signage, digital emblems, and other collateral that communicates that you’ve selected a higher standard of clean available to help protect your employees and customers. And because we add the day, month, and year to that proprietary stamp of clean, your guests will know that not only did you choose Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, but that your location is being cleaned regularly at this standard.

Call today for a Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation

We’re Here to Help – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – until life is back to normal in the communities we all call home.

Call SERVPRO of Athens today at 706-549-3366 for your Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation.

* #1 Choice in cleanup & restoration based Commercial Attitude & Usage Tracking study. Polling 816 commercial business decision makers on first choice for future needs related to cleanup & restoration work. Study conducted by C&R Research: October 2019

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned means professionally trained SERVPRO franchises perform the requested cleaning, sanitizing and disinfection services according to proprietary SERVPRO protocols and recognized industry and CDC standards with EPA approved cleaning products to deliver a SERVPRO certified cleaning experience.  Each SERVPRO franchise is independently owned and operated.

The Science behind the drying process

8/3/2020 (Permalink)

Having the knowledge of psychrometrics in essential to restoring a water damaged structure to its preloss condition. While your initial reaction may be to grab a few towels to mop up the mess and place a fan or two around the damaged area, SERVPRO of Athens Professionals are trained in the science of drying and follow strict industry-approved standards to help lower the chances of any secondary damages. If your business suffers a water damage, SERVPRO of Athens Professional will:

  • Inspect the building to detect every component that is wet, to help prevent secondary damage from happening.
  • Measure how much moisture is in wet materials and monitor whether the materials are drying properly.
  • Speed up Mother Nature by using professional drying equipment.

What exactly does it mean to help "speed up Mother Nature"? A wet building can often dry naturally because the environment always seeks equilibrium. When materials are wet, moisture will naturally move to drier air at the surface of the material-but only if the air is, indeed, drier. The only problem is, nature takes too long and secondary damages may occur while the building is drying out.

SERVPRO of Athens Professionals have the tools and equipment to help dry hardwood floors, tough-to-reach spaces inside walls, and much more. SERVPRO of Athens Professionals also use state-of-the-art monitoring equipment, and a proven scientific process to help speed the drying of your home or business.

The bottom-line? SERVPRO of Athens Professionals have the training and equipment to help make water damage "Like it never even happened."

Call SERVPRO of Athens at: (706) 549-3366

Be Alert for Weather Advisories in Athens, GA

8/3/2020 (Permalink)

One of the best steps you can take to prepare yourself for storms, is to purchase a good quality weather radio. A weather radio is designed to alert you to dangerous weather situations, such as an approaching tornado. It allows you to be warned ahead of approaching storms providing you time to seek shelter. A weather radio is one of the most reliable sources for weather alerts. Weather radios have improved in design and have made many other advancements over the years. They are now readily available and very affordable. Most basic weather radios average cost is around $30 and will warn you of all types of weather advisories and public announcements. Some models can be programmed to only alert you of specific weather alerts you designate.

When shopping for a weather radio, look for the following key features:

  • Reviewable alerts (The ability to scroll through alerts and turn off the siren for alerts you do not wish to hear can be very helpful).
  • Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) is the protocol used to encode the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and NOAA Weather Radio (NWR).
  • Make sure the model you choose is easy to program.  Like any electronic emergency ready tool, it is critical that the device is reliable and simple to use. 

If you need help programming your weather radio, you can contact your local National Weather Service Office or for additional information, including county codes for Georgia, visit NOAA Weather Radio website at www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr.

Storm Damage Cleanup and Restoration

8/3/2020 (Permalink)

Storms occur with little warning and can be especially devastating, so you will need the company that you can trust to rise to the occasion. Regardless of the type of storm, SERVPRO Franchise Professionals can handle any size disaster. During catastrophic storms and major events, our can respond quickly with additional resources.

  • Flooding caused by heavy rains
  • Hurricanes and tidal surges
  • Tornadoes and wind damage
  • Ice and Snow storms               

Storms and inclement weather can bring wind damage, heavy rain, and flooding that can devastate any business in a matter of minutes. There never a convenient time for flooding or water damage to strike, and storms don't just strike during regular business hours; that is why SERVPRO Franchise Professionals offer 24 hour emergency service 365 days per year.

Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give our Professionals a call and they all be there fast with the help you need.

  • 24 x 7 Service
  • Faster to Any Size Disaster
  • Trusted Leader in the Storm and Water Restoration Industry with over 1,700 Franchises
  • Highly trained specialists

Commercial Water Removal Services for Retail Stores in Athens,GA

7/1/2020 (Permalink)

Is your Athenss Business Prepared If A Water Emergency Strikes?

Water can cause a lot of damage within a short period. It is an invisible threat that creeps rapidly through spaces and crevices, invading several other areas. Adequate training is essential to avoid further damage.

If you need quick and efficient water damage restoration services in Athens, GA SERVPRO is here to help. We have a dedicated team of IICRC-trained technicians on standby to respond to your emergency. Our products are up to par with industry standards, thereby ensuring a seamless restoration process.

Water damage restoration fans and air movers are essential for water removal in a flooded store. These high volume fans and air movers create a powerful airflow that moves air quickly around the affected space, promoting evaporation of moisture from under carpets and behind walls, sub-flooring, upholstery, and more.

Water damage becomes a major issue when there is significant flooding in the retail store. This can be caused by a faulty sprinkler system, burst pipe, a sewage backup, or storm flooding. Some 30 percent of all property claims come from water damage restoration, including loss of equipment, inventory, store fixtures, and even furnishings. Immediate drying and dehumidification are important to reduce repair costs, which can necessitate a complete shutdown.

SERVPRO water damage restoration experts provide the quickest recovery while minimizing repair costs, often with little disruption of unaffected areas. Our services also include odor removal and mold remediation. Apart from restoring the building itself, we can also take care of water-damaged carpet and upholstery.

The first part of the restoration process involves inspection by qualified technicians establishing goals, priorities, tasks, and schedules. This is followed by flood damage cleanup, which includes initial cleaning, sanitation, debris removal, and relocation of building contents. We also carry out water extraction from walls, floors, and ceilings using truck-mounted vacuum systems. We have state-of-the-art equipment for carrying out odor removal in hard-to-reach surfaces. Finally, we monitor and maintain proper moisture, humidity, and temperature levels after drying.

Commercial Air Duct Cleaning

7/1/2020 (Permalink)

Cleaning air ducts in a commercial building may seem like an unimportant item to add to a long list of “building needs”; however, it is not something to ignore, even if your ducts do not seem to be experiencing any issues. If you own a commercial property in the Athens area, consider using SERVPRO of Athens when it comes time to clean the air ducts in your building. There are many benefits to having air ducts routinely cleaned, here are just a few:

  • Decrease in dust reentering the system, which will cut down in cleaning and remove potential allergens from the environment.
  • Reduce the risk of mold in your ducts, which will help lower the amount of mold spores spreading throughout your property.
  • Remove any materials from previous pest infestations, and decrease the likelihood of any future infestations.
  • Longer HVAC lifespan and greater HVAC efficiency.
  • Better air quality for building occupants.

For more information regarding a duct cleaning service for your commercial property call SERVPRO of Athens at (706)549-3366.

What Are the Most Common Types of Storm Damage?

6/30/2020 (Permalink)

The Most Common Type of Storm Damage

Annually, flooding is the most common and extensive form of storm damage that occurs in the United States. Even during high wind events like tropical storms or hurricanes, the majority of the damage comes from the flooding rains from the storms and not the destructive winds.

Every year, insurance companies pay out more than a billion dollars to repair flood damage in the U.S.–and that number is only rising as property values increase and the number of homes in high risk coastal areas rise.

The amount spent on flood damage could continue to rise significantly in the future–especially if sea levels rise as predicted. If sea level rise occurs, thousands of homes in the United States will be at risk and potentially hundreds of billions of dollars will have to be spent to mitigate that damage.

Damage from flooding rains can penetrate every part of your home of business structure, requiring the gutting and replacement of much of the structural components inside, including walls, floors, ceilings, and more.

SERVPRO Offers Ways to Effectively Remediate Mold Damage in Your Athens Home

6/30/2020 (Permalink)

How well is your family prepared to deal with mold damage? We all know that disasters do not plan, but we can make emergency plans today to protect us from possible health effects and reduce unnecessary damage when such incidents come knocking. The recent devastating wildfires and hurricanes reminded our country of the benefits of preparing to face disasters, and it is easy to understand why this September is a National Preparedness Month. We hope all residents of Athens can find useful information in this article to up their preparedness skills.

After addressing the safety concerns of the building, our SERVPRO technicians perform a site-assessment to come up with an effective and safe work plan during mold damage remediation in Athens. During this step, we determine the degree of the mold and moisture problem. We watch out of discolored surfaces, fuzzy growth on furnishing and items, and musty odor. Mold tends to grow in hidden areas, so, we check behind the wallpaper, insulation, wallboard, as well as carpet backing and padding.

Exposure to the mold spores can cause health effects, and it is essential to use the appropriate personal protective equipment. To protect our feet, we use work boots that are waterproof. Safety glasses with a full-face shield, waterproof gloves, disposable earplugs, and disposable coveralls are some of the PPE that we use. Where necessary, we decontaminated some of the contaminated PPE at the end of the remediation process.

We can also assess the contaminated items and determine what is salvageable and what is not. We discard porous contents such as papers, rugs, carpeting and padding, upholstery and textiles that have significant mold contamination. Removal and disposal of contaminated porous building components such as insulation, ceilings, plaster walls, floor sills, and non-structural wood studs may be necessary.

After cleaning surfaces and restorable items, we apply disinfectants to lower chances of mold problem reoccurring. We have also to dry the structure to address the existing mold growth conditions. We can set up space heaters and perform dehumidification to speed up the drying process.

Why Your Shower May Be Leaking?

6/30/2020 (Permalink)

By now most homeowners or renters have experienced the laborious task of cleaning home showers. Floor stains don’t seem to go away even with every pass of the cleaning brush. Clorox or other household cleaners are dumped to get rid of the grime and soap scum around the tub or shower. Most of the time we find the glass and acrylic base the easiest to clean; the grout, however, always seems to give us the biggest issues. It seems the more we scrub, the more grout lost and the grime remains the same. This can make this task much more aggravating than it should be.

Why You Should Not Scrub So Hard

While the loss of grout may seem unimportant as long as the shower is clean, grout is actually what keeps water in the tub. Grout does a great job at protecting your walls and flooring, preventing water to escape behind tile. It is a difficult material to clean without the use of heavy chemicals. Over time, these chemicals eat away at the grout’s ability to stick. Without heavy chemicals, cleaning grout calls for extra elbow grease, usually resulting in a rough scrub and strips the grout away as well. Even with a decent amount gone, it is likely homeowners notice the missing grout well into the later stages of water damage.

Improperly installed grout will also have the same effects as grout that has fallen off. Aside from water moving into exposed areas, some grout brands can be made of material that is semi porous or not made for bathrooms. This also allows water to pass through and encourages mold growth, causing even more costly damage for a homeowner. Grout should always be installed by a professional with plenty of experience.

What If The Leak Is Not Grout-Related?

There may be plenty of signs and reasons as to why your shower is leaking or bathroom is flooding. If you cannot physically determine where the leak is coming from it may be best to forgo using that particular bathroom. Call out a local plumber to assess and address your shower’s problems. Once these issues have been resolved, call out a restoration company like SERVPRO. It is important to inspect your bathroom for presence of mold or water damage and determine the costs as well as next steps.

What Are the Brown Stains On Your Ceiling?

6/30/2020 (Permalink)

You may have noticed a brown spot on your ceiling or maybe on your walls. The spot may not be large enough for major concern yet but sizable to raise your curiosity.  Questions like what the spot is and where is it coming from, are the first thoughts that may have run through your head. Before you ponder on the spot for too long, you should consider calling out a restoration company to your home. The presence of a brown spot or water stain can have serious implications on your ceiling.

Water pooling is one big reason behind ceiling stains. This is evident by the brown or yellow discoloration of your ceilings paint. These colors are caused by the surfactants in the paint. Surfactant is usually brown in color and oily. When mixed with water, the surfactant becomes reactivated. If the water is pooling and concentrated in one area, that means the surfactant will as well. This effect can be seen in bathrooms too, where water and moisture is aplenty, and there may be brown streaks running down the walls.

Water in your ceiling can mean a leak in your roof or a burst pipe. Even if water is not pouring down from your ceilings or walls, does not mean there should not be a sense of urgency behind getting down to the root problem or source. If water is allowed to sit too long, serious and costly water damage can be inflicted on your home’s structure. Prolonged moisture and water can onset mold damage. It takes only 48 hours for mold to begin to affect your home meaning you need to act fast. As you may be aware of, mold is not exactly a welcomed guest for your home and will need professional mold remediation. Both mold and water can lead to rotting of structural building material. This can be a major, costly problem, especially if your ceiling holds a lot of support for your home.

If you notice stains on your ceiling, don’t ignore them. Allowing them to grow or worsen in condition can cause more damage than you think. Call SERVPRO of West Palm Beach today to schedule an assessment of your ceiling.

SERVPRO of Athens Gives Back to Our First Responders

6/30/2020 (Permalink)

Giving back is a core foundation that our company is built on; as is community. For as long as SERVPRO of Athens has been operating, we have always felt a strong sense of belonging in Palm Beach County. Like many small businesses, we depend on the positive experiences of our customers and support of the community.  

In the past two months, community has never been more important in many parts of our country. We have all had to stand strong together to combat the turmoil and uncertainty felt among us. We have witnessed this strength through our friends, family, essential workers and Frontliners. Our First Responders have served the community faithfully in an unwavering, determined fashion. We have seen their perseverance in keeping the community safe and healthy. We are so grateful for our many First Responders throughout the county and to show our gratitude, this week we will be providing free vehicle disinfection for First Responders.

Today marked the first day of a three-day event, with a greater turn out than we could have hoped for! Putting our biohazard cleaning experience to good use, our crew, is eager to give back this week. During the three-day event, we will be disinfecting First Responder cars as well as providing a bottle of hand sanitizer for each vehicle. We cannot wait to meet and personally thank all of our First Responders of Palm Beach County.

We appreciate all of the Frontliners who are working tirelessly to keep our communities healthy. From our SERVPRO family to yours, we thank you!

Ways to Give Back During Challenging Times in our community

6/30/2020 (Permalink)

Donating does not always mean making a monetary donation to a major organization. Many local organizations and charities are working hard to provide for communities throughout Athens. With the number of people who have been affected by the current pandemic growing each day, there are many different needs and ways to help.

  • Donate to Food Pantries: Many food pantries are overwhelmed recently and may have supplies running low. If you are able to, donate canned goods and non-perishables. If you prefer to provide a monetary gift, there are organizations that provide those in need hot, daily meals.
  • Donate Essential Items and Personal Protection: There is a great need for hard to find essentials, like household cleaning products, toilet paper, paper towels, soap and more. If you are able to supply these items, many disaster relief funds can benefit from a donation like this, providing support to healthcare organizations and areas with vulnerable communities.
  • Virtually Volunteer: Volunteering in person may not be ideal for many during a time of social distancing. Virtual volunteer opportunities do exist that may include tutoring children who are going through a transitionary period of virtual learning. Choose an organization that connects you with quarantined elderly who would love to video chat and enjoy fun conversation during a difficult time.
  • Help a Neighbor: The best way to give back might be for someone you know. If you have any neighbors, family, or friends who have compromised immune systems or are older, be sure to check in on them, helping with any tasks they have. A simple trip to the grocery store each week can be a great deal of help.
  • Sew Protective Masks: Many healthcare organizations are in need of masks to protect their staff. There are dozens of articles and videos with tutorials on sewing a proper mask. If you have ample time on your hands and the appropriate materials, find a fun pattern and sew away!

Giving back is a wonderful way to show appreciation for all the Frontliners who give to us every day.

Tools to Keep You Storm Safe in Athens

6/30/2020 (Permalink)

One of the best precautions you can take is to purchase a good quality weather radio. A weather radio is designed to alert you to potentially dangerous weather situations, like an approaching tornado. It allows you to be warned ahead of storms, providing you time to seek shelter. A weather radio is the most reliable source for weather alerts.

Weather radios have made many advancements over the years and are very affordable. Most basic weather radios average around $30 and can be programmed to only alert you for the weather alerts you choose.

When shopping for a weather radio, look for the following key features:

  • ·Reviewable alerts (you can scroll through alerts and turn off the siren for alerts youdo not wish to hear).
  • Specific Area Message Encoding (SAME) alert programming (alerts when specific counties are threatened, ensuring you only receive alerts for your county).
  • Ease of programming.

If you need help programming your weather radio, you can always contact your local National Weather Service Office or for additional information, including county codes for your state, visit the NOAA Weather Radio website at www.nws.noaa.gov/nwr.

5 Essential Burn First Aid Tips

6/29/2020 (Permalink)

When you think offiredamage, charred property and soot buildup requiring professional cleanup and restoration may be the first images that come to mind. Intense heat and flames can, however, also singe clothing and flesh. Employees that work with flammable liquids and other ordinary combustibles may be particularly vulnerable to burns. Regardless of the nature of your Athens, GA business, burn first aid is valuable knowledge that can be extremely useful, especially in emergency situations.

1. Recognize When To Call 911

Burns can range from minor to serious. If the skin appears charred or dry and leathery, call 911 for emergency assistance. You should also seek immediate medical care if the wound is larger than three inches in diameter or affects a major joint, your feet, hands, face, buttocks or groin.

2. Cool the Burn

You can treat smaller burns that present with superficial redness by applying simple first aid techniques. Begin by applying a cold compress or running cool water over the affected area. Because excessively cold fluid can cause further irritation and damage, refrain from using ice packs or cold water.

3. Remove Jewelry

Topicalfire damagemay cause swelling. Because of this, remove rings and other jewelry from the affected site.

4. Apply Ointment

To soothe and protect damaged skin, apply a petroleum-based ointment. Aloe vera may also be effective. Avoid using lotions, oils, creams and butter, which may contain irritating ingredients or cause an infection.

5. Bandage the Wound

To further protect the area, loosely wrap the wound in sterile gauze. Refrain from using cotton dressings that may stick to the skin’s surface.
As you bandage the wound, take caution around any existing blisters. Although they may appear unsightly, blisters can protect the site from infection and should never be intentionally popped.
Burns are a form offire damagethat require prompt attention. First aid can help everyone recognize the severity of the wound and administer the most appropriate care.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaning in Athens

6/29/2020 (Permalink)

Deep Commercial Cleaning in Atlanta  

Since the Coronavirus outbreak, we have been steadily busy working with our commercial clients to ensure that their staff is safe to work in a pathogen-free environment. SERVPRO has been in the cleaning industry since 1967. In all the years we have learned some really great ways to ensure that a commercial building in Atlanta is cleaned properly. The CDC is constantly updating the proper cleaning guideline as they are finding out. We want our customers to know that we will continue to stay on top of the latest news regarding Covid19.

Commercial Cleaning Services

We offer a wide array of cleaning services to our Atlanta residents. We pride ourselves on being the go-to company for commercial cleaning as well as restoration. We have all the equipment ready to clean any job large or small. 

SERVPRO Commercial Cleaning Services:

  1. Air Ducts and HVAC
  2. Biohazard and Sewage
  3. Trauma and Crime Scene
  4. Carpet and Upholstery
  5. Drapes and Blinds
  6. Ceilings, Walls, and Hard Floors
  7. Odor Removal and Deodorization
  8. Vandalism

Covid19 Cleaning 

When it comes to cleaning a building specifically for coronavirus and other pathogens we follow our unique 3 C’s:

  • Consult: A certified cleaning trained professional knows that not all businesses are the same. A trained professional at SERVPRO Atlanta will come out and take a look and tailor a cleaning program based on the unique needs of your Atlanta facility.

  • Clean: Once the person in charge agrees on the plan, an expert deep clean will be initiated using our proprietary EPA-Approved Hospital-Grade cleaning solutions. We are always adhering to the leading level of cleaning and decontamination standards set by the CDC.

  • Certify: You’ll know a business is Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned by the shield posted on their front window. Along with digital emblems and other collateral, this beacon represents their commitment to the comfort and security of their employees, customers, and community.

After Commercial Cleaning 

Trust us when we say that we care about the commitment and security of your employees, customers, and community. We serve Atlanta and the surrounding cities. We want you to feel comfortable knowing that we live by the saying "we are only as good as our last job."

We Go Above and Beyond

Hiring a professional service means you are getting experience, expertise, and professional cleaning tools that can clean your space to the highest standard. It might catch you off guard on the number of different services that we offer. If you have any questions regarding our Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned program please feel free to call our office at (706)549-3366. 

Do you have smoke smell in your home?

6/25/2020 (Permalink)

Are you one of the 1.3 million people each year that has had a home fire? How will you ever get rid of that smell?  OZONING!  What is ozoning and how does it work?

Normal oxygen (O2) is converted to O3, which is commonly called ozone.  It reverts back to O2 in about an hour if the O3 is unused.  This leaves the air fresh and clean because the source of the order has been permanently removed.  And there are no artificial odors so the space becomes free of odors, as nature intended.

Outdoors, nature eliminates odors and microorganisms using UV light and O3.  Indoors, most places receive very little UV light or O3 to help eliminate the odors.  An ozone machine creates O3, or ozone, in a process that utilizes an electrical current.  Ozone sanitizes the air by breaking down odors and microorganisms at their source.

Nature creates O3 as a natural cleaning during thunderstorms, and also from the sunlight striking the earth’s atmosphere.  We have all taken a walk after a thunderstorm and experienced that fresh clean, fresh smell in the air.  That’s O3, or ozone, at work.

SERVPRO also offers a service at our facility where we can ozone specific items like clothing, furniture, or anything that has smoke damage and get it smelling better than new.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – (706) 549-3366

Campfire and Grill Safety Tips

6/1/2020 (Permalink)

If you want to spend a happy and “injury-free” summer with your family and friends we recommend you follow these safety tips from the U.S Fire Administration.

  • This should be a no-brainer but… never use a grill inside. Keep your grill at least 3 feet from siding, deck rails and eaves.
  • Clean your grill after EACH use. We bet you don’t want the grease from that delicious steak to start a fire.
  • Open your gas grill before lighting.
  • Keep a 3-foot save zone around grills and campfires
  • Place coals from the grill in a metal container with a lid.
  • Never leave a campfire or grill unattended.
  • Watch out for kids and pets and make sure they don’t get too close.

We’re here to help, call SERVPRO of Athens 706-549-3366


How to Spot Roof Damage

6/1/2020 (Permalink)

Thunderstorms, tornadoes, hailstorms and hurricanes can tear shingles from your roof and give your roof a beating with tree branches. Follow these steps to check for storm damage to your roof:

• Inspect your attic for leaks or water damage. Also, if any water stains appear on your ceiling or walls, you likely need repairs or a roof replacement.

• Look for signs of storm damage from the ground. Check for missing shingles or missing pieces of metal fascia, including any metal pieces displaced from around your chimney. Also, assess the condition of exhaust pipes, valleys, outer edges or angles where the roof meets the walls.

• Obviously, you’ll notice if a tree fell on your roof. If so, stay out of your home until a professional can determine whether any structural damage occurred. Consider hiring a general contractor or roofer with a general contractor’s license if your home suffered structural damage, as you’ll need more than roof repairs.

• If the storm produced hail, check for roof damage, as well as siding damage. Hail damage commonly comes in the forms of dimples, made by smaller chunks of hail that pound the outer layer of shingles.

• Stay safe — avoid going on the roof to check for damage yourself and instead contact a professional roofer.

Source: Angie's List


6/1/2020 (Permalink)

Be prepared to weather the storm with the FEMA App. This app allows you to get National Weather Service alerts for up to five locations to keep you informed on-the-go. It also has information on what to do before, during, and after different disasters. In the midst of an emergency, the app can give you directions to open shelters nearby, help you locate someone to talk to at a Disaster Recovery Center, and let you share images of damage and recovery efforts to help first responders and emergency managers.

This app is available to download for free for iOS and Android at the Apple Store and on Google Play.

Have other questions on how to prepare for a storm? Contact SERVPRO of Athens 706-549-3366 on how to plan for an emergency!

Source: www.fema.gov/mobile-app

Can Mold Grow in Dry Climates?

6/1/2020 (Permalink)

Mold is a natural spore that breaks down dead trees and leaves. Most people know that black mold thrives in moist environments. That is why mold is commonly found in wet, rainy areas.

You might think that you don’t have to worry about mold growth. Even though you may not deal with huge rainstorms or hurricanes, you still could end up with excess mold in your commercial building. That is because mold can develop in indoor wet areas such as:

  • Air conditioners
  • Hot water heaters
  • Leaky sinks
  • Showers

Don't Get Caught Unprepared

People in wet climates are accustomed to looking for black mold. Yet those in dry environments do not usually regularly check their roofs, air conditioning units, or windows for mold spores. They may not even think about mold until it becomes a visible problem with a nasty odor. By that time, you will probably need extensive mold cleanup in your building.
So even if you live in a dry city, you keep an eye out for puddles or leaks and take care of them as soon as possible. Don’t forget to look for ponds of water on the roof.
Similarly, you need to make sure that the roof has proper shingles and shields. Poor installation of these features can cause leaks and subsequent mold growth.

Act Quickly

Warm climates are especially susceptible to monsoons and humidity. This combination creates a breeding ground for mold, especially if your building develops a leak. Mold can start to grow just one to two days after the leak develops.
Since mold is found naturally in the environment, it is impossible to eliminate these spores from your Athens, GA building entirely. However, you do want to limit the amount of black mold in your commercial space. Professional mold remediation specialists can help your building get back to its normal mold level.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – 706-549-3366

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned – a defensive cleaning program

6/1/2020 (Permalink)

Let us help you get back to business

As our communities re-open, we’re all moving back toward a new kind of normal. The expectations of visitors, customers, and employees who come into our establishments have evolved, and staying safe and well is a top concern. The global COVID-19 pandemic has changed what it means to be clean, and we’ve developed a program to help your business meet the new higher standard of clean that is now expected.

Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned is a defensive cleaning program we’re offering to businesses and commercial locations to address the current COVID-19 pandemic. This proactive viral pathogen cleaning program goes well beyond janitorial or carpet cleaning. By choosing Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you, your employees, your customers, and your community can rest assured that you’ve selected a higher cleaning standard – you are Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.

Extensive training and specialized products

As the #1 choice in cleanup and restoration*, we stand on more than 50 years of experience and expertise to help your business become Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned.  Beyond fire & water, SERVPRO professionals are trained and experienced in biohazard decontamination and chemical spills – always adhering to the cleaning and decontamination standards set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and local authorities. 

From formulating and creating our proprietary cleaning products, like SERVPROXIDE, at our headquarters in Gallatin, TN, to taking the utmost care while disinfecting, we will ensure you and your business are set up to inspire consumer confidence as the economy continues to reopen.

3 C’s – Consult, Clean, and Certify

When the stakes are this high, you want a partner who has developed an industry leading, proprietary training program, cleaning solutions, and remediation processes over decades. We’ve cleaned up some of the most challenging biohazards imaginable. Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned reflects our unique experiences and capabilities. The program is grounded with our unique 3 C’s: Consult, Clean, and Certify.

  • Consult – Every business is different, which is why you’ll be assigned a Cleaning Protocol Consultant who understands your business and will create a cleaning program to meet your specific needs. This program will be developed based on your business type, size of space, amount of high frequency touchpoints, foot traffic and congestion points.
  • Clean – Based on your specific business needs, your location will undergo a thorough, deep clean, using exclusive cleaning products, according to protocols set forth by the CDC. Our employees have years of experience, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform. Cleanup procedures generally include cleaning of porous and non-porous surfaces, disinfecting of non-porous surfaces, cleaning and disinfecting of equipment, tools, and/or supplies used for cleanup process, and disposal of hazardous materials.  In the event of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 event, we will be there cleaning within 24 hours to ensure you get back to business as quickly as possible. 
  • Certify - Once your business location has been Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, you will gain access to proprietary signage, digital emblems, and other collateral that communicates that you’ve selected a higher standard of clean available to help protect your employees and customers. And because we add the day, month, and year to that proprietary stamp of clean, your guests will know that not only did you choose Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned, but that your location is being cleaned regularly at this standard.

Call today for a Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation

We’re Here to Help – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – until life is back to normal in the communities we all call home.

Call SERVPRO of Athens today at 706-549-3366 for your Certified: SERVPRO Cleaned consultation.

Why Immediate Fire Damage Restoration is Important

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

When a fire occurs in a home, the aftermath can seem overwhelming, and if fire restoration is postponed, the destruction from smoke damage can become even worse. The longer you wait to address the damage, the more repairs you'll have to fix - which means you'll most likely have a larger bill for damages when all is said and done. You can avoid costly repairs and long-term issues if you make fire damage restoration a priority and follow the steps you'll need to get your home back to normal as soon as possible.

First, and foremost - and this is the most important step - contact the professionals at SERVPRO of Athens and they can assess the damage, give you an estimate on costs and start the cleanup process. Then contact your home insurance company to make them aware of the fire. It's essential that you enlist the help of a licensed and insured fire damage restoration company to reduce the risk of further damage to your home. They are trained to handle this type of damage and many will perform some of the following steps to help get you through the initial fire cleanup:

  • Smoke and fire damage restoration services will try to save as many of your home and personal belongings (such as appliances, furniture and clothing) as they can.
  • SERVPRO will document everything they remove from your home by taking pictures and/or keeping written records.
  • SERVPRO will return any salvageable furniture and appliances back to your home, after the fire restoration is complete.
  • SERVPRO will work quickly and carefully to get you back in your home as soon as possible, and stay in contact with you to make sure the repairs were done correctly and your home isn't experiencing any other problems.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 706-549-3366

Do this if you notice mold in your home

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

Finding mold in your home can be a stressful situation. We want to make sure you know what to do and how to handle it. First things first, call SERVPRO of Athens!

If you discover mold or any kind of microbial growth growing in your home, it is important to get a hygienist to test the substance. Once the growth is determined, the proper recommendations can be written for how to remove and treat. It is very important to make sure each step is taken into account. This way the job can be completed and not have to be redone for a second time. 

Signs of Mold? Call Today – (706) 549-3366

Do you think you have mold in your attic?

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

We’ve had pretty rainy and hot days here in Athens. Those are some ideal conditions where mold thrives, since it requires moisture and high temperatures to spread throughout our homes. If you can see something resembling mold…it is probably mold.

Prevention and maintenance is key to keep your attic mold free. Call a professional roofing company to inspect your roof and check for leaks. A small leak over a long period of time can cause extensive damage in your home.  

Inspect your attic regularly and make sure vents are not blocked by boxes, crates, critters, or insulation. If your HVAC system is in your attic, check to see if there are any leaks or excessive moisture around the unit (pay close attention to the condensate pan and drain line.) Make sure ducts from the kitchen or bathrooms run to the exterior of your home and not just the attic.

Call Us Today (706) 549-3366

Have Questions about Basement Flooding?

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

If flood water is not handled quickly and properly, it can jeopardize your health and safety, and cause severe damage to your home’s structure. Remember, the longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.

The bottom line: a flooded basement can endanger your health, safety, and your home’s integrity. It is worth making a call to SERVPRO of Athens and let our trained, professional crews handle the situation safely and correctly. We have earned the trust of hundreds of homeowners, business owners, and property professionals.

We are Flooded Basement Specialists:

  • We are Available 24 hours/7 days per week
  • We’re a Preferred Vendor to many National Insurance Companies
  • We Bill The Insurance Directly – One Less Thing For You To Worry About
  • Our Technicians are Highly-Qualified in Water Restoration Techniques
  • We use s500 IICRC Restoration Standards
  • We have Advanced Inspection and Extraction Equipment

Basement Flooded? Call Us Today – We’re Ready To Help

What to do after a fire

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

After experiencing a traumatic event like a fire in your home or business, it is difficult to know what steps to take next. The first thing is to keep your family safe, everything else can be replaced.

If there was extensive damage, limit the movement and how many people enter the home to prevent soot particles to penetrate carpets, rugs and furniture. Wash your hands often, to prevent getting other furniture, walls, belongings dirty. You can brush vacuum drapes, rugs and upholstery. Change your HVAC filters. Place towels on heavy traffic areas of the home. If you have chrome appliances, apply a light coating of oil or petroleum jelly to protect them from soot. Inspect your plants, and wipe both side of the leaves.

You can always call SERVPRO of Athens 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We’re here to help- (706) 549-3366

5 Safe Candle Alternatives

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

Candle Alternatives

While candles are great for setting a mood, they aren't so great at keeping fires out of your home in Athens,GA. This is especially true if you have curious, rowdy pets or young children. It only takes one accident before you'll be making calls to the fire department and a fire damage restoration company. Fortunately, there are many great candle alternatives that make your home smell great or create a relaxing ambiance.

1. Battery-Powered Candles

While electric candles might not look or smell exactly like the real thing, they might be able to fool some unexpecting guests. Plus, you don't need to worry about turning them off when you leave the room or house to prevent a candle fire.

2. Wax Warmers

Spread the sweet aroma of melted wax through your home by using a wax warmer. These candle alternatives use battery power or electricity instead of an open flame to heat up the wax. Plus, they often come in decorative holders that can match your home's decor.

3. Fairy Lights

If your main goal is to add relaxed lighting to your home rather than release a scent into the air, fairy lights a great way to quickly light up a room or outdoor area. Fairy lights may be powered by battery or electricity, making them a much longer-lasting option than a candle.

4. Stick Diffuser

Reed or stick diffusers are flameless and add a unique look to any room you put them in. They simply involve placing sticks into a container with scented oil.

5. Essential Oil Diffuser

Essential oils can help add a scent to the room and might benefit your health too. There are many different diffusers to choose from, so you can easily find one that matches your home.
Consider these candles alternatives to make your home a safer place for everyone in it. There are many options to choose from, so you can find an alternative that best meets your needs.

First Responders in our community

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens giving back!

We decided to help our first responders in our community during this pandemic, by cleaning and disinfecting their vehicles. A special thanks to Sergeant, Christoper Haag and to Chief, James Fulcher from Winterville and Athens-Clarke Police Department for helping us organize this event.

Thank you for your services!

We are Cleaning Experts

3/17/2020 (Permalink)

We have the specialized training and products to get your property back to business.

SERVPRO is Here to Help during this time of need

During this unprecedented time caused by the global pandemic of coronavirus, this is a reminder to our customers that we are specialists in cleaning services, and we adhere to the highest cleaning and sanitation standards.

Specialized Training

We are prepared to clean and disinfect your home or business, according to protocols set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have years of experience in dealing with biological contaminants, and we will go beyond the scope of work that regular janitorial staff perform on a daily basis.

The CDC encourages cleaning of high-touch surfaces such as counters, tabletops, doorknobs, light switches, bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and tables. Other spaces mentioned in the CDC’s guidance for commercial spaces include:

  • Kitchen/Food Areas
  • Bathrooms
  • Schools/Classrooms
  • Offices
  • Retail Spaces
  • Water Fountains
  • Shelving/Racks
  • Sales Counters
  • Carpets and Rugs
  • Stair Handrails
  • Elevator Cars
  • Playground Equipment
  • Fitness Equipment

Specialized Products

The CDC recommends usage of a labeled hospital-grade disinfectant with claims against similar pathogens to the coronavirus. Multiple products in the SERVPRO product line carry the EPA-approved emerging pathogens claims. While there is currently no product tested against this particular strain of the coronavirus, we are following all guidelines as provided by the CDC and local authorities.

Call Today for a Proactive Cleaning

If your home or business needs deep cleaning services, call the experts today – SERVPRO of Athens, (706) 549-3366

Tips for Preventing Mold Growth in Your Building

3/7/2020 (Permalink)

High humidity is a breeding ground for mold. The fungus feeds off moisture and can quickly spread. This often necessitates costly and complex black mold cleanup.

Those who own commercial property in humid climates thus have to take additional steps to limit mold damage. Below are some tips for preventing the growth of mold in your Athens, GA, building.

Keep Water Out

If there is any kind of flood or water leak on the premises, dry or remove the wet items immediately. You should quickly address any standing water within the property, as well.
Similarly, you should take steps to prevent water from entering the property from the outside. That means cleaning the gutters regularly and fixing any cracks in the walls or roof.

Utilize an Air Conditioner

If your property is in a location with high humidity, it likely includes an air conditioning unit. You should set it to approximately 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the summer. Also, be sure to have the unit inspected regularly to ensure it is working properly. This will prevent the need for mold cleanup in the future.

Use Dehumidifiers

The dehumidifier is a great way to lower the amount of moisture in the air. Ideally, the humidity level should be no higher than 50 percent.

Increase Ventilation

Mold reproduces quickly in stale air. While an office building can get stuffy in a hurry, there are ways to improve the ventilation. Try opening some desk drawers or closet doors. You should also limit any clutter and keep furniture away from the walls.

Limit Condensation

Condensation is another common cause of mold growth in places with high humidity. You should thus install appropriate insulation in areas prone to this type of moisture.
Even if you follow the above steps, you could still encounter mold on your property. Mold remediation specialists can help fix the problem. They can also clean up any water damage and take steps to prevent the fungus from coming.

Can Electronics Be Cleaned Up After a Fire?

3/2/2020 (Permalink)

As you try to pick your business back up after a commercial fire near Athens, GA, you have a lot to think about. You need to find a trusted fire restoration company that can help you through the entire process. This team knows how to clean damage walls, furnishings and even electronics. An electrical fire can cause a lot of damage to computers and other electronic devices, but sometimes this equipment can be salvaged after the flames are gone. With the proper steps, some electronics can become as good as new.

Steps to protect your electronics after a fire.

• Avoid Power: While you may be tempted to turn on a computer to see if it works, the truth is this can cause more harm than good. If smoke clings to the metal surfaces in your device, you can start a terrible corrosion by adding power to the mix. Leave any electrical devices turned off.

• Get Them Cleaned: Remember that smoke residue? That has to be removed from every inch of the device. For this reason, a computer cleanup can take a while. The professionals will go over every inch of the hardware to ensure the potentially dangerous residues are gone.

• Have an Inspection: After the initial cleaning, you may want to have the electronics inspected one last time before adding power. This final inspection can look over the computer for more signs of fire or smoke damage. An electrical fire can cause unexpected smoke residue buildup on internal parts of the computer, so a second inspection is a good idea.

Many businesses rely on computers and other electronics to get business done. Restoration professionals may be able to help you restore computers, television sets, DVD players, cash registers, security systems and other electronics key to your day-to-day activities. 

An electrical fire can do a lot of damage to your commercial building. Restoring your belongings after the disaster can help you get back on your feet.

How To Remove 2 Feet of Water From Your Commercial Building

3/2/2020 (Permalink)

A flooded basement can wreak havoc on your Athens, GA business. Water damaged items and an inability to serve clients can hold you up for days, or even longer. The good news is that there are many reliable methods of water removal to keep your building safe and your business operating. Learn about the equipment commonly used to extract 2 feet of water or more from buildings.

1. Truck Mount

Truck mounts are large, powerful machines that suck water through a hose with a wand at the end. The hose and wand can be moved along the floor of your basement to reach every puddle and crevice. A truck mount can be rented from a reliable cleanup and restoration company.

2. Sump Pump

When a basement has flooded, the sump basin might have overflowed. A sump basin collects water through drains, or from the rain or ground. Sump pumps are great for buildings with annual or seasonal flooding problems because they divert water away from businesses into municipal storm drains or wells.

3. Trash Pump

Floods can ruin your possessions and let in garbage and rotting solids. Cleaning this debris along with water can be a challenge. That’s what trash pumps are for; with large impeller veins and strong pump housing, these machines can handle rocks, pebbles, tree branches and plastic bags. There is a low chance that you'll experience clogs when using a trash pump.

Consult With an Expert

It can be hard to identify the source of your flooding and the best water extraction method. Consulting with Athens, GA cleanup technician can help you get the water out without wasting time and money. Most damage restoration companies offer 24/7 emergency service if the problem is dire.

A flooding emergency can cause a lot of frustration, but it can also be resolved quickly with the right machinery. Truck mounts, sump pumps and trash pumps are three common pieces of equipment that can help with the restoration efforts after inclement weather attempts to destroy your business. 

Toilet overflow and the restoration process

2/3/2020 (Permalink)

Let the professionals at SERVPRO of Athens take care of it right away.

Nobody wants to have to deal with a water damage in their home or business, but this is especially true when the water damage is a result of a toilet backing up. When things in the bathroom go awry it can be overwhelming to figure out what your first step should be, but have no fear, SERVPRO is here to help. The following steps describe both what you should do in this situation, and what the restoration process looks like.

  • When a toilet starts to overflow, the best and first thing you can do to protect your home is to turn the water off.
  • Try to avoid the contaminated wet area as much as possible to prevent sewage from being tracked into any other rooms.
  • Call your insurance agent and SERVPRO to begin your restoration process as much as possible.
  • Highly trained SERVPRO professionals will tear out anything that may have been contaminated by the toilet water, including flooring, drywall, and ceilings.
  • Once all infected materials have been removed, our professional’s will disinfect the area. The disinfectant chosen depends on the job and the equipment needed to clean the space.
  • Finally, our crew will put in dehumidifiers and fans to remove any excess water that remains.

If you experience a water damage at your home, especially those that are created by a toilet or sewage backup call SERVPRO of Athens (706)549-3366

Causes of Water Damage

2/3/2020 (Permalink)

Water damage occurs when excess water begins to pool in areas where it shouldn’t. Many different factors can create this excess water and thereby contribute to water damage.

When you are aware of the potential causes, you can take precautionary measures to help insure against a leak or flood. You will also be able to spot a problem as soon as it arises and nip it in the bud before it has a chance to cause any additional damage.

The more quickly you notice the problem, the less work the water extraction and water damage restoration company will have to fix.

Causes of water damage include:

  • Bursting or leaking pipes
  • Issues with the plumbing system
  • Buildup in areas prone to collecting water, such as crawl spaces, attics and basements
  • Faulty or malfunctioning household appliances
  • HVACs (Heating, ventilating and air conditioning units) issues
  • Natural disasters and other weather-related water problems

No matter what the issue, you can call the experts at SERVPRO of Athens to make it look "Like it never even happened"!

Destroy Odors with Deodorization

1/2/2020 (Permalink)

By developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action.

Even a small fire can cause odors for years to come if the affected areas are not properly cleaned and deodorized. Fire, smoke, and soot damage in your home or business can create unpleasant and potentially permanent problems. As various materials burn, the smoke produced travels throughout the structure, leaving odorous residues and deposits of surfaces and in hard-to-reach places. Unless fast, professional action is taken, these residues and deposits can cause permanent damage to contents and may result in resurfacing odors.

With technicians certified by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration (IICRC), SERVPRO of Athens professionals provide specialized services that can rid your home or business of offensive odors left by fire or smoke damage. SERVPRO of Athens does not cover up lingering odors with a fragrance. We seek out and remove the source of the odor. Once the source is found, SERVPRO's own proprietary line of professional cleaning products is used to treat and prevent the odor from returning. Any restorable items in affected areas will also be professionally cleaned and deodorized, including furniture, electronics, art, flooring, walls, ceilings, HVAC air ducts, draperies and upholstery, and more. 

Other Odors That May Require Deodorization:

  • Cigarette Smoke
  • Pet Odors
  • Decomposition
  • Mold

Ask your highly trained SERVPRO of Athens technician to explain the various deodorization methods available and which will work best for you.

If you or one of your customers suffer a fire damage or some other accident that require deodorization services, contact SERVPRO of Athens, your trusted locally owned restoration company. Whether it's fire, water or mold damage or just a stubborn odor that refuses to go away, we'll help make it "Like it never even happened."

Faster to any size disaster or emergency in your area

12/5/2019 (Permalink)

Backed up by 1,700 franchises

24 Hour Emergency Service

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of Athens provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays. You can expect an immediate response time, day or night.

Faster to Any Size Emergency

In many cleaning and restoration situations, immediate action is needed. With over 1,700 U.S. and Canadian Franchise locations, SERVPRO of Athens is strategically positioned to be faster to any size emergency. An immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Water is particularly invasive, quickly spreading throughout your property and being absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, etc. SERVPRO of Athens arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately.

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

Call us (706) 549-3366, we’ll be there 24/7

Bells are ringing here at SERVPRO of Athens!

12/5/2019 (Permalink)

Happy Holidays from our SERVPRO family to yours!

Happy Holidays!

SERVPRO corporation is built on family and unity. Every franchise is independently owned and operated but if needed every franchise will come together to help with any disasters. Here at , SERVPRO of Athens we treat every customer like family. Our technicians are trained to contain and stabilize any and every disaster and bring it to a safe point for our customers. We are certified and trained in water mitigation, mold remediation, fire restoration, bio-clean up, and more! We follow by the complete IICRC standards. We treat EVERY homeowner like how we would treat our OWN family. Trust your home in our hands during this holiday season; whether it be use of our emergency services or if you want to have your carpets cleaned before you have the family home for the holidays!

Our customers are our family

12/5/2019 (Permalink)

All of our production techs, sales, and office staff.

SERVPRO of Athens is completely family owned and run. We treat every home we walk into like our own; with respect. Everyone of our technician are highly trained to restore your home "Like it never even happened." We are experienced in water mitigation, mold remediation, fire restoration, cleaning, carpet cleaning and so much more. Our Crew Chiefs take the lead to get to know our homeowners and what there concerns are so we tackle every concern they have to assure fantastic customer service. We have highly trained and certified technicians who knows what to look out for and what's always best for the customer. SERVPRO of Athens will handle any size disaster that comes our way. We use local franchises to help assist with major disasters to help get the job done. We are always available to help with any loss such as water, fire, sewage, mold and even bio-hazard clean-ups. 

SERVPRO is the ideal choice

12/3/2019 (Permalink)

Are you an entrepreneurial-minded person? A SERVPRO franchise could be the opportunity of a lifetime. There’s a lot to like about this disaster restoration company from a customer standpoint, but it’s also a prime pick from a business perspective. Here are some reasons, why

Enviable Qualities

When you’re seeking first-rate service from a disaster relief company, SERVPRO has what it takes: fast response, qualified professionals, excellent customer service, experienced, skilled technicians and more. As a business owner, you would join a team you can trust. It has the following characteristics:

  • Locally owned
  • Honest and full of integrity
  • Communicates effectively
  • Professional

National Footprint, Local Presence

SERVPRO is a nationwide, certified disaster restoration and cleanup company that strives to assist client recover from major catastrophes. Though the company operates throughout the country, it also has a local office to meet the needs of local residents who face the dire circumstances.

Honesty is Key

Like any good organization, a SERVOPRO franchise operates like its parent company and delivers honest, trustworthy service to clients. You can be a part of a team that oversees the inspection, evaluation, tear-out, cleanup, restoration, and replacement of homes where disastrous fires and flood wreaked havoc. SERVPRO believes is giving people accurate, truthful information and estimates at every step in a project.

Communicates Well

Not only does SERVPRO communicate effectively with clients, but local franchises also have the support of the home office. As a franchise owner, you know you can also turn to corporate leaders for help.


In every interaction with clients and fellow SERVPRO representatives, you can expect professional conduct. This will manifest itself through hard work, reputation, and appearance.

Build your business with a SERVPRO franchise. You’ll work alongside some of the most respected colleagues in the emergency cleanup industry.

3 services SERVPRO provides after storms

12/3/2019 (Permalink)

Demand for damage mitigation and restoration services spikes after a severe storm in Athens, GA. Insurance agents and adjusters need to be able to rely on a local mitigation and restoration company to provide timely storm response services. Here are three services that make a local SERVPRO franchise the right choice for storm restoration.

1. Disaster Response

No matter how many properties are affected by a storm, a Disaster Response Team can arrive on each location within a matter of hours. Independent mitigation and restoration services are more likely to be backlogged than a national corporation that can dispatch employees and equipment from nearby franchises to areas that have experienced large losses.

2. Mitigation and Cleanup

The initial stage of storm response involves mitigating damage. In the case of structural damage, this may involve boarding up broken windows or breaches in a building envelope or tarping over a damaged roof. Standing water resulting from flood damage should be extracted as soon as possible. A full-service company can ensure that these initial measures contribute toward complete storm restoration.

3. All-In-One Restoration

A company that offers mitigation and restoration services can reduce the workload on insurance agents and adjusters while simplifying the claim process for property owners. Relying on a one-stop shop may make miscommunication less likely, prevent scheduling conflicts and allow for a faster and more thorough restoration job. Depending on a single service also means that the initial estimate is likely to be more accurate.

These storm restoration services set SERVPRO franchises apart from independent companies. The business model means that each location has the backing of a national corporation and the ability to call on nearby locations for additional personnel and equipment. A single estimate from a service that can clean up damage and rebuild a commercial property can also be more convenient for insurance agents, adjusters, and clients.

Plan ahead set a 2020 Resolution

12/3/2019 (Permalink)

With each new year, many people resolve to better themselves or some part of their life. This year, make a resolution to be READY. No one ever plans on a disaster, but you can prepare for it. The SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile (ERP) will help ensure you are "Ready for Whatever Happens" in 2020.

In the event of an emergency, the ERP can help minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action in place for your facility. The ERP is a comprehensive document containing critical information about your business, including emergency contacts, shut-off valve locations and priority areas. The ERP also establishes SERVPRO of Athens as your disaster mitigation and restoration provider, giving you access to over 50 years experience and a system more than 1,700 franchises strong. The ERP is a no-cost assessment; all it requires is a little time, making it a great value that could save you time and money in the future. By downloading the free SERVPRO READY App, this information is stored electronically and can be accessed using your mobile device putting help at your fingertips.

Preparation is the key to making it through any size disaster, whether it is a small water leak, a large fire or an area flood. Having a plan in place may help minimize the amount of time your business is inactive and get you back in wait until disaster strikes. Resolve to be READY. Call SERVPRO of Athens to establish your Emergency READY Profile, and be "Ready for Whatever Happens" in 2020.

Advantages of the SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile

  • A no-cost assessment of your facility.
  • A concise profile document containing only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency.
  • A guide to help you get back into your building following a disaster.
  • Establishes SERVPRO of Athens as your disaster mitigation and restoration provider.
  • Identification of the line of command for authorizing work to begin.
  • Provides facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas and priority contact information.

Call SERVPRO of Athens (706)549-3366 for a FREE Emergency READY Profile assessment!

Halloween Safety Tips

10/25/2019 (Permalink)

Kids and dog ready to Trick-or-Treat

According to the NSC, Children are more than twice as likely to be hit by a car and killed on Halloween than on any other day of the year.

Walk Safely

  1. Never assume a motorist has seen you. Make eye contact and make sure they know you are there.
  2. Always stay on sidewalks or paths. If there are no sideways,walk facing traffic as far to the left side as possible.
  3. Put the devices down. Keep heads up and walk, don't run across the street.


  1. Be visible! Add lights and reflectors to your child's costume, it's a fun and easy way to help keep children safe as they trick or treat.
  2. Check that your child's costume is flame resistant and does not obstruct their vision.
  3. Choose masks that are easy to see through and think about lifting your mask up while walking between houses.

Check Candy

  1. Always check candy before letting your child eat it. Avoid homemade treats made by strangers.
  2. Watch out for foods your children are allergic to.
  3. Throw away candy that is unwrapped.

3 Reasons to Avoid Driving During a Flood

9/3/2019 (Permalink)

This is a picture of the flash flood that occurred in one of our local communities Commerce,GA.

It can be frustrating to be stuck inside your house when it’s flooding in Athens, GA but it is important that you avoid driving in this situation. A flooded street may seem easy to handle, but it can be a risk to your safety. The following are just a few reasons why it is best to stay off the roads during a severe storm.

1. It can damage your vehicle 

One reason to avoid flooded roads is that it can cause serious damage to your vehicle. Your car is not made to be driven in water, so it does not have the necessary equipment to protect it. If water enters your engine, it can cause it to stop functioning correctly and leave you with massive repair bills. Areas of your car may rust, and electronic components can be ruined.

2. There may be hidden road damage

Even if you think the road looks safe, there might be something lurking beneath the water’s surface. A flooded street may be hiding potholes, tree branches and debris from the storm. Any of these could damage your car and make it more difficult for you to drive safely.

3. You could lose control of your car

Whether you have been driving for a few years or a few decades, you cannot be prepared for everything. Even a long history of driving experience is not enough to keep you safe during a flood. Moving water in a flooded street can easily sweep your car away and create an incredibly dangerous situation. Just a few inches of water can cause you to hydroplane and result in a crash.
One of the best travel tips for driving during a flood is simply not to do it. Stay put if possible and, once the water has receded, you can find a more comfortable place to stay while an emergency restoration company performs any necessary repairs on your damaged home.

Steps of a Storm Restoration Process

9/3/2019 (Permalink)

Repairing extensive water damage is far more intensive than simply removing standing water and allowing the room to dry. That is why it is critical to hire a professional team to ensure every step of the storm restoration process is carried out precisely. You may not have the tools at your disposal to tear out damaged materials and dry porous items, so leave this work to the experts in Athens, GA.

1. Extraction

Before anything else can be done, the team needs to remove all water from the premises. Any furniture or other items will be removed too so that the proper equipment can be moved in. 

2. Removal

Once all the standing water is gone, the team can eliminate any wet materials. This typically involves cutting away the drywall. A professional will create a flood cut about 12 inches above the flood line. This step is even more essential if there is insulation located behind the wall that could have absorbed some of the moisture. A professional tear out helps remove any mold that could have developed. 

3. Drying

You can assist in the ventilation process by opening up all windows and setting up fans to help dry the room. The team may bring in a heavy-duty industrial fan to expedite the process. During the dry down, the team will also look at all items affected by the flood to see what can be salvaged and what will need to be tossed. Your team in Athens, GA will do everything possible to save all valuables, but there may be little hope for certain items. 

4. Restoration

The team can then install new drywall and insulation to make the room look as good as new. Make sure to ask about getting materials installed that are waterproofed and will remain resilient in case another flood occurs in the future. With the right materials, you may be able to avoid another tear out later. 

Drying underneath carpet

8/20/2019 (Permalink)

This is a drying method that we frequently use in order to save the carpet in homes.

When it comes to fire & water damage, or specialty cleanup needs, it’s the SERVPRO brand that comes to mind. Our TEAMS work endlessly to make sure our customers are happy, and have one objective in the aftermath of disaster, to make their loss "Like it never even happened."

No matter the job or the size, our SERVPRO teams are ready to handle any size loss. With our highly trained team and our pieces of equipment we will get the job complete.

We always try to restore the materials in your home instead of replacing. In this home, we were able to lift the carpet, remove the wet carpet pad, and treat the carpet as well as the sub floor with our EPA registered disinfectant. The carpet was able to be saved and re-used.

No matter the damage SERVPRO of Athens is ready 24/7. (706)549-3366

Difference between Mold VS Mildew

7/10/2019 (Permalink)

Know the difference between mold vs mildew. How to determine which one you have?

We live in the south, in a humid environment. Everyone has mold in their house. Everyone.

Mold and mildew have a few common characteristics. They both like warm areas and spread easily. They live on various surfaces, from food to your shower. And of course, they are both types of fungi.

But they are very different when it comes to size, color and texture.

Mildew is a plant disease but it can thrive on any organic matter, not just living tissue. It can appear on clothing, leather, paper, walls, ceilings, and floor and even on your shower wall. It usually grows in a flat pattern in a white, gray or yellowish color. It will turn brown or black over time.

Mold is usually fuzzy and appears in irregular shaped spots. It also can appear in many different colors – blue, green, yellow, brown, gray, black, or white. Mold grows on organic matter everywhere but is only visible once the colonies grow.

While most mold is not toxic, prolonged exposure can cause a variety of health issues.

You can have it tested to determine what you have. Obviously the best course of action is to ask for professional assistance but you can easily identify which one it is with a little bit of household bleach.

Apply a few drops of bleach to the affected area. Wait about 5 minutes and inspect the spot. If it becomes lighter, you are dealing with mildew. If it remains dark, it is most likely mold.

The best and most efficient way to prevent mold and mildew in your house is to keep all areas dry and moisture free. Keep your air ducts clean and in good condition.

Do not try to remediate this yourself. Call our professionals contact SERVPRO of Athens at 706-549-3366 and we can help!

Storms and Your Home

7/10/2019 (Permalink)

A storm event can affect a home in multiple ways. You can have a water loss caused by flooding, a tree through the roof or even shingles being blown off. These situations can allow water to infiltrate your home. It’s important to deal the water in a timely manner, it can lead to mold.
Mold can start within the first 48-72 hours of a water loss. Sometimes that time frame is shorter if the climate cannot be controlled by your heating or air and it is very humid and warm out. Sometimes that time frame can go a little further if the home is conditioned or it is cold and dry temperatures outside. A storm event can be a continuous heavy rain or strong winds or even hail not just hurricane and tornadoes.
If you have water coming into your home and you are unsure if it was caused by a storm event or just need some advice, contact SERVPRO of Athens at 706-549-3366 . We are available 24/7 for any of your needs. 

Commercial Water Damage

7/10/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage to your commercial building can be as simple as outside flood water entering the front lobby of your building or as complex as a fire sprinkler discharging on the tenth floor of an office building.  We have extensive experience on all different types and sizes of commercial water losses.

Developing a Plan

As soon as we arrive onsite our number one priority is learning your main priority. Our professional technicians understand that you need to have your business up and running as soon as possible.  We also understand that as a business owner or manager you are having to deal with dozens of needs during a crisis: employees, inventory, technology, customers.  We need to understand your priority so that we can develop a plan that works for your business.

Large Loss Response Team

SERVPRO of Athens is a qualified Large Loss Response Team (LLRT).  Being named an LLRT team member means that we have been vetted for having the resources and experience to handle large commercial losses.  So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call, 706-549-3366, and we will be on our way with the help you need! 

SERVPRO and Your Business

7/10/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO blends customer service with accountability! We qualified to help when disaster strikes, making you their "hero" in their times of need.

We are here to make you look good.

There are many ways to ensure success as an insurance agent. Having a strong office staff, a company who pays claims in an ethical and timely manner, advertising, being involved in your community, and maintaining a positive relationship with your clients are just a few. SERVPRO knows how critical it is that every job goes as smooth as possible, ensuring your clients trust you time and time again when they need help.  We are trained to reduce the lost time and mitigate the damages as quickly as possible. Whether it’s fire, water, mold or any other cleanup; we are here to help, 24 hours a day.

Our team members are available for direct cellular calls 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. You earn your client’s loyalty by providing timely solutions. You provide help in a time of need. Instead of offering a call center solution, our team members are available to take the call on their business line! We will personally call your client back, offer a listening ear, and take away some of the fear they are experiencing.

Having a relationship with SERVPRO and our team of highly trained professionals has many benefits. We will ensure help arrives quickly (following our 1-4-8 time commitment), and our production team will help your clients regain control of their lives by treating them with respect, courteousness and working hard to get the job done correctly the first time. There are no unwelcome surprises with SERVPRO. Calling direct reduces wait times. The faster SERPVRO's team can arrive onsite to perform the cleanup, the better the results.

That’s the SERVPRO difference. Contact us at the SERVPRO of Athens  at 706-549-3366. We are always here to help!

Colbert 4th of July Parade!

7/10/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens loves giving back to the community!!  July 4, 1970 marked the beginning of 50 consecutive years of the Independence Day Celebrations in Colbert, Georgia, then called the "July 4th Homecoming." This year those in attendance include Gov. Brian Kemp, State Agriculture Commissioner Gary Black, and numerous other community programs and businesses. Everyone who joined this year's 50th year of celebration and made this a real "Colbert Homecoming" to remember our heritage and "Honored our Roots" with Family, Farms, and Friends. 

We had the pleasure of attending the 50th Anniversary of the Colbert Parade by riding along in our decorated vehicles throwing candy and soaking attendees with numerous water guns. SERVPRO of Athens marched behind the horses cleaning up the streets “Like it never even happened.” 

Preventing a Fire….

7/1/2019 (Permalink)

Here are some of our top tips for preventing a fire.

  • Teach everyone in the house basics of fire safety and how to prepare for a fire.
  • Only smoke outside of your home.
  • Prep your outdoor area before having a fire by spraying everything down. Don’t start a fire outdoors if you live in a relatively dry climate. Spraying down the outside area is important in case sparks land outside of the fire pit.
  • Stay in the kitchen when cooking.
  • Make sure you install fire alarms and smoke detectors.
  • Keep all matches and lighters out of reach of children and in a safe place.
  • Learn about electrical fires as they are entirely different.
  • Keep all flammable items at least 3 feet away from anything that gets hot.

What to do in a fire!

7/1/2019 (Permalink)

To protect yourself, home, and loved ones, follow the fire safety guide below so that you’re prepared!

  1. Plan an escape route. Start by drawing a map of your home including doors, hallways, and windows. Identify any main emergency exits. Come up with your primary escape route and then a few alternate routes in case one is blocked. Test your escape route out by having a fire drill with your family to better prepare yourself and loved ones.
  2. If you can, extinguish the fire. Call the fire department the moment you identify a fire but also assess if you can put it out. Just make sure that if there is too much smoke or heat, get yourself to safety.
  3. Don’t panic.
  4. Test doorknobs. If you feel heat, it is probably not safe to enter.
  5. Humans and pets first – belongings second. Resist the urge to grab your laptop or other valuables and rescue all living as they are not replaceable. Rank the family in order of who needs most help. If you have the time go back and get your important documents such as birth certificate, marriage certificates, and photos.
  6. Stop, drop, and roll. Smoke and heat are often more dangerous than the actual flames. Smoke rises, so the best breathable air is going to be lower to the ground. When you see heavy smoke, drop to the floor and crawl to the nearest exit. Use a piece of clothing or even a towel over your nose to filter the smoke.
  7. Don’t use the elevator.
  8. Get out and don’t go back.

4 Water-Related Problems to Watch For

7/1/2019 (Permalink)

The structural integrity of your commercial property in Athens,GA relies on an intact, dependable plumbing system. When something goes wrong, such as a blocked sewer, it can cause significant water damage that can end up costing thousands of dollars to repair.

Old Sewer Lines

If your building has cast iron sewer lines, they may have been installed more than 25 years ago. Remember nothing lasts. Some signs that your sewer lines are deteriorating include:

  • Frequent drain clogs
  • Sludge or warped appearance in landscaping
  • Smell of sewer gas

Although your plumber may be able to repair worn out pipes, your blocked sewer could mean you need to replace the whole system.

Pipe Damage

Pipe breaks can cause quite a bit of damage. Inside and out of your building, factors such as extreme temperatures and poor water quality can weaken pipes. Call water restoration specialists as soon as you notice the problem to avoid secondary damage such as mold growth.

Toilet Backup

A clogged toilet on one floor can not only cause problems in that restroom but also in the floor below as it seeps down through the ceiling. This is a common occurrence in a commercial building. By having restrooms frequently not just for cleanliness but also for necessary maintenance.

Foundation Damage

If your foundation cracks, you will likely see the effects when cracks show up on your exterior walls or when the building shift makes doors harder to open and close.
A blocked sewer doesn't just affect your plumbing system; this can cause problems throughout your entire building. Fast detection and remediation are the important to minimizing the damage sewer problems can cause.

Prevent Wind Damage:

7/1/2019 (Permalink)

Summer storms lead to concerns regarding damage from hail and rain. High winds can cause debris and larger items to be flung against your home, on top, or even through windows. You can prevent this type of damage by pruning your trees and limiting debris in your yard.
All trees and shrubs should regularly be maintained to avoid any damage. Make sure you prune any trees that show decay or disease, may be leaning sideways, branches are hanging to far down, or the branches appear to be crowded or crossed.  If you have any branches near power lines contact your city or utility company so that they can be properly pruned and not cause further damage.
Keep a watch on your property and take inventory of any damage before the storm. Shingles that are loose can easily go missing if winds pickup. Trash cans, signs, and even potted plants can be broken and hurled through windows. Gravel also can be picked up by heavy winds and thrown at windows causing them to break.
As you can see, it’s extremely important to prepare for any high winds that come with storms by limiting objects the window can pick up and fling at your house. By trimming trees and limiting the debris in your yard you’ll more than likely limit the likeliness of any damage or a roof leak.

What you should know about mold in air ducts

7/1/2019 (Permalink)


Always be aware that mold can grow in the air ducts in a building. This can allow the mold to spread and cause extensive damage to your home or business. 

How Does Mold Grow in Ducts?

While thinking of common places mold grows, ducts are at the bottom of the list. The following factors make mold likely to grow in ducts:

  • Poor air circulation
  • Organic material that mold needs to grow, such as dust and dirt, collects in ducts
  • Problems such as water leaks can easily go unnoticed in ducts, making it easier for mold to grow and spread in these areas

What Are the Signs?

Black mold is the most common mold to grow in ducts. Signs that your building may have this type of mold growth in ducts can include:

  • An unpleasant, musty odor 
  • Discoloration on walls or ceilings that are located near the ducts
  • Visible signs of mold elsewhere in a property, which can indicate that there may be a widespread mold issue in areas that are less visible

How Is Mold Removed From Ducts?

Removing mold from ducts is often done by mold remediation, our techs are experts who know how to ensure the spores don’t spread. Our professionals will make sure the ducts and the areas surrounding the ducts are contained. Items that are covered in mold will be removed from the location and determined if they will replaced or restored. The use of high-powered air filters can also help by remove the harmful spores.

Mold can grow in a variety of places in your business or residential, and having a thorough understanding of mold can be helpful. By understanding how black mold grows in air ducts, the signs of growth and how it is removed can be helpful steps toward having clean ducts.

Clogged toilet

7/1/2019 (Permalink)

As a homeowner you know clogged pipes, leaky faucets and overflowing toilets are all common enough problems that you shouldn't be too surprised if they happen to you. 

Consider following these basic steps to help with an overflow:

  1. Stop the water. Most toilets have a shut off valve at the base. Check to see if your fixture has one. If not, you can stop the water by manually manipulating the float. If it doesn’t you can turn off your home's water until the flooded toilet has been taken care of.
  2. Get some help. After the water has stopped, you need to call in a water restoration expert to help you assess the damage. Our professionals can help you figure out why the toilet started to overflow. As a team they can also plan a sewer damage plan to help you get your bathroom back to normal.
  3. Remove the water. The water damage team will likely remove the water as soon as they can. This helps reduce the secondary damage, such as mold growth and material contamination, that can happen as a result of a flooded toilet.
  4. Fix the toilet. The most common reason is a clog, work closely with a plumber to remove the blockage from the pipes. If that’s not the issue, you can call the sewage company to figure out what's going on with your system.

The sooner you can address sewer damage the better it is for your home. This type of dirty water can lead to mold growth in as little as 24 to 48 hours. 

Water Heater Upkeep

7/1/2019 (Permalink)

As a homeowner there is always something to do. Maintaining your water heater is a very important task. Flushing the system is a great way to ensure your water heater stays in the best health. 

Benefits of Flushing the System

By doing a regular water heater flush can help you extend the life of your appliance. A flush drains out sediment buildup. Sediment buildup can lead to interior damage to your heater that may result in the need for costly repairs or a replacement.

How to Flush - The task is fairly simple, but by hiring a residential cleaning service can make the process even easier.

  1. Turn off the water heater. Either turn off the gas or electricity, depending on what type of heater you have.
  2. Connect a garden hose to the drain valve. Run the other end to a designated drainage area that can handle warm water with sediment.
  3. Open the drain valve to drain the tank. After several minutes, you can turn on the hot water faucet in a kitchen to help speed up the draining process.
  4. Close the drain valve after all of the contents have been drained. You'll know the water is empty when the flow out of the hose slows and then stops.
  5. Resupply water by turning the water supply back on. Watch the open water faucet in the kitchen for a smooth stream of water to know when the tank is full.
  6. Turn the power back on. Once the tank is full again, you can return power to the unit.

A professional crew can help you make sure you get a thorough cleaning of your water heater. They may also be able to help you determine where you can drain the water and sediments. Visit http://www.SERVPROathens.com for more information on water damage.


Gutters are Important

6/5/2019 (Permalink)

Gutters are a very important part of roofs for commercial and residential buildings as they are responsible for transporting water and debris off of roofs. Especially in stormy seasons, it is important to ensure gutters are functioning to their highest ability.

Removal of water and debris in gutters lightens the load on the roof, preventing the possibility of roof leaks and caving under stress from weather. It is important gutters are maintained in optimal working condition to prevent damage to the entire commercial or residential structure.

Gutters should be inspected twice yearly and cleared of debris that could prevent flow of water and materials from roof. Also, check for standing water in gutters as it could indicate inadequate flow of water. Water should be moving down off the roof toward storm drainage areas. Keeping trees trimmed near the roof will alleviate stress on gutters because the branches will not slow water flow or contribute more debris to gutters.

Ensure water is being funneled away from the building once off the roof, as flooding can sometimes occur due to runoff not having proper.

Water stains on the internal ceiling can indicate a roof leak.

In the case of water damage, roof leaks, and storm damage, SERVPRO of Athens provides “24 Hour Emergency Services.”

Summer Thunderstorms

6/4/2019 (Permalink)

This coming weekend is finally bringing the rain and storms we all want in Athens. As much as we welcome to cool breeze and rain, they can sometimes cause damage to your home. Heavy winds and hail can damage any home no matter how prepared for a storm they are. When any sort of damage happens from a storm it is important to get the repairs done quickly and efficiently.
Hail can cause damage to your roof and siding of the cosmetic nature. But, it can also damage the seals around windows, chimneys, and exhaust fans which allows water to enter. Heavy winds have the ability to remove shingles or siding which is your homes defense against weather elements.
Once exterior damage happens, water can easily enter your home and cause an entirely different issue. When water enters it does not remain a simple repair. It can damage floors, walls, and all hidden spots in your home. If you don’t have someone like SERVPRO of Athens looking and efficiently conducting your repairs water can leak into places with no airflow and other places you wouldn’t know to look.
Excessive moisture leads to mold, which once it starts it gets worse as time goes on and will never fully go away unless cleaned properly.  That can lead to expensive work needed to replace drywall, insulation, and even the framing of the house.
So enjoy our upcoming storms but make sure to get your home inspected regularly. When damage does happen, call someone as soon as possible to get the repairs started before more damage occurs. Just remember, SERVPRO of Athens is always here to help with any storm damage!

Mold and your home

6/4/2019 (Permalink)

Mold can be found both inside and outside of your residence. It can enter your home through doorways, vents, AC units, and windows. The mold in the air outside can attach itself to your bags, shoes, pets, and clothing and be brought indoors.
Mold typically grows in places with a heavy presence of moisture, such as leaks in windows, roofs, or pipes. It tends to grow well on cardboard, ceiling tiles, wood products, and even your common paper products. It can also grow in dust, paint, wallpaper, drywall, carpet, upholstery, and insulation.
If you discover any sign of mold in your home you need to clean it up and fix the moisture problem. Mold can actually be removed from hard surfaces with commercial products, bleach solution, or even soap and water.
Mold growth, typically looks like spots, can be many different colors, and smell musty. If you are able to see or smell it then a health risk may be present. No matter the type of mold, you should remove it. The best thing to do is remove the mold and work to prevent it from growing and coming back.
If you do choose a bleach solution to clean up your mold:

  • Never mix bleach with ammonia or other household cleaners. Mixing bleach with ammonia or other cleaning products will produce dangerous, toxic fumes.
  • Open windows and doors to provide fresh air.
  • Wear non-porous gloves and protective eye wear.
  • If the area to be cleaned is more than 10 square feet, consult the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guide titled Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings. Although focused on schools and commercial buildings, this document also applies to other building types. You can get it by going to the EPA web site at http://www.epa.gov/mold/mold_remediation.html.
  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions when using bleach or any other cleaning product.

SERVPRO of Athens is ready to assist with any mold related questions or problems.  Call today!  706-549-3366

Common Fire Causes:

5/29/2019 (Permalink)

A fire can be a devastating loss to anyone. Here are some common causes of fire within your home or business:

Smoking Indoors
Many people smoke in their homes. A fire can be started from a simple ash falling to someone falling asleep with a light cigarette. Smoking in your home is not only dangerous but also damaging to the homes structure.
Unmaintained Dryer Vents
Lint accumulates quickly! Cleaning your dryer vents regularly is extremely important, preferably after or before every load. It only takes one small spark or too much heat for lint to burn.
Faulty Electrical Equipment
Always make sure the wires on your appliances are not stripped or exposed in any way.
Overloading Outlets
Another electrical hazard is overloading an outlet or extension cord. Never plug multiple power outlets into each other
Candles should always be put out when leaving the home. Always make sure they are on a level surface and away from any fabrics or fire starters.
Space Heaters
Space heaters have the potential to be very dangerous. Nothing should be left to close in front or back of a space heater. The unit itself can get very hot, not to mention the air it disperses.
Always keep a fire extinguisher in your kitchen. Many things can go wrong while cooking. Especially with open flame, gas stoves.

If a fire causes damage to your commercial or residential property, please call SERVPRO of Athens at (706)-247-7308

Fire Prevention

5/20/2019 (Permalink)

Fire prevention is crucial for any residence or business.  Fire prevention saves lives, homes, and our precious treasures.  Every parent should take a few minutes to explain to their children what to do in case of a fire. Businesses should hold company training and have evacuation routes mapped for all employees to read.  All homes and businesses should have proper fire extinguishers and smoke detectors placed in the appropriate areas.

Athens-Clarke County offers many valuable resources for fire prevention.  The Fire Prevention Program is an example of one the resources available to the Athens-Clarke County community.  This program helps our homeowners to receive smoke detectors.  When replacing old smoke detectors be sure to follow proper disposal guidelines.  It is always best practice to send them back to the manufacturer

SERVPRO of Athens is available 24/7 for all of your fire restoration or smoke damage services.  Our professionals are ready to assist you and get you back in your home faster!

Fire Damage Athens, GA

5/16/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens is available 24/7 to assist you in the event of a fire damage!  Our professionals hustle to get you back in your home faster!  Our Production Manager, David Chance, is the first to arrive to assess the damage and get you the assistance needed.  Our cleaning crew arrives shortly thereafter to begin cleaning your home and its contents to get you back to everyday living faster.  We know it is burdensome to not be able to live in your home.  We put effort in making sure we clean every surface properly and faster than the rest to get you back into your home.

If you have any questions regarding fire damage, smoke damage, or impossible odors give our office a call.  We are ready by the phone to assist you with getting you the help you need as quickly as possible. 

SERVPRO of Athens is ready to provide you with an appointment for an onsite inspection.  706-549-3366

2019 Marigold Parade in Winterville, Georgia

5/16/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens was back at it again!  We attended the 2019 Marigold Parade.  The Marigold Parade is part of the Winterville, Georgia Marigold Festival.  This festival began over 30 years ago in order to promote friendship and renovate the town.  The festival includes juried arts and crafts, food vendors, dancing and entertainment.  All festivities are held at Pittard Park. 

As always, our SERVPRO of Athens crew was spotted at the end of the parade making it “Like it never even happened.” SERVPRO of Athens attends the parade annually and keeps the streets clear after the parade.  Attending this year’s parade was Joey Baker, Connor Brewington, Matt Addison and our Production Manager David Chance.  Our guys enjoy cleaning up the streets and throwing sweets!  We also light up the crowd by squirting water guns for a quick cool down.  We enjoy making our community smile. 

See you at the Colbert 4th of July parade! 

Mold Prevention Tips

5/9/2019 (Permalink)

There are many ways you can prevent the occurrence and growth of mold.

  • Keep humidity levels no higher than 50& all day. The lower the level the better. Using an AC or dehumidifier will help you keep that level low. Keep in mind though you’ll need to check those levels throughout the day as the moisture in the air and temperature change.
  • Add mold inhibitors to your paint before painting.
  • If you notice a leak, get it fixed as quickly as possible in the roof, walls, or plumbing. Doing this will impede the growth of mold due to keeping the moisture down.
  • Ventilation – Use exhaust fans that vent outside in your bathroom and kitchen. Also make sure that your clothes dryer vents outside your home.
  • Clean bathrooms and other high moisture rooms with mold killing products
  • Remove or replace any carpets and upholstery that have been soaked and not dried promptly.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today –706-549-3366

Flood Damage from Within the Home

5/9/2019 (Permalink)

Many flooding issues caused within your home are actually caused by appliances. Anything from a failed dishwasher to a broken hose connected to a washing machine. A failure of either of these machines can drop five gallons of water, every hour, onto your floor. If this does happen while you are gone, it means an entire home can be under an inch of water before you come back.
How we help to remediate the issue:
1. Stop the flow of water. If you haven’t been able to for any reason we will do it immediately upon arriving on the property.
2. We start removing any standing water. Depending on the amount of water we bring various pieces of equipment. We bring extractors for multiple surfaces and inspect the floors, carpets and walls.
3. We draw out any remaining water trapped on carpets and floors as long as there is no permanent damage.
4. We lower the moisture readings in the air after the water has been removed. To do this we use dehumidifiers to draw moisture out of the air. It’s also used as a preventative of rot and possible mold growth in walls and on the floors.

If you need any assistance with a water damage do not delay!  Call SERVPRO of Athens  706-549-3366

Does Your Athens, Georgia Home Have A Mold Problem?

5/8/2019 (Permalink)

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today –706-549-3366

Smoke and Soot Damage in Athens, GA

5/1/2019 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Athens will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 706-549-366

Keep Your Business Clean!

3/14/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens isn’t just for residential services. We also provide a large variety of cleaning services for your business. We handle everything from a simple carpet cleaning to major cleanups of sewage spills. We understand that life can get busy and disasters can happen.

Some standard cleaning services include:
Air Ducts and HVAC Cleaning
Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning
Ceilings, Walls, and other Floor Cleaning
Odor Removal and Deodorization
Contents Cleaning

Other cleaning services include:
Biohazard Removal and Cleaning
Vandalism Cleanup
Sewage Cleanup

 With our large range of cleaning services and restoration offerings we are able to bring your property back to normal no matter what is needed. Give SERVPRO of Athens a call to help with all of your cleaning needs 706-549-3366.

Your Business and Emergencies

3/14/2019 (Permalink)

Does your business have an Emergency READY Profile? How quickly your company can come back after a flood or fire can depend on whether or not you have that profile ready. Natural disasters are just that, unexpected and destructive. While they are all unique and different your business can be prepared if you plan, put procedures in to place, and practice what to do in all kinds of emergencies.

In the event of an emergency happening the SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile can help minimize business interruptions since you have an immediate plan of action in place. Our SERVPRO ERP is a no-cost assessment of your facility. It will contain only the critical information you need in event of an emergency and aid you getting back to normal following a disaster. Your emergency profile includes everything from technical drawings to contact lists to legal documentations. For example – Building plans and technical documents, legal documents and insurance files, and contact information including local services. 

Give SERVPRO of Athens a call at 706-549-3366 and we can help you set up an Emergency READY Profile so you’ll be ready in case of an emergency. And if disaster does hit your business, we can help make it “Like it never even happened.” Give us a call today!

SERVPRO of Athens is Offering 3 CE Classes in April!

3/13/2019 (Permalink)

Every year SERVPRO of Athens provides CE Classes to the public!  On April 10, 2019 SERVPRO of Athens owner, Peter Wood, will be holding 3 FREE Continuing Education Classes.  The classes will be located at the Oconee County Chamber of Commerce in Watkinsville.  All attendees will need to meet in the large conference room downstairs.  The classes held are as follows:


  • 3 Credit Hours
  • Course# 43061
  • Registration is at 8:30am
  • Ending at 12pm

Restorative Drying for Water Damage

  • 2 Credit Hours
  • Course# 51896
  • Registration time is at 12pm
  • Ending at 2:30pm.

Understanding Mold in the Restoration Industry

  • 2 Credit Hours
  • Course# 52382
  • Registration time is at 2:30pm
  • Ending at 5pm

**Please keep in mind in order to receive full CE credit 100% attendance is required!**

If you are interested in attending please call to RSVP (706) 549-3366 or email peter@SERVPROofathens.com

Coffee, doughnuts and lunch are provided free of charge!

Heavy Rainfall Predicted in Athens Georgia

2/14/2019 (Permalink)

The weather outside could be frightful this next week with all of the rainfall predicted.  With the rainfall comes the potential for your house to take in water. There are several ways you can prevent this from happening and therefore preventing any damage to your home.

  1. Install Sump Pumps with backup power.
  2. Waterproof your basement and any connected entrances. (Cleaning gutters, storm drains, and slope water away from your home)
  3. Have a backflow valve or plug installed in your sewer connections to prevent sewage water entering your washing machines, bathtubs, and more. These would cause an overflow onto your floor.
  4. Create a plan for emergency. A list of thing such as disconnecting appliances, turning off gas lines, and even turning off your water.

If you do find yourself with possible water damage from the storms don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of Athens – 706-549-3366. We are here for you 24/7.  

Sewage Backup in Athens GA

2/6/2019 (Permalink)

Sewage backups are caused by your home’s drain pipes or main sewer lines clogging. Backups can cause problems as small as slow drains to major overflowing toilets. They are caused by clogs, tree roots, damaged sewer lines, and even heavy rain falls.

What are some signs of a sewage backup?

  • Multiple drains are clogged.
  • Water backs up into other drains.
  • Toilets aren’t flushing like they normally do.

There are many ways to prevent sewage backups from occurring in your home:

  • Make sure you do not pour grease down the drain after cooking. The grease can harden within your pipes and gradually stop debris from being able to drain properly.
  • Ensure only the correct paper products are being disposed of in your toilet. Things such as paper towels, diapers, or even feminine products can cause a clog.
  • Installing a backwater prevention valve could also help in allowing sewage to leave but prevent it from backing up into your home.
  • Maintain tree roots in your yard to ensure they are not damaging your sewage line.

By handling the contaminated water yourself you risk exposure to diseases. Call SERVPRO of Athens for water damage repair and mold services.

Commercial Services

1/2/2019 (Permalink)

Commercial Services

There's never a convenient time for fire or Water damage to strike your Athens, Georgia commercial property. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when the need arises for professional cleaning or emergency restoration services we have the training and expertise to respond promptly with highly trained technicians to get your property back to business. Learn more about our commercial services

  • Commercial Water Damage Restoration
  • Commercial Fire Damage Restoration

SERVPRO of Athens also assists with detailed cleaning!  Our estimators come to you to provide you with a FREE cleaning estimate.  Cleaning services include carpet & upholstery cleaning, duct cleaning, and drapery cleaning.  Our professionals can also provide you with a detailed cleaning estimate for restaurants, local business offices, schools, and libraries.  Call today to schedule your FREE onsite estimate!  706-549-3366

About SERVPRO of Athens

SERVPRO of Athens specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Meet our Crew!

Holiday Fire Safety Tips

12/19/2018 (Permalink)

As the holiday season approaches, SERVPRO of Athens wants to help you and your family have a happy and safe holiday. Fire damage is not something that is at the top of your mind during this time, but it’s important to remember some easy suggestions in order to ensure your family’s safety. The American Red Cross has provided the following tips to prevent any fire damage and to make sure you have a safe and joyous holiday!

  • Cooking and Baking: No holiday celebration would be complete without a feast, but be sure to take precautions against kitchen fires when you’re cooking and baking. That includes keeping children and flammable items such as grocery bags and kitchen towels away from the stove and oven. Clean up greasy spills as you go to remove another fire hazard. If you’re deep frying a turkey, keep the fryer well away from structures and trees, make sure your turkey is fully thawed, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your fryer
  • Christmas Trees: Old fashioned Christmas celebrations featured wax candles on live tree branches – inside homes! Today we know better, but risks still remain. If your family prefers real trees, be sure to water yours every day because dry needles and wood catch fire more easily. Go ahead and use many strings of light, but don’t plug more than 3 strings into each other (opt for a power strip instead). Discard light strings that are worn or broken. And be sure to always unplug the lights before leaving the house or going to sleep.
  • Fireplaces: Nothing takes the chill off winter holidays like the light and heat of a fire on your hearth. Just be sure to keep “fuel” – from wrapping paper to rugs to clothing – at least three feet away from the flames. Use a fire screen to keep embers and logs from escaping. Lastly, make sure all embers are fully extinguished before you turn in for the night.

If you experience any fire damage, please give SERVPRO of Athens a call today at (706) 549-3366.

For more information, please visit https://www.redcross.org/get-help/how-to-prepare-for-emergencies/types-of-emergencies/fire/holiday-fire-safety.html

Cleaning Services in the Athens, Georgia Area

12/17/2018 (Permalink)

Did you know that we offer general cleaning services? SERVPRO of Athens offers structural cleaning for a wide variety of issues including animal or nicotine odors, residues from cooking or smoke damage from a fire. SERVPRO of Athens cleans ceilings, walls, floors, light fixtures, cabinets and much more. We specialize in deep cleaning and offer cleaning solutions for any size need including post-construction cleaning and rental property cleaning. We also offer ozone and thermal fogging for odor remediation needs.

Air Duct cleaning is another SERVPRO service that is often needed in conjunction with structural cleaning. In the event of a smoke damage we can apply a sealant to the inside of your ductwork to further prevent odor after cleaning. Let a member of our SERVPRO staff meet with you to give you a free no obligation estimate and help you determine the best cleaning solution for you. When you need detailed cleaning at your home or business call your local cleaning professionals at SERVPRO of Athens.

Call SERVPRO of Athens today to schedule your estimate for a wide variety of cleaning services!  706-549-3366

FREE Cleaning Estimates!!

12/17/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens offers free cleaning estimates on a wide array of both commercial and residential cleaning services. You can have a SERVPRO of Athens Representative come to your home or business to give you a free, no obligation estimate on cleaning services by calling our office to schedule an appointment.

Our in person estimates allow us to customize your service by informing you of all of the service options available to best suit your cleaning needs. We will take the time to answer any questions you may have about your cleaning and scheduling options. If you would like to know more about the representatives that can give you a free estimate head over to the Our Employees page to meet our friendly Sales staff.

Call us today at 706-549-3366 to schedule your free estimate on any of our cleaning services including:

  • Carpet cleaning
  • Upholstery cleaning
  • Drapery cleaning
  • Tile and grout cleaning
  • Air Duct cleaning

40 Years in Business

12/13/2018 (Permalink)

Our 40 Year Anniversary is coming soon! SERVPRO of Athens has proudly served Athens and the surrounding areas for almost 40 years as a locally owned and operated franchise. Owners Peter and Claudia Wood are active in the day to day operations and enjoy being able to offer a valuable service that you can rely on when your most valuable asset is affected by a water or fire damage. 

Peter and Claudia are active in the local community as members of the Oconee Cultural Arts Foundation, the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce and their church. Peter often consults with customers to help guide them through the mold remediation or water damage process. Claudia oversees many aspects of operations including the office and sales departments.

SERVPRO of Athens hopes to enjoy many more years as your local trusted resource for home or business. We will strive to make every home or business damage "Like it never even happened" thanks to our dedicated staff of restoration pros who live and work right here in our community. Thank you for 40 great years Athens!

SERVPRO of Athens Employee Spotlight: David Chance

12/5/2018 (Permalink)

David Chance

In 2002, David Chance launched into SERVPRO of Athens as a Production Crew Chief. He then moved into the position of Sales and Marketing Manager utilizing his “gift of the gab” and worked towards his current position as Production Manager.  David wears many hats and is the glue to our foundation.  While he is rarely in the office his time here is used to generate estimates, update adjusters and customers, and drive the office staff batty all while enjoying a handful of Cheez-Its. 

While out in the field, you can find David under or inside a home inspecting for mold, water, and fire damage. He also enjoys property routes and meeting with property managers to create and maintain relationships in our community.  David holds many IICRC certifications including the Applied Microbial Remediation Technician certification.  He also holds a Bio-Recovery certification.

David is a valued employee at SERVPRO of Athens! Thank you for your dedication!

Water Restoration Process

12/5/2018 (Permalink)

Imagine waking up in the wee hours of the morning stepping out from your bed onto squishy wet carpet!  The toilet had been running for hours.  You stop the water source but what do you do next?  Call SERVPRO of Athens of course!  But what comes next?  What do we do?  This is an outline of what to expect during a water damage service:

Step 1: Emergency Contact

Call SERVPRO of Athens 706-549-3366 we answer the phone ready to help. SERVPRO of Athens does not have an automated call center!  We have trained professionals to answer your call. Expect to tell them your name, phone number, and address. 

Step 2: Inspection

Our technician will arrive onsite to scope the damage by identifying the water source, the type of water, and survey the extent of the water damage.

Step 3: Water Extraction

With the use of water removal equipment such as truck-mounted vacuums or pumps, we quickly remove hundreds or thousands of gallons of water from your property. During this process we also inspect the materials that may need to be removed for proper drying of the structure. 

Step 4: Drying and Dehumidification

Our Professionals will use room measurements, temperature, and relative humidity to determine the optimal number of air movers and dehumidifiers to dry your home or business. We’ll carefully monitor the progress using moisture meters until the materials return to acceptable drying goals.

Step 5: Cleaning and Repair

SERVPRO of Athens specializes in restoring contents damaged by fire, water, or mold. Our expertise and “restore” versus “replace” mentality can help you save money while preserving precious keepsakes that can’t be replaced. Some of our restoration tools include carpet cleaning, deodorization, and sanitizing treatments.

Step 6: Restoration

Restoration, the final step, is the process of restoring your home or business to its pre-water damage condition. Restoration may involve minor repairs, such as replacing drywall and installing new carpet, or may entail major repairs, such as the reconstruction of various areas or rooms in a home or business.

Tropical Storm Florence

9/7/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens has been keeping an eye out for Tropical Storm Florence.  According to our Meteorologist Florence will be continuing on a westward path towards the coast of Georgia and the Carolinas.  She also predicts Tropical Storm Florence to make landfall on approximately Thursday September 13, 2018.  As the storm approaches it is intensifying.  At landfall Florence may turn from tropical storm to hurricane strength possibly Category 3. 

Florence East Coast Landfall Risks:

  • Wind Damage
  • Major Storm Surge Inundation Possible
  • Power Outages
  • Fuel Shortages 

When storms hit Athens, Georgia we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today 706-549-3366

Emergency Readiness

9/7/2018 (Permalink)

Advancements in storm alerts have allowed Athens, Georgia residents to prepare themselves and their property for severe weather.  These advancements warn residents in an ample amount of time from the increasingly violent weather phenomena. 

Disaster safety involves being prepared for severe weather.  Homeowners and their families can come together to create a disaster recovery kit.  Ideas of items that should be included in the disaster kit are as follows:

Drinking water
Non-Perishable canned goods
First Aid Kit
Cell Phone and Chargers
Prescription Medications
Supplies for Children and Pets
Personal Hygiene Items

SERVPRO of Athens can assist your family or business with an Emergency Ready Profile.  This booklet lists all numbers and information you may need in almost any type of emergency situation.  Call SERVPRO of Athens today to speak with a member or our team for more information.

Water in Basements and Crawlspaces on the Rise in Athens, Georgia

8/13/2018 (Permalink)

Water intrusion into your home can become a headache and fast!  Athens, Georgia has experienced an increase in damages to basements and crawlspaces due to recent flooding.  If water begins to pool into your basement or crawlspace there can be major structural damage and health issues that may arise for you and your family. 

Once you identify you have a water intrusion issue it is imperative to find the source of the damage.  Some of the most common sources of basement or crawlspace water damages are:

  • Sewage backup
  • Broken or leaking water heater
  • Improper grading
  • Ground water flooding
  • Cracks in foundation
  • Faulty or absent gutters

It is significant to restore these issues as soon as possible to stop the source of water damage to your home. 

SERVPRO of Athens is a phone call away to help you dry your home properly to put structural damage to a halt!  706-549-3366

Why Choose an IICRC Certified Firm?

7/17/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens is proud to be an IICRC certified firm. IICRC, or the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification, is a non-profit organization for the cleaning and restoration industry. The goal of the IICRC is to establish and advance globally recognized standards and certifications for the inspection, cleaning, and restoration and installation industries. To accomplish this goal, the IICRC sets standards and certifications for inspection, cleaning, and restoration. The IICRC ensures that when consumers hire a certified firm or technician that they have hired experts who will provide reasonable assurance that work will be completed in accordance with the industry's "standard of care." The technicians of SERVPRO of Athens set themselves apart through training, experience, and comprehensive examination.

If fire, water, or mold damage your business, please contact SERVPRO of Athens at (706) 549-3366. 

For more information about the IICRC, please visit https://www.IICRC.org/

How Does Mold Affect Your Health?

7/17/2018 (Permalink)

According to the EPA, molds have the potential to cause health problems if mold spores land on a wet or damp spot and begin growing. Molds produce allergens and irritants, which can cause allergic reactions if an individual inhales or touches mold or mold spores. Allergic reactions to mold are common and can include hay fever-type symptoms, such as sneezing, runny nose, red eyes, and skin rash. Molds can especially trigger asthma attacks, so it's important that people with asthma avoid exposure to mold. 

Since mold can adversely affect your health, and therefore interrupt your daily life, it's important to remediate the mold in your home or business as quickly as possible. Luckily, SERVPRO of Athens is here to help. If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

Call SERVPRO of Athens at (706) 549-3366 for mold remediation services. 

To learn more about the effects of mold on your health, please visit https://www.epa.gov/mold/mold-and-health.

Thunderstorm Safety Tips

7/17/2018 (Permalink)

Thunderstorms are common in Georgia, and can oftentimes become very severe with strong winds, lightning, tornadoes, hail, and flash flooding. It is important to be prepared before these storms happen to protect yourself and your family. Ready Georgia recommends that you take the following precautions in order to keep you and your family safe. 

Before a Thunderstorm: 

  • Familiarize yourself with the terms that are used to identify a thunderstorm hazard, including understanding the difference between a severe thunderstorm watch and a severe thunderstorm warning.
    A severe thunderstorm watch means there is the potential for severe thunderstorms (damaging winds/large hail) to impact your area within the next 6 hours.
    A severe thunderstorm warning means a severe thunderstorm is occurring or will likely occur soon. If you are advised to take shelter, do so immediately.
    Note, a severe thunderstorm refers to a thunderstorm producing winds of 58 mph or greater, 1-inch (quarter) sized hail or larger, and/or a tornado. Although lightning can be deadly, severe thunderstorm watches and warnings are not issued specifically for lightning.
  • Remove dead or rotting trees and branches that could fall and cause injury or damage during a thunderstorm.
  • Know your lightning safety rules. For example, if you hear thunder or see lightning, go indoors. Stay indoors for at least 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder.
  • If thunderstorms are expected in your area, postpone outdoor activities.
  • Secure outdoor objects that could blow away or cause damage. 
  • Shutter windows and secure outside doors. If shutters are not available, close window blinds, shades, or curtains.

During a Thunderstorm: 

  • If there is a thunderstorm in the area, go quickly inside a home, building, or hard top automobile, if possible.
  • If shelter is not available, go to the lowest area nearby.
  • If on open water, get to land and shelter immediately.
  • Listen to a battery-operated NOAA Weather Radio or radio for the latest updates.
  • Avoid taking a shower or a bath during a thunderstorm. Plumbing and bathroom fixtures can conduct electricity.
  • Do not use electrical items such as computers or television sets as power surges from lightning can cause serious damage.
  • A corded telephone should only be used in an emergency, but cordless phones and cell phones are safe to use.
    Things to avoid include:
  • Tall or isolated trees or other tall objects
    Hilltops, open fields, the beach, a pool, a boat on the water, isolated sheds or other small structures in open areas.
    Anything metal — wires, metal fences, tractors, farm equipment, motorcycles, golf carts, golf clubs, and bicycles.

After a Thunderstorm, remember to: 

  • Never drive through a flooded roadway. Turn around, don’t drown!
  • Stay away from storm-damaged areas to keep from putting yourself at risk from the effects of thunderstorms.
  • Stay away from downed power lines and report them immediately to your local power company.

If your home or business is damaged by a storm, please contact SERVPRO of Athens.  Our highly trained professionals use specialized equipment and advanced training to quickly restore your Athens property to pre-storm condition. We’re dedicated to responding immediately, which helps to minimize secondary damage.

For more information on thunderstorm safety, please visit http://ready.ga.gov/be-informed/thunderstorms-and-lightning/

Keep Your Business Clean with SERVPRO of Athens!

7/17/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens understands the importance of keeping your business and office space looking clean. Whether it's a retail space, a professional business office, or a restaurant, SERVPRO of Athens has experienced professionals to get your workspace to look its very best. 

SERVPRO of Athens offer cleaning services ranging from cleaning restaurant hoods to removing biohazard contaminants. We have the specialized training and products to get your property back to business. Our cleaning services include the following:

  • Air Ducts and HVAC
  • Biohazard and Sewage
  • Trauma and Crime Scene
  • Carpet and Upholstery
  • Drapes and Blinds
  • Ceilings, Walls, and Hard Floors
  • Odor Removal and Deodorization
  • Vandalism

If you need a specialty cleaning in your business or office space, call SERVPRO of Athens today at (706) 549-3366. 

SERVPRO of Athens Sponsors News in Education at Local School

7/17/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens is proud to be a sponsor of the News in Education program at Hull-Sanford Elementary School, which is located in Madison County. News in Education provides teachers with newspaper e-editions and useful, interesting, and innovative curriculum to enhance learning and help students meet the challenges of the future. Teachers receive newspaper e-editions and curriculum at no cost to them thanks to the support of the community and local business sponsors. SERVPRO of Athens is honored to serve the Athens community and to be able to support local students to be better prepare them for the future. SERVPRO of Athens takes pride in being an active member of the Athens community and is happy to support many organizations.

If you would like to learn more about News in Education, please visit https://www.nieonline.com/athens/

Sewage Cleanup and Contaminated Water

7/2/2018 (Permalink)

Sewage Damage

The three types of contaminated water:

Category 1: "Clean Water"

Category 1 water is from a clean source like a broken water supply line or leaking faucet. If not treated quickly, this water can turn into category 2 or 3, depending on length of time, temperature, and contact with surrounding contaminants.

  • Water from a clean source like a broken water line
  • If left untreated, can degrade into category 2 or 3

Category 2: "Gray Water"

Category 2 water is contaminated and could cause discomfort or illness. Examples include washing machine overflow; toilet overflow with some urine, but no feces; or dishwasher overflow.

  • May contain bacteria and viruses
  • Can quickly degrade into category 3 if left untreated

Category 3: "Black Water"

Category 3 water is grossly contaminated and could cause severe illness or death if ingested and any contact should be avoided. Examples include flooding from rivers or streams, water from beyond the toilet trap, water from the toilet bowl with feces, or standing water that has begun to support microbial growth.

  • May contain untreated sewage, harsh chemicals, and microbes
  • Water from flooding rivers or sewer backup

Sewage cleanup must not be taken lightly. Serious long term health issues to adults, children and even pets may occur due to bacteria, viruses and even parasites. Don't delay. Take immediate action. Call SERVPRO of Athens today for a free estimate!

Athens, Clarke County Area 24 Hour Emergency Water Damage Service

7/2/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens is available 24 hours a day for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage.

We Answer the Phone Ready to Help, Call Today! - (706) 549-3366

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of Athens has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration—in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business.

What to Expect

When you call, we will ask several questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask several questions:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Your insurance information (if applicable)
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur?
  • What caused the water damage (if known)?
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)?

About SERVPRO of Athens

SERVPRO of Athens specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Turn to SERVPRO of Athens for Carpet Cleaning after a Storm

7/2/2018 (Permalink)

Carpets and Upholstery Cleaning

Even the highest-quality items can show soiling over time. Protect your investment by calling your local SERVPRO Franchise Professional to clean and maintain your carpet and upholstery.

Today's carpet and upholstery materials vary dramatically. The SERVPRO System offers a number of cleaning options to match any type of upholstery or carpet.

Need Carpet or Upholstery Cleaning? Call SERVPRO of Athens Today at (706) 549-3366

SERVPRO Franchise Professionals also offer a range of specialized cleaning methods:

  • Bonnet Cleaning: A less aggressive method for short piled carpets.
  • Hot Water Extraction: A deeper cleaning method for all carpet types.
  • Deluxe Precondition and Rinse: Helps restore deeply soiled areas.
  • Showcase Premier Cleaning: The most thorough cleaning method in the industry.
  • Dry Cleaning: When color-fastness is an issue.

Preventative Maintenance

Carpets act as a filter, trapping dust, dirt, gases, animal hair, and other soils. All carpet manufacturers agree on actions you can take between carpet cleanings to increase the life span of your carpet.

IICRC states that 79% of soil in carpet is dry soil. Vacuuming is a key component to proper care and maintenance of carpet.

Preventative maintenance actions include: 

  • Regular vacuuming
  • Spot removal
  • Pilating the carpet to prevent matting
  • Moving furniture to change traffic patterns
  • Using walk-off mats to limit the amount of soil tracked onto the carpet

Professional Cleaning

Professional cleaning can address moderate and heavy soil conditions in your carpets. How often you’ll need professional cleaning depends on soil build-up, traffic, type and color of carpeting. A good rule of thumb would be to professionally clean your carpet every 12 months. The best advice is to clean carpets before they become totally saturated with soil. If you wait until carpets look really dirty, the carpets may never be restored to their former appearance. Dirt builds up in layers, and when a carpet looks dirty you are only seeing the dirt at the tips of the fibers. More dirt is hiding below the surface down near the base of the pile, causing damage to the carpet. When a carpet is saturated with dirt, the soil has penetrated crevices and has become firmly lodged.

SERVPRO Franchise Professionals will get the job done right. For a cleaning backed by state-of-the-art equipment, over 40 years of experience and Professionals trained to the highest standards, call us today. With over 1,700 Franchises nationwide, there’s a SERVPRO Professional nearby and ready to serve you.

Commercial Property

7/2/2018 (Permalink)

Flooding and water damage that affects commercial properties in Athens is often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Our professionals at SERVPRO of Athens are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns, and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity, so when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need. 

SERVPRO of Athens is happy to help with any need you might have regarding water damages. Call Today - (706) 549-3366.

“Like it never even happened.”

Athens Residents: Follow These Mold Safety Tips If You Suspect Mold

7/2/2018 (Permalink)

If you see visible mold, do not disturb it. You can inadvertently spread the mold infestation throughout your home. When mold is disturbed, the mold can release microscopic mold spores which become airborne and can circulate inside your home.

What to Do:

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
  • Contact SERVPRO of Athens for mold remediation services.

What Not to Do:

  • Don’t touch or disturb the mold.
  • Don’t blow air across any surfaces with visible or suspected mold growth.
  • Don’t attempt to dry the area yourself.
  • Don’t spray bleach or other disinfectants on the mold.

About Our Mold Remediation Services

SERVPRO of Athens specializes in mold cleanup and restoration, in fact, it’s a cornerstone of our business.  Our crews are highly trained restoration professionals that use specialized equipment and techniques to properly remediate your mold problem quickly and safely.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – 706-549-3366

Fire Safety Tips

7/2/2018 (Permalink)

Fire Safety

At home: 

When cooking outdoors, never leave barbeque grills unattended. Place your grill on concrete or your driveway away from your home or any structures. If using charcoal or wood, make sure that the fire has been extinguished by soaking it with a garden hose before disposing of the coals. Remember that there is currently a burn ban in Athens-Clarke County and surrounding areas and no uncovered flame or open pit is allowed.

During this time, do not burn household trash in barrels. Check lawnmowers and farm equipment for properly working spark arresters.

Mow lawn at least 30-50 feet away from your house and water to create defensible space.

Cut back or remove any dry and dead landscaping plants or bushes around your home. Clear leaves from your roof and gutters; rake them away from the sides of your home.

Move anything that will burn far away from structures, items like firewood, compost piles, brush piles, etc.

Notify the electric company when dead trees or overhanging limbs endanger the electric wires.

Fire Safety for you:

Practice fire safety with your family. If you see suspicious fire or smoke, call 911.

Clearly mark driveway entrances with address and street names.

Plan escape routes away from your home by car and foot. Have a meeting place with your family.

If a fire causes damage to your commercial or residential property, please call SERVPRO of Athens at (706)-549-3366

Smoke and Soot Cleanup

7/2/2018 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Athens will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions.  We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage?
Call Us Today – 706-549-3366

Upholstery Cleaning Specials

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

Right now, SERVPRO of Athens is offering specials on upholstery cleaning. For only $149.95, SERVPRO of Athens will clean any 3 pieces of furniture in your home or business. This service is normally $270, so schedule your appointment today! SERVPRO of Athens will also clean a sectional sofa for $129.95, which is valued at $180.

Call SERVPRO of Athens today to schedule an appointment for an upholstery cleaning at (706) 549-3366

*Minimum service charge of $125.00 REQUIRED for all cleaning services. Sectional sofas excluded from ANY 3 PIECES offer. Upholstered furniture only. Offer not redeemable for cash. May not be combined with any other offer. Good only in our franchise area: Clarke, Oglethorpe, Jackson, Madison, Oconee, Barrow, Walton, Morgan, Greene, and Jasper counties. Expires 8/31/2018*

When Storms or Floods hit Athens, SERVPRO is ready!

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens specializes in storm and flood damage restoration.  Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

Faster Response

Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit Athens and the surrounding area, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today (706) 549-3366

Duct Cleaning

6/6/2018 (Permalink)

It’s “Thyme” to Clean Your Ducts!

According to the EPA, the air inside your home may be 10 times dirtier than outside air. Dirty duct work is a major part of that problem. The EPA recommends that you should consider cleaning your air ducts if: 

  • There is substantial visible mold growth inside hard surface (e.g., sheet metal) ducts or on other components of your heating and cooling system
  • Ducts are infested with vermin, e.g. (rodents or insects)
  • Ducts are clogged with excessive amounts of dust and debris and/or particles are actually released into the home from your supply registers.

Our superior cleaning system, in combination with Benefect can help you breathe easier this spring. Benefect uses the essential oil of the thyme plant as our Active Ingredient, not a synthetic chemical substitute. Using real, food grade ingredients makes Benefect products a sustainable option for disinfecting and cleaning. 

The process we use for cleaning your system are as follows: 

  • Set up and operate a 3-stage vacuum and filter system to remove and filter debris from the ductwork
  • Access all return ducts, agitate to remove settled soils, vacuum and clean with compressed air.
  • Access all supply ducts, agitate to remove settled soils, vacuum and clean with compressed air.
  • Remove, clean, and reinstall air registers
  • Repair all HVAC access points to original condition using professional repair techniques.
  • Re-inspect HVAC system to certify level of cleanliness

Call SERVPRO of Athens at (706) 549-3366 today to schedule your duct cleaning! 

SERVPRO of Athens Hiring Experienced Production Technician

5/24/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens– Fire & Water Cleanup has immediate openings in our Emergency Services & Restoration departments.

40 hours/week on average, flexible to work overtime when required.
Hours vary between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
On-Call rotation for 24-hour emergency service
Some night and weekend work is required
Starting wage is based on relevant experience

We're seeking someone who is comfortable working hard in challenging situations, meeting new people, with excellent communication skills, and who is self-motivated.

Our idea of the ultimate candidate is one who is proactive, trustworthy, truly enjoys providing superior service, and loves taking ownership of their responsibilities.

Some of the Responsibilities include:

Provide excellent customer service.
Perform on-site cleaning and restoration services in structures damaged by water and fire.
Leave jobsite with a clean and orderly appearance.
Develop production expertise: services, cleaning products, and equipment.
Follow the SERVPRO uniform policy.
Complete documentation, as appropriate.
Minimum Requirements

Must have a professional appearance and great attitude.
A valid driver license with a reasonable driving record.
Ability to pass a criminal background check with no felony convictions or misdemeanors involving violence or theft.
Must be able to pass a drug test.
Must be able to lift a minimum of 50 pounds.
Must have a high school diploma or a GED certificate.
Job Type: Full-time

Supervisor 2 years (Required)

High school or equivalent (Required)

License or certification:
Driver's License (Required)

Job Type: Full-time

Call SERVPRO of Athens 706-549-3366
Email Resume to: admin@SERVPROofathens.com

Burn Ban Still in Effect

5/24/2018 (Permalink)

According to Athens-Clarke County Unified Government it is unlawful for any person within the county to cause, suffer, allow, or permit “opening burning”.  This includes yard trash and even burn barrels.  In order to burn within the county you must notify the Athens-Clarke County Fire Department prior to burning and provide a copy of any required state burn permit. 

These prohibitions create a safe community not only for those involved with burning of materials but for the community members.  SERVPRO of Athens takes pride in being involved with a county that has regulations such as these to keep community members safe. 

If you are involved in a fire related situation IMMEDIATELY call 911! 

Call SERVPRO of Athens to help restore your property today.  706-549-3366

Conditions In Athens Might Be Right For Mold

5/21/2018 (Permalink)

It’s estimated that more than 1 million types of mold exist, yet less than 10 percent have actually been named. This means mold is very common in both indoor and outdoor environments. While mold and humans can sometimes co-exist without issue, there are certain species of mold that can cause health effects for some people.

If the right conditions exist, mold will grow.  Those conditions include:

  • Water - Different mold types require varying amounts of liquid before growth begins.   
  • Temperature - Normal indoor temperatures will promote mold growth.
  • Time - Initial mold colonizers can take hold within one day after being exposed to an adequate water supply.

Mold growth can occur in any home, so it’s important to keep an eye out for situations that might promote mold activity. Roof/chimney leaks, wet basements, or condensation from ducts that dampen surrounding insulation are just a few examples of issues that make a house a prime target for mold growth.

If you suspect mold in your home, call SERVPRO of Athens to assess the situation. We have the knowledge, tools and track record to effectively remediate mold in your home or business.

If you suspect mold, call us today at (706) 549-3366

What to Do:

  • Stay out of affected areas.
  • Turn off the HVAC system and fans.
  • Contact SERVPRO of Athens for mold remediation services

Winterville Marigold Parade

5/16/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO staff and their families enjoying the parade!

SERVPRO of Athens had a blast last week participating in the Winterville Marigold Parade. 

We look forward to participating in this parade next year!

Burn Ban Effective in Athens-Clarke County

5/16/2018 (Permalink)

Starting May 1st, a burn ban will be in effect in Athens-Clarke county and neighboring counties until September 30th. The Environmental Protection Division in the Georgia Department of Natural Resources is responsible for this ban, and they created it out of safety concerns. The ozone levels in the air can become very unhealthy during the summer in Georgia. The Environmental Protection Division has discovered that open burning is a significant cause of the ozone reaching such dangerous levels and have thus placed restrictions on burning during the summer. 

If you are unsure whether or not it is okay for you to burn something or would like to obtain a burn permit, please contact the Georgia Forest Commission at 1-877-OK2-BURN. 

Please contact SERVPRO of Athens at (706) 549-3366 if you experience any fire damage to your residential or commercial property. 

Mold in Athens, Georgia

5/9/2018 (Permalink)

Mold can spread a home in as little as 48 hours!

Mold remediation has increased throughout Georgia. Energy-efficient buildings, faulty construction, increased plumbing, and public awareness are all reasons of why mold has threatened properties.

Microscopic mold spores naturally occur almost everywhere, both outdoors and indoors. This makes it impossible to remove all mold from a home or business. Therefore, mold remediation reduces the mold spore count back to its natural or baseline level. Some restoration businesses advertise “mold removal” and even guarantee to remove all mold, which is a fallacy. Consider the following mold facts:

  • Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.
  • Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.
  • Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.
  • Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.
  • Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.
  • Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

If your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property and use our specialized training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

If You See Signs of Mold, Call Us Today – SERVPRO of Athens 706-549-3366

Faster to your Athens Water Damage

5/9/2018 (Permalink)

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours and neither do we. SERVPRO of Athens provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays.

Faster To Any Size Disaster

Flooding and water damage is very invasive. Water quickly spreads throughout your home and gets absorbed into floors, walls, furniture, and more.  SERVPRO of Athens arrives quickly and starts the water extraction process almost immediately. This immediate response helps to minimize the damage and the cleaning and restoration costs.

Need Emergency Service? Call Us 24/7 – (706) 549-3366

Water Damage Timeline

Within Minutes

  • Water quickly spreads throughout your property, saturating everything in its path.
  • Water is absorbed into walls, floors, upholstery, and belongings.
  • Furniture finishes may bleed, causing permanent staining on carpets.
  • Photographs, books, and other paper goods start to swell and warp.

Hours 1 - 24:

  • Drywall begins to swell and break down.
  • Metal surfaces begin to tarnish.
  • Furniture begins to swell and crack.
  • Dyes and inks from cloth and paper goods spread and stain.
  • A musty odor appears.

48 Hours to 1 Week:

  • Mold and mildew may grow and spread.
  • Doors, windows, and studs swell and warp.
  • Metal begins to rust and corrode.
  • Furniture warps and shows signs of mold.
  • Paint begins to blister.
  • Wood flooring swells and warps.
  • Serious biohazard contamination is possible.

More Than 1 Week:

  • Restoration time and cost increase dramatically; replacing contaminated materials and structural rebuilding may be extensive.
  • Structural safety, mold growth, and biohazard contaminants pose serious risks to occupants.

About SERVPRO of Athens

SERVPRO of Athens specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Mold Remediation Standard

5/8/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens technicians can assist you with mold remediation.  Our technicians follow the IICRC S520 Mold Remediation Standard.  There are five principles to this standard:

  • Principle 1- Provide for Health and Safety.  We protect the health of our technicians and the occupants of the structure. 
  • Principle 2- Document Conditions and Processes.  SERVPRO of Athens documents and records all services that are completed including monitoring of any equipment placed.
  • Principle 3- Control the Mold Contaminant at its Source.  Our technicians use specialty equipment and containment to keep the mold from contaminating other areas of the structure.
  • Principle 4- Remove Contamination.  If the mold has grown beyond normal levels it may be necessary to remove the contamination completely by physically removing the contaminated surfaces, vacuuming excessive spores into HEPA filters, and/or wiping soiled surfaces with detergent cleaning products.
  • Principle 5- Correct the Moisture Problem.  Stop the source of moisture that contributed to the mold growth.  If a building continues to have moisture problems, even the best cleanup efforts will not stop the mold from returning.

SERVPRO of Athens professionals communicate with your adjuster and IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) professionals.  The IAQ will perform initial testing and clearance testing in order to make sure the mold has been restored to a safe level.

SERVPRO of Athens is ready to assist with any mold related questions or problems.  Call today!  706-549-3366

Fire Damage Restoration

5/3/2018 (Permalink)

Fire damage restoration is yet another SERVPRO of Athens specialty.  Our technicians work diligently to clean your structure and/or contents to preloss condition.  SERVPRO of Athens fire damage restoration includes the following services:

  • Mitigation services—these services secure the structure and prevent further damage. Structures that are wet due to fire-fighting procedures will need emergency drying to prevent secondary water damage
  • Structural Cleaning Services—Removal of the smoke residues from the structure and deodorizing odors given off by the residues
  • Contents Cleaning Services—Personal property within a residence, office, or other building must be cleaned of smoke resides.  Contents cleaning can be held within the structure or may require packing and moving to a separate location for cleaning and storage.

Fire damage situations are all different.  SERVPRO of Athens knows that each situation requires a unique solution.  Let our Fire Damage Restoration technicians restore your property to preloss condition meanwhile treating you and your family with empathy and respect that you deserve.

Call SERVPRO of Athens today! 706-549-3366

Emergency Ready Profile

3/30/2018 (Permalink)

The best way to reduce business interruption following a disaster is to plan for it NOW.  According to the latest industry research as many as 50% of businesses may never recover following a disaster.  Of the businesses that survive, the overwhelming majority of them had a preparedness plan in place.  Pre-Planning can serve as an insurance policy aimed at peace of mind. 

The SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile Advantage:

  • A no cost assessment of your facility
  • A concise Profile Document that contains only the critical information needed in the event of an emergency
  • A guide to help you get back into your building following a disaster
  • Establishes SERVPRO of Athens as your disaster mitigation and restoration provider
  • Identification of the line of command for authorizing work to begin
  • Provides facility details such as shut-off valve locations, priority areas and priority contact information.

SERVPRO of Athens is a leader in water and fire damage response and can help you quickly get your property back in order.  Contact SERVPRO of Athens to have a Sales and Marketing Representative to get you started with your business Emergency Ready Profile today.

Spring into Clean with SERVPRO of Athens!

3/30/2018 (Permalink)

It is time for spring cleaning!  SERVPRO of Athens is a phone call away from helping you in your home or business.  Listed are some helpful hints for spring cleaning from Readers Digest:

  • Make doormats welcoming- Clean them by shaking them and washing them if able. Doormats stop most dirt and debris from entering the home so keep them clean enough to function at peak efficiency.
  • Clean carpet and upholstery- Cleaning carpet and upholstery will get your furniture ready for another year of wear.
  • Finish your floors- Protect your floors by waxing or applying a sealer. These applications will add a protective buffer and could help them last longer.
  • Wash walls, cabinets, baseboards, and woodwork- Dust and debris collects around baseboards and clings to vertical surfaces. Use a sponge and mild cleaning solution to wash all surfaces.  Use two buckets:  one for the cleaning solution and another for wringing the sponge.
  • Vacuum with intelligence- Move the big items a little to the left or right, vacuum, and move the furniture back into place.
  • Clean ceiling fixtures- Remove dust and dirt from ceiling fans and air-conditioner vents with a cloth and vacuum with a soft nozzle attachment.

SERVPRO of Athens can help you with your spring cleaning needs.  Carpet and upholstery cleaning, duct cleaning, detailed cleaning, drapery cleaning, and tile & grout cleaning are all services that SERVPRO of Athens offers to get your cleaning needs completed in a flash.

Call SERVPRO of Athens today for your free cleaning estimate!  706-549-3366

SERVPRO of Athens Services Ducts!

3/29/2018 (Permalink)

Duct Cleaning Machine at Work

SERVPRO of Athens offers duct cleaning services.  We offer FREE estimates for duct cleaning.  Duct cleaning benefits your home by improving indoor air quality and increasing energy savings.  The air quality is improved by lowering the amount of allergens and debris that invade your home through the supply lines.  Contaminated ductwork increases the work load and can damage the life of your system.  If the HVAC system is serviced and cleaned properly the system does not work as hard.  As a result, less energy is used, leading to improved cost-effectiveness.    

SERVPRO of Athens operates a 3-stage vacuum and filter system to remove the filter debris from the ductwork.  All supply and return lines are accessed to remove settled soils and vacuum and clean with compressed air.  Each register is also removed to be cleaned.  Once the cleaning is finished we repair all the access points to original condition using professional repair techniques.  To finalize the cleaning SERVPRO of Athens re-inspects the HVAC system and performs a final walk-through with our customers to guarantee customer satisfaction.

Call SERVPRO of Athens today to schedule your FREE estimate for our professional duct cleaning services!  706-549-3366

Why Call a Professional?

2/22/2018 (Permalink)

No one wants to call a professional for water damage restoration, but when it is needed, do not delay!  Moisture in the home is the enemy of any homeowner.  Moisture can lead to bacteria and fungi growth in any home.  It is important to call SERVPRO of Athens right away.  We have the technology necessary to clean and properly dry and water damage.  This includes air movers, dehumidifiers, moisture meters, drying mats, and a number of safe elements at our disposal. 

SERVPRO of Athens is an IICRC certified franchise.  Our technicians go through extensive on-the-job training and classroom training.  This specific training communicates to our restoration technicians how to properly restore your home back to preloss condition.  Our technicians are well versed in water damage, fire damage, and mold remediation. 

If you need any assistance with a water damage do not delay!  Call SERVPRO of Athens  706-549-3366

Winter Isn't Over Yet

2/15/2018 (Permalink)

Ready to help!

The groundhog has indeed seen its shadow, but more importantly, it’s only February. Spring may be just around the corner, but the possibility for freezing temperatures still exists. It’s important that you know how to keep your pipes from being damaged by the extreme cold.

            Remember to add insulation to pipes in your cabinets, attic, basement, and crawlspace. You should also drain water from swimming pools and water sprinkler supply lines. Additionally, make sure to close inside valves supplying outdoor hose bibs and keep the outside valves open.

Although pre-planning can go a long way toward keeping your home protected from the cold weather, oftentimes water damage is not preventable. If you do experience any water damage due to frozen pipes remember that SERVPRO is always here to help. Our technicians are on call 24 hours a day to assist with your water mitigation needs.

For Immediate Service in Athens, Call SERVPRO!

1/29/2018 (Permalink)

Athens Residents: We provide immediate service day or night!

SERVPRO of Athens provides 24-hour emergency service and is dedicated to being faster to any-sized disaster in Athens, Georgia. We can respond immediately to your emergency and have the expertise to handle your restoration or cleaning needs.

  • 24-Hour Emergency Service
  • Faster to Any-Sized Disaster
  • Highly Trained Restoration Technicians
  • A Trusted Leader in the Restoration Industry
  • Locally Owned and Operated
  • Advanced Restoration and Cleaning Equipment 

Have Questions? Call Us 24/7 – 706-549-3366

Residential Services

Whether your Athens home needs emergency flood damage or your upholstery cleaned, you can depend on us.  Our technicians have extensive cleaning and restoration training and can make your property look its best. Learn more about our residential services:

  • Water Damage Restoration
  • Fire Damage Restoration
  • Mold Remediation
  • Storm Damage Restoration
  • Cleaning Services
  • Building/Reconstruction Services

Commercial Services

There's never a convenient time for fire or Water damage to strike your Athens commercial property. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when the need arises for professional cleaning or emergency restoration services we have the training and expertise to respond promptly with highly trained technicians to get your property back to business.

Hurricane Harvey

9/6/2017 (Permalink)

Gearing up for Hurricane Harvey

Our thoughts are with those who have been affected by Hurricane Harvey. SERVPRO of Athens has been dispatched to aid Hurricane Harvey victims.  Our franchise is part of SERVPRO’s Storm Response Program.  SERVPRO of Athens unites with other SERVPRO Franchises to assist the victims of storm damage. 

Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

When storms hit, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams that are strategically located throughout the United States. Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition. We respond quickly with the right resources thus limiting further damage to your property lowering the restoration cost.

Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today 706-549-3366

Rain Damage vs. Flood Damage

8/22/2017 (Permalink)

What is the difference between rain damage and flood damage to your home?

Rain damage is caused by falling water. A leaky roof or window can cause rain to intrude into your home. Gutters and downspouts can also be a large contributor to rain damage. It is important to clean your gutters and downspouts to keep the rain away from your walls and windows.

Flood damage is caused by rising water. Improper grading, failing drainage, or rising creek water are all examples of how flood damage can occur in your home. Flood damage can also cause cracks to your foundation allowing excess water to intrude into your home.

It is important to professionally dry the structure so as to prevent further damage. SERVPRO of Athens uses updated technology and professionalism to treat your home as it is ours. We want to help you restore your home “Like it never even happened.”

Have Storm Damage?  Call Us Today-- SERVPRO of Athens 706-549-3366

What is Water Damage Restoration?

8/9/2017 (Permalink)

Water damage restoration is the act of responding immediately and using advanced equipment and techniques to remove the water quickly. SERVPRO of Athens professionals use innovative equipment to monitor and document the drying process to verify your property is dried properly and thoroughly. SERVPRO of Athens professionals have the tools and resources for faster and reliable service.

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of Athens has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration—in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business. At SERVPRO of Athens, no job is too big and no question is too small.  So when fire or water damage strikes your home or business, call on SERVPRO of Athens at (706)-549-3366. 

SERVPRO of Athens offering FREE Cleaning Estimates

7/13/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens is now offering FREE estimates!  Call today for your FREE- no obligation- estimate for our direct cleaning services.  These services include carpet and upholstery, tile and grout, and duct cleaning.  SERVPRO of Athens is ready to assist you with your general cleaning needs. Whether your Athens home needs emergency flood damage or your upholstery cleaned, you can depend on us.  Our technicians have extensive cleaning and restoration training and can make your property look its best. We treat your home as ours and understand your needs. We take our time with our customers to educate them on our services SERVPRO of Athens professionals are ready to help you with your cleaning and restoration needs!

For more information or to schedule your estimate for residential or commercial cleaning and restoration call SERVPRO of Athens today! 706-549-3366

Athens Residents: We Specialize in Flooded Basement Cleanup and Restoration!

7/11/2017 (Permalink)

A basement can flood at any time, although flooding most often occurs during heavy rainfall. Basements are inherently prone to flooding because they are the lowest level of a building and are normally built partly or entirely below ground level. There are a number of reasons why your Athens basement could flood, including: 

  • A blocked or failed sewer lateral pipe
  • Heavy rain causes surface water to pool around your home
  • Storm sewer backup
  • Sanitary sewer backup
  • Foundation drainage failure
  • Water supply-line break or hot-water tank failure
  • And many more

Have Questions about Basement Flooding?

Call Today -706-549-3366

If flood water is not handled quickly and properly, it can jeopardize your health and safety, and cause severe damage to your home’s structure. Remember, the longer you wait, the worse the problem will get.

The bottom line: a flooded basement can jeopardize your health, safety, and your home’s integrity. It’s worth making a call to SERVPRO of Athens and let our trained, professional crews handle the situation safely and correctly. We have earned the trust of hundreds of homeowners, business owners, and property professionals.

We are Flooded Basement Specialists:

  • We are Available 24 hours/7 days per week
  • We’re a Preferred Vendor to many National Insurance Companies
  • We Bill The Insurance Directly – One Less Thing For You To Worry About
  • Our Technicians are Highly-Trained  in Water Restoration Techniques
  • We use s500 IICRC Restoration Standards
  • Advanced Inspection and Extraction Equipment

Basement Flooded? Call Us Today – We’re Ready To Help 706-549-3366

How does SERVPRO’s duct cleaning process work?

2/14/2017 (Permalink)

Duct Cleaning

How does SERVPRO’s duct cleaning process work?

  • We run our brush up each duct to break away any dirt, dust, or debris, then the vacuum collects all of the loosened dirt and debris. 
  • We elephant fog with a wintergreen deodorizer and an EPA registered disinfectant called “Sporicidin” that is commonly used in health care facilities. 
  • All vent covers are taken down and cleaned.
  • Filtration includes 1st stage 18" x 24" x 2" disposable pleated filter, 2nd stage 18" x 24" flexible permanent electrostatic air filter and 3rd stage 18" x 24" x 6" certified HEPA filter, providing efficient filtration with maximum air flow even when dirty. 
  • SERVPRO guarantees that this is the most detailed and top of the line duct cleaning you will find. 

Clean your ducts, vents, and air unit to ensure better air quality and to prevent fires at your home or business. Call SERVPRO of Athens for a free estimate at 706-549-3366.

What is in your gutters

1/26/2017 (Permalink)

If this is in your gutters, water cannot flow.

Perhaps the most common ailment to both cleaned and uncleaned gutters is a leak. Easily found and repaired during routine inspection of the gutter, a leak that goes unfixed can cause major damage to the exterior of your home and even the gutter itself. A leak can cause mold and rotting, leading to the gutter giving away and falling from your roof. Below is also a list of other reasons your gutters should be cleaned.

Leaking roofs

A leaking roof occurs when your gutter cannot maintain the water drainage from your roof. The spillage that does not fall to the ground can accumulate on the roof, causing damage. During cold weather, gutters may fill with ice, causing snow buildup on the roof. The sitting snow and later melting cause added weight and eventual harm to the roof.

Leaking basements

Most gutters drain toward the bottom exterior of the home. If they are not working properly or aren't cleaned, the excess water will collect around your basement and eventually leak in. A leaking basement is one of the most hazardous possibilities, because it can result in a gas leak, electrical shock and pollutants in your home.

Rotted wood

Some homes have foundations made from wood. Without a gutter for the water to drain properly into, the water will accumulate and saturate into the house. Over time the wood will rot, causing possible foundation damage and issues with your home's structure.

Foundation cracks

Like rotting wood, foundation cracks occur when water is absorbed into the home. More likely to occur during colder months due to freezing temperatures and possible "frost heave," water buildup will cause wall cracks and cracks in the foundation itself. Not as easy to see, this damage occurs in between walls and can eventually lead to mold in your home.

Insect infestation

Where there is moisture, bugs will go. Without a properly maintained gutter, bugs will grow to love your wet and moisture-filled gutters. Nasty critters like carpenter ants, roaches, earwigs, mosquitoes and even termites are likely to cause an infestation in a non-maintained gutter.

Sidewalk/driveway damage

Not only can water cause your sidewalks and driveway to become slippery from excess water and ice, but it can also cause damage. The extra water can cause a sagging and cracked foundation. To avoid this, direct your drain spout in another direction.

Drowning landscape

When a gutter is damaged or unable to retain water, the water then leaks out to the landscape, including your exterior plants. Overwatered plants can turn dull and die, causing an ugly and drowning landscape.

At SERVPRO of Athens, our team will work quickly to get your home of business  back in great shape after any water emergency. For a quote or to get more information about our water damage restoration services, call us 24/7 at (706) 549-3366.

Residential and Commercial Services

1/17/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens and SERVPRO of Monroe, Madison & Monticello provides 24-hour emergency service and is dedicated to being faster to any-sized disaster.  We can respond immediately to your emergency and have the expertise to handle your restoration or cleaning needs.

  • 24-Hour Emergency Service
  • Faster to Any-Sized Disaster
  • Highly Trained Restoration Technicians
  • A Trusted Leader in the Restoration Industry
  • Locally Owned and Operated
  • Advanced Restoration and Cleaning Equipment 

Have Questions? Call Us 24/7 –706-549-3366

Residential Services

Whether your home needs emergency flood damage or your upholstery cleaned, you can depend on us.  Our technicians have extensive cleaning and restoration training and can make your property look its best. Learn more about our residential services:

  • Water Damage Restoration
  • Fire Damage Restoration
  • Mold Remediation
  • Storm Damage Restoration
  • Cleaning Services
  • Building/Reconstruction Services

Commercial Services

There's never a convenient time for fire or Water damage to strike your commercial property. Every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when the need arises for professional cleaning or emergency restoration services we have the training and expertise to respond promptly with highly trained technicians to get your property back to business. Learn more about our commercial services.

  •  Commercial Water Damage Restoration
  •  Commercial Fire Damage Restoration

Why should I choose SERVPRO of Athens, Ga for my water damage clean up?

1/12/2017 (Permalink)

Why should I choose a professional restoration company for water intrusion/ damage?

  • Homeowners should not risk doing the work themselves as there may hidden water or moisture that may go undetected to the untrained eye. Taking into account that mold growth can occur in as little as 24-48 hours in the presence of moisture, undetected water damage can pose long term problems if not properly handled.
  • Due to the potential hazards associated with water-related damage, moisture and water should be handled by properly trained and equipped professionals to ensure complete and necessary drying to prevent future harm, extensive structural damage and possible contamination.
  • Improper cleanup could hinder property resale value.
  • Professional restoration companies have essential tools and techniques to measure moisture in the area to ensure proper and complete drying in a timely manner.
  • Water technicians should be fully aware of water or moisture-related characteristics to locate leaks or water damaged areas that may otherwise go unnoticed.
  • Homes and other properties are large and often expensive assets. Why run the risks associated with improper drying, deodorizing and disinfecting which can lead to potential secondary structural damage? Help protect your property’s value by calling upon a Professional.
  • According to a “Residential Water Claims” article on the International Risk Management Institute website, restoration companies and contractors are often an asset in a water claim situation. The article states, “a major concern in today’s insurance climate is the problem of mold and mildew. When most restoration companies deal with water claims, every effort is made to prevent any problem with mold and mildew.” Restoration companies are in the business of salvaging rather than replacing, which could serve as a benefit to the insurance company.

Why should I choose SERVPRO of Athens, Ga for water cleanup and restoration?

  • SERVPRO of Athens, Ga recognizes the necessity for prompt and accurate response and offer 1-4-8 Response Guidelines to help minimize additional, secondary or permanent damage and contamination. In addition, SERVPRO of Athens, Ga is available for emergency response 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • Knowledge and training are key elements in effective water removal and moisture damage. SERVPRO of Athens, Ga applies their industry knowledge, training and understanding of hoe relative humidity, temperature, vapor pressure and air movement influence drying conditions.
  • Powerful and professional equipment is essential for proper mitigation and efficient restoration of water damaged areas. SERVPRO of Athens, Ga is outfitted with state-of-the-art industrial grade equipment and products to measure the extent of moisture saturation and offer proper drying, deodorizing and disinfecting of water damaged areas.
  • SERVPRO of Athens, Ga offers content restoration to restore water damaged contents and personal belongings. Often when water damage occurs, personal possessions are also damaged by water or moisture. SERVPRO Technicians work diligently to try and return personal contents to preloss conditions.
  • SERVPRO of Athens, Ga works with insurance, real estate, contracting and property management companies to offer complete file management, estimates and detailed explanations of work, including status updates, changes and feedback to keep companies fully aware of a property’s drying, cleaning and restoration status. At SERVPRO of Athens, Ga, we know you want quality information and proof of results. SERVPRO technology is designed to support your efforts!
  • Timely mitigation is key to the restoration process. Restoring property is the SERVPRO Professional’s first priority. You will appreciate the immediate response, and you will know everything possible is being done to limit the damage. Even if a loss is below the deductible amount, fast action helps assure the event will stay small!

Weather Alert and Safety

1/4/2017 (Permalink)

Weather can change dramatically and often quite suddenly, causing severe destruction, injuries, and even fatalities. In the last few years especially, we have witnessed increasingly violent weather phenomena. Fortunately, today's improved weather alert services are often able to warn us of impending natural disasters well before they occur. This advance warning allows people to prepare themselves and their homes to weather the storm.

A key part of disaster safety is having a sufficient amount of supplies, as well as an emergency kit. A disaster kit typically includes a bountiful supply of water for drinking and cleaning, along with non-perishable canned or packaged foods, a can opener, a first aid kit, flashlights and batteries, cell phones and chargers, emergency phone numbers, and a radio. Other useful items to have are prescription medications, supplies for infants and pets, cash, matches, and personal hygiene items.

By creating this kit and packing it ahead of time, emergency preparation becomes much easier and quicker when a natural disaster is announced. It’s equally important to have a predetermined emergency ready profile, so that each person in the house knows exactly what to do when a disaster strikes. Without a proper action plan, people often tend to first panic, acting illogically, which may put them directly in the path of danger. At SERVPRO of Athens, we can assist you in preparing your own Emergency Ready Profile for your home or business.

Call SERVPRO of Athens today and let us help you plan your Emergency Ready Profile 706-549-3366

Christmas Wish

12/29/2016 (Permalink)

Wonderful time of the year to help a family in need.

The Sales and Marketing Department at SERVPRO of Athens had a blast this Christmas granting a Fish Christmas Wish through 104.7 The Fish.  We were able to help a local family provide a better Christmas for two young children.

We look forward to making this a SERVPRO yearly tradition

How to deal with frozen pipes

12/14/2016 (Permalink)

Now that the colder temperatures are approaching us all in the Athens, Ga area, it is worth remembering some of the effects that winter weather has on our home.

The cold weather affects us all in one way or another, and our home as well. SERVPRO of Athens would like to offer the tips below to help you prevent frozen water pipes.

How to Deal with Frozen Pipes

  • Disconnect and drain garden hoses.
  • Cover outside faucets with insulating foam covers.
  • Turn off water to outside faucets, if available, and open valves on faucets to allow them to drain.
  • Turn off sprinkler system and blow compressed air through the lines to drain them.
  • Close or cover foundation vents under house and windows to basements.
  • Close garage doors.
  • Insulate exposed pipes (both hot and cold) under house with foam pipe insulation.
  • Open cabinet doors under sinks.
  • Drip hot and cold faucets in kitchen and bath. Drip single control faucets with lever set in middle.
  • Set icemaker to make ice if the water line to it runs under the house.
  • Don’t forget to check on pipes to your washing machine in the laundry room
  • Locate water main cut-off valve, and have a cut-off key handy.
  • Use a hair dryer, heat lamp, electric heat tape, or a portable space heater to thaw frozen pipes that have not burst.
  • Keep the faucet open when thawing frozen pipes to allow water to begin flowing through it.
  • After the weather has warmed above freezing and any frozen pipes have thawed, turn off dripping faucets and monitor your water meter to check for unseen leaks.

SERVPRO of Athens

SERVPRO of Monroe, Madison & Monticello

Please give us a call if you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance.

Happy Holidays

12/7/2016 (Permalink)

To all of you, Happy Holidays and Best Wishes from your friends at SERVPRO.  Thanks for choosing us, we are always here to help.  Throughout the holiday season, we will be available in your time of emergency. 

Ways to prevent and prepare for fires or other disasters.

11/21/2016 (Permalink)

“I never thought it could happen to me,” people often say after they are in a fire, hurricane, or other emergency or disaster. While you may take comfort thinking that an emergency will never happen, this thinking really is not very helpful. Instead, take control now by planning how you will prevent or manage in an emergency.  

Here are some ways that all people, including those with disabilities, can help prevent and prepare for fires and other disasters or emergencies. 

Fires at home
Thousands of Americans die or are injured in home fires each year. Many of these fires could have been prevented. Here are ways to do just that:

  • Smoke detectors. Put smoke detectors on each level of your house and also outside each bedroom. It is best to have two types of detectors (ionization and photoelectric) as each works in a different way. Test all smoke detectors once a month and change batteries twice a year. Many people do this when they reset clocks in the spring and fall. Replace smoke detectors when they are more than 10 years old.
  • Fire extinguisher. Keep fire extinguishers in both your kitchen and garage. The best kind to get for home is labeled “ABC” or “BC.” These extinguishers are useful for small fires as they work just a short while. Learn how to use a fire extinguisher and make sure the pressure is at the right level.
  • Fire blanket. These are blankets made to smother (put out) fires. They are useful for most types of kitchen fires. When you use the blanket, fold part of it over your hands to prevent getting burned.
  • Rope/chain-link ladder. People use these types of ladders to safely exit from an upper story window. Plan how to use this type of ladder and make sure your children know what to do as well.
  • Fire safe box. Put important and valuable items in a “fire safe” box that will not burn in a fire. Items may include family photos, financial records, identification cards, and other important papers.
  • Nonflammable material. Use nonflammable materials (that cannot burn) outside and inside your house. These include nonflammable roof tiles, gutters, siding materials, insulation, furniture, and home decorations. 
  • Sprinkler system. If you are building a new home or fixing an old one, think about adding a sprinkler system (water sprinkles from the ceiling in a fire). Find out whether you can include the cost of a sprinkler in your mortgage.

Common fire hazards and ways to prevent them
Some parts of your home are more prone to fire than others. Here are ways to prevent some common types of fire hazards.


  • Stay in the kitchen at all times when you are cooking.
  • Point the handles of pots and pans toward the back of the stove.
  • Keep sleeves and towels away from heat and flames.
  • Smother a grease fire with a pan lid, baking soda or fire blanket. Do notput water on a grease fire. Call 911 and leave right away if the fire is out of control.

Space heaters

  • Make sure all your space heaters have a UL mark (meaning they have been tested by Underwriters Laboratories).
  • Place heaters at least 3 feet away from anything that can burn (such as papers).
  • Turn off a space heater when you leave the room or go to bed.
  • Choose space heaters that have automatic shut-off valves, heating guards, and other safety features.
  • Put the correct fuel in a liquid heater. Never fill the heater with gasoline or other substitute fuel.

Fireplaces and wood-burning stoves

  • Once each year have a service person inspect and clean your fireplace or wood-burning stove.
  • Always use a metal mesh screen and leave the glass doors open.
  • Put hot ashes in a metal container when the fire is done. Soak these ashes with water and put the container outside your home.
  • Do not leave fires unattended (without someone nearby). Make sure the fire is out before you leave or go to bed.

Electrical outlets, appliances and wiring

  • Put electrical cords over (not under) rugs and carpets.
  • Make sure that cords to your appliances are intact, not frayed.
  • Use a heating pad or electric blanket, but not both at the same time. Replace these items when they are more than 10 years old.
  • Do not overload (use too many) wall sockets, power strips or extension cords.
  • If you live in a house that is more than 30 years old, have an electrician check the inside wiring to see that it is up to code.

Trees, leaves, bushes, and other landscaping

  • Clear away all dead wood and dry leaves within 30 feet of your home.
  • Compost fallen leaves rather than burn them.
  • Trim all tree branches so they are at least 20 feet away from chimneys.

Other ways to protect your home in a disaster

  • Make a disaster plan. This includes knowing who to contact and where to meet in an emergency. 
  • Create a kit with emergency supplies and first aid kit. This includes food, drinking water, flashlights, batteries, and medications. 
  • Make a list of important phone numbers and put this list where you can quickly find it (such as on the refrigerator). This list should have emergency phone numbers including 911 and numbers for your local fire department, volunteer or rescue squad, and poison control center. Call 911 if there is an emergency and you are unsure what to do.
  • Organize a “personal support network” of people who can provide extra emergency help. This may include family members, friends, and neighbors who can assist you before or during an emergency.
  • Tell your local emergency agency and fire department if you have a disability.
  • Check your home insurance policy. Make sure it is current and find out what disaster costs insurance will cover (pay for).
  • Plan more than one way to escape from your house. Make sure all these ways are free of clutter.
  • Know how to shut off valves for gas, oil, water and the home’s main electrical supply. Put tags on these valves so you can quickly find them.
  • Install a carbon monoxide detector or one that detects both carbon monoxide and smoke. Also install a radon detector (radon is a type of gas that may cause lung cancer).

Plan now how to manage in any disaster. These plans may someday help you reduce the risk of injury, death, and property damage. 

Hurricane Matthew

11/4/2016 (Permalink)

When Hurricane Matthew hit the east coast, it was a very powerful and long-lived tropical cyclone which quickly became a category 5 hurricane.   SERVPRO of Athens is approximately a five hour drive to the Georgia coast.  However, teaming up with the SERVPRO Storm Team, we were in place and ready to go where our services were needed.  Our Technicians were eager to help out in any way necessary.  Our crews are highly trained and we use specialized equipment to restore customer’s property to its pre-storm condition.   Our fast response, was very important.  A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

Our technicians, were located in St. Augustine, FL for over two weeks.  Our production manager spoke of how grateful people were in the area to see them there and ready to help.  The trip was a success for all involved. 

 SERVPRO of Athens was honored to be able to assist the victims of Hurricane Matthew. 

SERVPRO is ready!

Damaged Materials

12/18/2015 (Permalink)

Removal and disposal of damaged materials is an integral part of water and fire damage restoration. This can include demolition of affected structural materials such as tile. Hardwoods, drywall, wood containing materials (baseboards, trim, and cabinetry) or carpet and pad that are wet due to a water damage from a clean water source are usually dried in place using specialty equipment. Although partial demolition is necessary on most water damages, our technicians work diligently to ensure that all materials that can be restored to a pre-loss condition are salvaged. In cases where materials come into contact with contaminated water only the affected portion will be cut away and disposed of, reducing the costs incurred and the amount of materials to be replaced.

Services in Downtown Athens

12/11/2015 (Permalink)

During recent flooding in August due to heavy rain, SERVPRO of Athens cleaned five properties in the downtown area. SERVPRO of Athens is proud that business owners in the downtown area rely on us for their water damage restoration needs.

Happy Holidays!

12/1/2015 (Permalink)

Happy Holidays from the staff at SERVPRO of Athens.

The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification

10/29/2015 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Athens and SERVPRO of Madison, Monticello & Madison are each a Certified Firm with The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification. We are proud to meet all of the IICRC standards for certification, including employing Individually Certified Technicians.

To gain IICRC status as a Certified Firm, SERVPRO of Athens and SERVPRO of Madison, Monticello & Madison must demonstrate Proof of Insurance, maintain a written Customer Complaint Policy with documented follow-up, provide on-going Education and Training leading to Certification for all Technicians and must abide by the IICRC Code of Ethics.

SERVPRO of Athens and SERVPRO of Madison, Monticello & Madison are committed to:

Presenting accurate information to Consumers and conducting business with honesty and integrity.

Having a Technician on all jobs who has been formally trained and passed all required tests.

Having a continuing education program to keep technicians up-to-date on the latest changes in the industry.

Maintaining liability insurance for protection in the event of an accident.

Maintaining a written complaint policy inclusive of post-complaint correspondence.

SERVPRO Corporate is an approved school with
The Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification

for the following IICRC Certification courses:

  • Applied Structural Drying
  • Carpet Cleaning Technician
  • Fire and Smoke Restoration Technician
  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Upholstery and Fabric Technician


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